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Why? Please Tell Me Why?

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  • Why? Please Tell Me Why?

    I know this subject has been discussed a million times but it just bothers me soooo much when people feed garbage to their kids. I know it's not the same, however, in my mind feeding your kid a candy bar and a Montain dew for breakfast is about the same as giving them a beer and a cigarette.It's just so disgusting! I try not to be too judgemental but when someone comes into my daycare knowing that not only do I not allow food to be brought in but that I serve healthy meals here also.Then to walk in and try to sit your kid at the table at 7:45a.m., knowing breakfast is at 8:00a.m. blows my mind (and my patience)
    I had homemade granola bars, fresh berries and milk ready to serve the children.
    I walked right over and picked it up and threw it into the trash right in front of her, she just stood there with a blank look on her face.I may have crossed the line but I really don't care! This is something I discuss in length at interviews. The more I think about it the madder I get! I know I , can't dictate what people feed their kids in their home but here, No, I will not let you serve your two year old candy and pop just because you bought junk for your school age kids!!! Ahhhhh!! Ok, I feel better now!

  • #2
    It's all a matter of perspective.

    What some folks think is healthy, I view as disgusting.

    I am sure it goes both ways.

    I just focus on the stuff I serve and let the parents deal with the rest of it.

    MUCH less stress for me that way.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

      1. people feed garbage to their kids.

      2. ..comes into my daycare knowing that I serve healthy meals here.
      Why? ::::

      #2 + a parent who wants to be the kids favorite + easier compliance from the kid for the commute = #1
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I got tired of the donuts and MickeyD breakfasts, so I changed my policy to "no food from home."

        I've had to mention it a couple of times - I say, "Oops, no food from home! If they need to eat that, take it outside or back to the car and come in when they're done!"

        In my policy, I blamed licensing (they do want all food to be labeled with the child's name) and (mythical) children with allergies.


        • #5
          what parents choose to feed their children is not any concern of mine, but breaking my rules on food from home, meal times, etc. is so I would address those issues with the parent as they are happening. Child walks in with food - whether healthy or not - look directly at parent and recite the rules from your contract. Rinse. Repeat.


          • #6
            I don't really care what a parent feeds a child at home. The rule is "no food/ drinks from home", so nothing comes inside. If they "need" to finish something they can do it in the car.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DaveArmour View Post
              I don't really care what a parent feeds a child at home. The rule is "no food/ drinks from home", so nothing comes inside. If they "need" to finish something they can do it in the car.
              Yep. But, then they tell me about the garbage they ate and I tell them, "Oh, that isn't very healthy."


              • #8
                yeah I dont get it either. I dont think that any parent really considers candy and soda healthy but they shove that little voice to the side in favor of keeping JR happy and quiet in the morning. Parents need to get over the urge to keep their child happy and quiet all the time. I would much rather have healthy, safe, well rounded, educated, etc. My kids arent happy all the time and arent quiet all the time.....I consider those signs that I am a good mom . They do cry because i tell them no and they do protest and I need to be okay with that.

                These type of parents just baffle me. I have one parent sending movie theatre size boxes of candy in a 2 year olds lunch box.....why???? I would never give candy to a 2 year old. I sent junk home day after day after day. Their child always ate the better parts of their lunch with no trouble. Why do adults think kids want or need candy all the time. She was fine to eat something like a sandwich and piece of fruit.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  I know this subject has been discussed a million times but it just bothers me soooo much when people feed garbage to their kids. I know it's not the same, however, in my mind feeding your kid a candy bar and a Montain dew for breakfast is about the same as giving them a beer and a cigarette.It's just so disgusting! I try not to be too judgemental but when someone comes into my daycare knowing that not only do I not allow food to be brought in but that I serve healthy meals here also.Then to walk in and try to sit your kid at the table at 7:45a.m., knowing breakfast is at 8:00a.m. blows my mind (and my patience)
                  I had homemade granola bars, fresh berries and milk ready to serve the children.
                  I walked right over and picked it up and threw it into the trash right in front of her, she just stood there with a blank look on her face.I may have crossed the line but I really don't care! This is something I discuss in length at interviews. The more I think about it the madder I get! I know I , can't dictate what people feed their kids in their home but here, No, I will not let you serve your two year old candy and pop just because you bought junk for your school age kids!!! Ahhhhh!! Ok, I feel better now!
                  They don't want them to cry.

