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Shoes On or Shoes Off??

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  • Shoes On or Shoes Off??

    I have been always a "Shoes Off" in the house Mommy/ Provider. I must admit that lately I have not been taking my daughters off each and every time. We have to go in and out of the house 3 times within an hour to get our DCG's off the bus so I am being lazy. We recently had a new floor put in and the dirt does not show . What does everyone do with shoes???
    Proud Mommy of Six...

  • #2
    Originally posted by busymommy0420 View Post
    I have been always a "Shoes Off" in the house Mommy/ Provider. I must admit that lately I have not been taking my daughters off each and every time. We have to go in and out of the house 3 times within an hour to get our DCG's off the bus so I am being lazy. We recently had a new floor put in and the dirt does not show . What does everyone do with shoes???
    Shoes off must wear socks.


    • #3
      We are shoes-off.
      I do have a tiny rug right inside the door so that a parent can step inside in boots or shoes to sign in.
      For myself, I keep slip-on shoes in the entry for those quick ins and outs.


      • #4
        We tried lots of different ways but ended up with "inside shoes". We provide crocs for each child, they take off their outside shoes and slip into their crocs when they come in. The children can take off/put on by themselves easily and they are not slippery on our laminate floor. We had a problem with socks getting grimy (even though we sweep and mop daily) so the crocs solved that problem too.


        • #5
          Kids take their shoes off outside the door and put them on a rack.


          • #6
            No shoes, although I am not especially hyper about it with the dcp's. The kids, yes, but sometimes I give the parents a pass because they are just coming in to see what's going on in the playroom (which they can't see from the front door), and it'd take too long to take their shoes off, check in with me, get their child, put their shoes on, then their child's shoes on, etc.


            • #7
              Shoes off.

              No shoes beyond our entryway/coatroom.

              It's never an issue around here as it's pretty common in my neck of the woods to remove shoes before entering someone's home so everyone just instinctively does it.


              • #8
                Shoes off , socks on .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JoseyJo View Post
                  We tried lots of different ways but ended up with "inside shoes". We provide crocs for each child, they take off their outside shoes and slip into their crocs when they come in. The children can take off/put on by themselves easily and they are not slippery on our laminate floor. We had a problem with socks getting grimy (even though we sweep and mop daily) so the crocs solved that problem too.
                  That is a great idea!!! Do you charge a fee for this or is it included in your enrollment or tuition fees?
                  I have a sign at the door that says "Take off your shoes and rock your socks".


                  • #10
                    I ask parents to provide "inside shoos" for their children.


                    • #11
                      I wear shoes so I can run poop diapers outside or in case of an emergency. I don't care whether the children wear shoes, socks, or neither. I have a carpet cleaner and clean regularly so it doesn't matter.


                      • #12
                        Kids are shoes off. Parents have a space to keep shoes on. The floor is foam, so it stays warm and isn't slippery.


                        • #13
                          Shoes on. Maybe its how you grow up and the area you live in. I grew up with leaving shoes on in the house. Even my extended family leaves shoes on. In all my 42 years I have only been asked to remove my shoes at one home and that was an family that was from India.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
                            I wear shoes so I can run poop diapers outside or in case of an emergency. I don't care whether the children wear shoes, socks, or neither. I have a carpet cleaner and clean regularly so it doesn't matter.
                            We have hardwood floors & kids can wear what they want here too. Most will take theirs off after we come inside, some will leave them on. Mine stay on.

                            Once we had a fire drill with the state inspector. As we were coming in, the kids who normally take theirs off went to the shoe box to remove their shoes. Only then did they notice they didn't have theirs on, .


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
                              I wear shoes so I can run poop diapers outside or in case of an emergency. I don't care whether the children wear shoes, socks, or neither. I have a carpet cleaner and clean regularly so it doesn't matter.
                              This is what we do. The only difference is I have "outside shoes" for the backyard. Mainly because if I'm out back I check on the chickens & ducks & don't want to track any mess from there inside.

