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When Do You Shovel?

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  • When Do You Shovel?

    When do you shovel your front walk/driveway if it snows overnight? I woke up to an inch of snow this morning (there was nothing at midnight!) and my first dck (well only for the day but still) arrives between 6:30 and 7 AM. Am I "supposed" to (the quotes are to imply that I know I can what I darn well please, but I don't know what dcps expect) get up before any of the kids arrive and shovel the drive and walk (when there's more than a paltry inch; I'm thinking at least 3-4 inches)?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I doubt that most parents shovel their drive and sidewalk before they leave the house in the morning, so I don't think we should have to either. I do shovel my front steps early (but my earliest is here at 7:50) because they could be pretty dangerous if snow/ice covered.


    • #3
      I broom it if I possibly can porch, steps and a 3 foot wide strip to the street. I have them park in the street run their kid in and leave. I let them know this. If they park in the drive and get their feet wet or their hybrid stuck I'm not pushing them out .
      Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
      When do you shovel your front walk/driveway if it snows overnight? I woke up to an inch of snow this morning (there was nothing at midnight!) and my first dck (well only for the day but still) arrives between 6:30 and 7 AM. Am I "supposed" to (the quotes are to imply that I know I can what I darn well please, but I don't know what dcps expect) get up before any of the kids arrive and shovel the drive and walk (when there's more than a paltry inch; I'm thinking at least 3-4 inches)?


      • #4
        This is my first year with my daycare and I live in southern Ohio so it snows *maybe* a inch here and there until February when it snows a little more. So we salted the steps and whatever is left has been trampled down. Im orginally from Buffalo and my family just got 4 feet last weekend. I 'ed as we salted our steps from the rain/snow mix that trickled down as my brother had to call a plow to come through pretty much to shovel his driveway. So if youre like me and it snows a inch Id say salt and drive up and down your driveway a bit to "shovel". If you live in better parts of the country where it actually snows normally then well, HAVE FUN WITH THAT
        "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


        • #5
          I shovel whenever there is an inch or more of snow...I have rediculously dressed moms..(stiletto heels and such ?!?!) and make a point of telling them that if they don't wear proper footwear for the season, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for any issues they have. I do shovel after a good inch but not before.....oh, and I have to gloat..we just poured a new sidewalk 2 summers is extra wide and it is heated!!! Makes ice build up impossible so I am loving it!!


          • #6
            Shovel snow?????? ummmm, never! LOL, I live in Arkansas, we only get shovel worthy snow about every 8-10 years!


            • #7
              Erin's Daycare, I'm in central OH. OUr snow is usually like yours but this year has been weird!
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                i have 15 inches already, and have lost my "free" snow shoveler/snow plower. (my FIL is in a nursing home for rehab from a brain tumor, he lives around the corner and was here constantly) so this year, my hubby shovels/plows before he leaves, around 5 a.m. i try to brush off the sidewalk before first arrival at 7:30 if i need to. then after that, its "tough it out"... i did sneak out at nap the other day to at least shovel the walk again, ( it snowed all morning). ive warned all the parents to wear boots and be careful. i, toohave parents show up in heels, or one dad wears loafers, its like duhhh!!!!! we have a super long driveway, so if worse comes to worse, they can wait by the road and i'd send the kiddos out, or they can trek in. they all have 4 wheel drive, and we live on a mountain, so they are all used to it anyway. (we had 5 feet last year) ive called a couple of plow guys, but none can promise me to be here before p.m. pick ups, so i said forget it. we'll just have to make due. the biggest issue is i have to be able to get out at 3 o'clock to go pick up the SA off the bus, 2 miles away, soive just been parking down at the end of my driveway facing out in case it snows heavy during the day, i wont have much to shovel out. but boy, what a pain the bus situation is!!!!!


                • #9
                  When my boys were still living at home we always had the driveway and walks shoveled before anyone showed up. My husband will do it now if it's more than an inch or so, but there have been times he's not available so I just sweep off the porch and steps and let the parents deal with the driveway. I don't think anyone really expects it to be done, but I would imagine they appreciate it if it is.


                  • #10
                    We got around an inch last night, maybe a little less. I wouldn't shovel for that, but I noticed when I was getting up and around this morning that my neighbor (dcprovider also) was up shoveling the drive. LOL


                    • #11
                      For 11 winters I have been out shoveling snow before 6am to make sure everything is clear and safe for clients. Just this morning we had a good inch, and I shoveled. I guess I do it to prevent accidents and if I shovel and do everything I can on my end, if they fall, I hope I have my ass covered.

                      No one in my family helps....just this morning I couldn't get the snowblower to work, told my hubby and the lazyass just laid in bed and I had to use the shovel.......and I have a big driveway. We tend to get a lot of snow, not unusual to get several inches to 2 foot drifts.


                      • #12
                        My husband or myself shovel every morning if we need to...I should let the moms fall on their asses but I dont .. ha ha..kidding.
                        They are my clients. I dont need anyone slipping and breaking their leg on my property...One of my husbands employees slipped and fell on the ice on his driveway last week and broke his leg in three places had to have surgery that same day...Id rather shovel than be sorry !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Erin's Daycare View Post
                          This is my first year with my daycare and I live in southern Ohio so it snows *maybe* a inch here and there until February when it snows a little more. So we salted the steps and whatever is left has been trampled down. Im orginally from Buffalo and my family just got 4 feet last weekend. I 'ed as we salted our steps from the rain/snow mix that trickled down as my brother had to call a plow to come through pretty much to shovel his driveway. So if youre like me and it snows a inch Id say salt and drive up and down your driveway a bit to "shovel". If you live in better parts of the country where it actually snows normally then well, HAVE FUN WITH THAT
                          Hi Erin! I'm in southern Ohio too! Near Cincy


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                            For 11 winters I have been out shoveling snow before 6am to make sure everything is clear and safe for clients. Just this morning we had a good inch, and I shoveled. I guess I do it to prevent accidents and if I shovel and do everything I can on my end, if they fall, I hope I have my ass covered.
                            I'm with you Mac! The insurance co. will still go after the homeowner for any medical bills related to a fall, but at least I would feel better knowing I had tried to clear everything. DH shovels/snow blows before he leaves for work, assuming it's done snowing. I hate the thought of having anyone fall on our sidewalk, driveway, or steps. We take every precaution possible to have it cleared before anyone gets here to avoid falls by dcks, mailman, etc. If it snows during the day, I try to get out to shovel a path from the drive to the front door during nap time. If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done and parents understand since it's during the day. Besides, city code says we have to have sidewalks cleared 24 hours after a snowfall. I'm in WI, so snow is common. We are suppose to get 5-10 inches tomorrow!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kitkat View Post
                              I'm in WI, so snow is common. We are suppose to get 5-10 inches tomorrow!
                              I wish!!! I'm in Minnesota and right now they are saying to expect between 8 and 16 inches of snow. I'll have to start the tractor and plow with that. We only shovel a concrete pad that is right outside our door. It's 2'x3'. Everything else gets plowed.

                              I was lucky last year and the times that wee needed to plow my husband happened to be home. I'm not going to be that lucky this year.
                              Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.