                  Get up ... cry
                  Get dressed.... cry
                  Go potty.... cry
                  Get in the car.... cry
                  Sit in back seat for ride... cry
                  Get out of the car... cry
                  Walk up sidewalk to daycare door... cry
                  I leave you at daycare. Cry

                  If they get candy and sugar drinks they will do the above and not cry.

                  It's THAT simple. It doesn't have a thing to do with food or eating. It's about crying. Nothing more nothing less


                  • #10
                    it is what they all said..parents don't want to hear them cry so, they give them what they want, when they want because once they are at our house, PARENT does not have to deal with them anymore.

                    I think it was Cat Herder who said....return the favor, give their kid pixie sticks and mountain dew for the ride home. (sorry if I quoted the wrong person)

                    to give you a prospective, and no offense to you at all, but just to show you how different people can be, I think that granola bars are pure junk. Homemade or not.


                    • #11
                      You guys are right, it must be the crying.I know people differ in what they think is healthy but no one believes candy bars and pop is healthy.There's just no way! I disageee with the comment all granola bars are junk.Please tell me how oats, pureed dates, almond butter are junk? Please do?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        You guys are right, it must be the crying.I know people differ in what they think is healthy but no one believes candy bars and pop is healthy.There's just no way! I disageee with the comment all granola bars are junk.Please tell me how oats, pureed dates, almond butter are junk? Please do?
                        I think they mean commercial ones.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          You guys are right, it must be the crying.I know people differ in what they think is healthy but no one believes candy bars and pop is healthy.There's just no way! I disageee with the comment all granola bars are junk.Please tell me how oats, pureed dates, almond butter are junk? Please do?
                          I personally would not eat one because I am an extremest with my food and I eat nothing that is processed. Ok I lie, I eat hummus from whole foods or trader Joes......But that is it. I don't eat anything else processed. My kitchen cabinets are almost completely bare. I only hold the required caned/boxed food for my earthquake insurance.

                          My daycare food however, I am more flexible that I don't expect anyone else to eat this way. I was just trying to prove a point that everyone's healthy is a different idea. I have griped about families sending in prepackaged food and I hate it. But they only do that when we have parties, so I let it go.....

                          I DO think that this would be an ok option to serve kids, I would not be able to, as I have to kids with NUT allergies, so I serve zero nuts and can claim I am a nut free zone as I don't have any food that comes in boxes or bags that was manufactured at a place that may or may not have been contaminated with nuts.


                          • #14
                            I nannied for a family who only served their children processed junk (which is highly unusual in this area). I still watch the kids on occasion, so I know their diets haven't changed.
                            The parents are both lawyers, but they have no common sense when it comes to their kids diets.

                            The oldest boy only eats (and this is no exaggeration)..... Chicken nuggets, smiley fries, hotdogs, white bagels as is, pizza with no cheese, frozen pancakes with tons of syrup, and snacks (chips, cookies, etc).
                            If he does eat a more natural chicken strip (not the nugget and never plain chicken), he will cover it with table salt. He only drinks apple juice and a bit of water. On Thanksgiving, he told me he ate a plate of cookies with apple juice. He never eats anything natural, nor is he every made to. He has been this way since I have known him (age 2.5).
                            This boy (who is now 10) has yellow teeth and a mouthful of cavities. The mom chaulks it up to not giving him flourinated toothpaste early enough.....

