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Window Coverings

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  • Window Coverings

    I have big windows, I'm so stuck as what to do with them. I bought balcony blinds, kids ripped them out, bought curtains but I think I need better ones, I bought wicker blinds and when you pull them up, they roll up so that was a pain. The windows are 76 long by 72 dumb size I know but I need something.

  • #2
    We have giant windows, too, and we had a company come in to put privacy window film up. It is the type that you can't see in from the outside, and it cuts the glare from the sun, too. I'm not entirely thrilled with the look from the outside, but they are on the back of the house, so I'll live with it. It is awesome, though, when it blocks out the heat from the sun without blocking the view.


    • #3
      Originally posted by countrymom View Post
      I have big windows, I'm so stuck as what to do with them. I bought balcony blinds, kids ripped them out, bought curtains but I think I need better ones, I bought wicker blinds and when you pull them up, they roll up so that was a pain. The windows are 76 long by 72 dumb size I know but I need something.
      When you say 76 long by that 76 inches from the ground up and 72 inches wide? Do you have a door or it's just a window? That's huge!
      Have you tried to use two or three standard blinds and put them side by side across? If they don't touch the bottom part by the floor it's okay because you could avoid putting sleeping cots/mats under that area so the kids are out of the sun. You could also toss a few pillows on the floor over there to completely block the light. Are you able to put up the sliding heavy-duty curtains? My grandma has them in her kitchen, so I know this style has been around a long time! I can't think exactly what it is called.

      Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
      We have giant windows, too, and we had a company come in to put privacy window film up. It is the type that you can't see in from the outside, and it cuts the glare from the sun, too. I'm not entirely thrilled with the look from the outside, but they are on the back of the house, so I'll live with it. It is awesome, though, when it blocks out the heat from the sun without blocking the view.
      Does this peel off easily or do you not really see the film on the window from the inside? Is it expensive? Does this block out light too?


      • #4
        Vertical blinds work well. I have them up in my front window and my window is about the same size. I bought them from JCPenney for under $100. They last forever and are very easy to keep clean. You can put curtains or sheers over them too if you want.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Abigail View Post
          Does this peel off easily or do you not really see the film on the window from the inside? Is it expensive? Does this block out light too?
          No, it doesn't peel off. I suppose it might if you really tried to get it off. We got the privacy style so that we would not have to put curtains on the windows (I really like the open feeling of the big windows across the back of my house), so it's a bit darker than some of the styles, but it doesn't detract from the view at all, it is just a little darker than looking through clear glass. It cost $600 to have someone come in to put it up, that's for three windows that are approximately 9' wide by 7.5' tall, but my dh knew the owner of the business so he may have gotten a discount on the price, I'm not sure.


          • #6
            i have huge windows and they have drapes where you pull the cord to open/close them. my husband's grandmother was a seamstress so i don't know how much it costs to have someone make/install them (if people do that anymore?) but i love them. i don't have blinds and the sun stays out when they're closed and i can open them however much i want to let the light come in.


            • #7
              I have Romans too, but do they come that big?


              • #8
                I have big windows too, facing the road no less. I have wooden shutters on the bottom of the window (Home Depot) and valance curtains at the top. It gives us privacy while still let in plenty of light and we're able to see the mountains/view without seeing the road. I love it! They're pretty resilient to children as well.


                • #9
                  I have drapes that I pull up and tie with a ribbon so the kids can't reach them while they are playing. It looks horrible but at this moment I don't feel like investing big bucks in a window covering that I will change as soon as I stop doing daycare (fingers crossed for 2015) My whole house needs paint and new carpet/flooring but I am not doing anymore cosmetic work until then.

