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Dear Dcb...

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  • Hunni Bee
    Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
    I would do a lot of separation for this behavior. Go to the "cry corner" until you can use kind words, etc. He is old enough to start learning that you aren't going to let his bad behavior ruin everyone else's day.

    Sadly, my 5 year old is like this. She just picks at people and is dramatically sensitive if anyone picks back. The only thing that works is consistent separation where she knows that that behavior means no interaction, no attention, no friends, no fun over and over and over. She has periods where she does well and then big regressions where we separate until she remembers that mommy does not play that game.
    I agree. And I do. Its the only thing that even marginally works.


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  • cheerfuldom
    I would do a lot of separation for this behavior. Go to the "cry corner" until you can use kind words, etc. He is old enough to start learning that you aren't going to let his bad behavior ruin everyone else's day.

    Sadly, my 5 year old is like this. She just picks at people and is dramatically sensitive if anyone picks back. The only thing that works is consistent separation where she knows that that behavior means no interaction, no attention, no friends, no fun over and over and over. She has periods where she does well and then big regressions where we separate until she remembers that mommy does not play that game.

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  • permanentvacation
    Sounds like my 2 year old who's mother wouldn't let him sleep. He's the most hateful child, horribly mean to the other children, forces himself to scream/cry/whine at me whether I am reprimanding him or telling him to come eat. If I weren't so broke, I would have kicked him out months ago.

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  • EntropyControlSpecialist
    Oh dear.

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  • Unregistered
    Guest replied
    How old is this boy? I think I care for his twin. I feel your pain! My little guy is 2 1/2 and I pray everyday his mother puts him in preschool when he turns 3. I can't stand him or his mom.

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  • Hunni Bee
    started a topic Dear Dcb...

    Dear Dcb...

    ...If it seems like I am a bit done with you, rest assured, I am.

    Your behavior is horrid. You have no manners. You refused to do simple things for yourself. You are mean to your friends. You scream and cry for long periods if corrected. Your mother makes excuses for it all.

    So when you decided this morning that you would give all your friends new annoying names like "Boopa" and insist that was their name until they were near tears... and then after nap when you were still grumpy and they werent, and they laughed about something totally unrelated to you and proceeded to scream "Its not funny!" over and over...then this evening when you screamed at me because I didn't call your rubberband bracelet while I was taking roll...I was certainly done.

    We're going to have a very long year I see.


    Your irked teacher