                            The youngest boy (who is now 7), will venture out a bit more than his brother. He will eat a banana, watermelon, or yogurt, if it is offered to him. But the parents don't provide these foods, so it is me giving it to him.... Mind you, the parents stay fit. The dad runs the Boston Marathon every year and no one is obese in the family.
                            This boy is offered the same diet as his brother. All processed and full of sugar/no fiber.
                            This boys still wets the bed every night (he wears pull ups). His stomach is protruding and he can't go to the bathroom (he will go two weeks without a bowel movement). He has dark circles, vomits bile, and when he has these bouts from constipation, he is in so much pain.
                            I tried talking to the mom and she said the kids are fine/ their diet is fine....
                            I really believe the youngest boys bed wetting may stem from the constipation (his colon may be impacted).

                            I know they are not my children and there isn't much I can do.... I tried, but was dismissed. And these are just the effects we see on the outside. I would hate to see the other problems that may arrise over the years... :-/

                            Also- This family is so nice and they do care about their children. The mom only works part-time and the grandparents play a big role in helping with childcare.
                            The just do things a bit odd. Like..... They didn't potty train the boys until they were 5 years old. The 7 year old will play in his pee soaked pull up all morning without a care (until the mom tells/ or helps him get dressed). The oldest boy still doesn't know how to tie his own shoes. They tie them in the morning and if they come undone, he leaves them like that.... They buy designer clothes for their kids, but buy them a size too small.... It is almost like the mom is in denial about their age (and self help skills), but yet, they are very good boys. The parents are strict on manners and the boys are very happy go lucky (never had trantrums, never act spoiled).....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I nannied for a family who only served their children processed junk (which is highly unusual in this area). I still watch the kids on occasion, so I know their diets haven't changed.
                              The parents are both lawyers, but they have no common sense when it comes to their kids diets.

                              The oldest boy only eats (and this is no exaggeration)..... Chicken nuggets, smiley fries, hotdogs, white bagels as is, pizza with no cheese, frozen pancakes with tons of syrup, and snacks (chips, cookies, etc).
                              If he does eat a more natural chicken strip (not the nugget and never plain chicken), he will cover it with table salt. He only drinks apple juice and a bit of water. On Thanksgiving, he told me he ate a plate of cookies with apple juice. He never eats anything natural, nor is he every made to. He has been this way since I have known him (age 2.5).
                              This boy (who is now 10) has yellow teeth and a mouthful of cavities. The mom chaulks it up to not giving him flourinated toothpaste early enough.....

                              The youngest boy (who is now 7), will venture out a bit more than his brother. He will eat a banana, watermelon, or yogurt, if it is offered to him. But the parents don't provide these foods, so it is me giving it to him.... Mind you, the parents stay fit. The dad runs the Boston Marathon every year and no one is obese in the family.
                              This boy is offered the same diet as his brother. All processed and full of sugar/no fiber.
                              This boys still wets the bed every night (he wears pull ups). His stomach is protruding and he can't go to the bathroom (he will go two weeks without a bowel movement). He has dark circles, vomits bile, and when he has these bouts from constipation, he is in so much pain.
                              I tried talking to the mom and she said the kids are fine/ their diet is fine....
                              I really believe the youngest boys bed wetting may stem from the constipation (his colon may be impacted).

                              I know they are not my children and there isn't much I can do.... I tried, but was dismissed. And these are just the effects we see on the outside. I would hate to see the other problems that may arrise over the years... :-/

                              Also- This family is so nice and they do care about their children. The mom only works part-time and the grandparents play a big role in helping with childcare.
                              The just do things a bit odd. Like..... They didn't potty train the boys until they were 5 years old. The 7 year old will play in his pee soaked pull up all morning without a care (until the mom tells/ or helps him get dressed). The oldest boy still doesn't know how to tie his own shoes. They tie them in the morning and if they come undone, he leaves them like that.... They buy designer clothes for their kids, but buy them a size too small.... It is almost like the mom is in denial about their age (and self help skills), but yet, they are very good boys. The parents are strict on manners and the boys are very happy go lucky (never had trantrums, never act spoiled).....
                              You have to forgive me, but some of this sounds like abuse to me. They may "love their kids" but sometimes you can be a loving parent and be abusive. Playing in a pee soaked anything all morning is at least neglect. Not potty training until 5? Well that is also at least neglect in a child without a medical/mental issue to prevent it.

