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Parents Running Errands While Child Is In Daycare Vent

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  • Parents Running Errands While Child Is In Daycare Vent

    First of all, I understand Christmas is coming up but really?!? I have a family that has a 7 month old and he screams all the time and they are not doing anything to help out with that because they constantly hold him. At least once a week I receive a text from the mom that she has to get her oil changed, hair cut, run an errand, or take a nap. At first I was like no problem because this is her first child and I am sure she is tired but daycare is not for errands! It simply is for work and especially when he screams all day it really makes me a little upset when she comes in looking completely refreshed and I don't have the nerve to say anything to her....I already had to talk to the family about a payment issue and she was fine with it only to get yelled at in the morning by her husband....anyways, am I wrong for feeling like I am getting taken advantage of by her running errands instead of picking up her child after work? I have been thinking about writing a note for all the families but don't know what to say - this is my first year and I am feeling like I bend to every family instead of putting my foot down! Ugh, don't know if this family is really worth it!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    First of all, I understand Christmas is coming up but really?!? I have a family that has a 7 month old and he screams all the time and they are not doing anything to help out with that because they constantly hold him. At least once a week I receive a text from the mom that she has to get her oil changed, hair cut, run an errand, or take a nap. At first I was like no problem because this is her first child and I am sure she is tired but daycare is not for errands! It simply is for work and especially when he screams all day it really makes me a little upset when she comes in looking completely refreshed and I don't have the nerve to say anything to her....I already had to talk to the family about a payment issue and she was fine with it only to get yelled at in the morning by her husband....anyways, am I wrong for feeling like I am getting taken advantage of by her running errands instead of picking up her child after work? I have been thinking about writing a note for all the families but don't know what to say - this is my first year and I am feeling like I bend to every family instead of putting my foot down! Ugh, don't know if this family is really worth it!
    Have you thought about changing your hours to contracted only? So if mom works 8-4, dad works 7:30-4:00 your hours would be 7:00 am - 4:30 pm. Anything beyond those hours or before them would be considered overtime. If parents had to pay extra they may re-consider leaving a child longer. Or when mom makes the request say you'd be happy to watch little screamer but you will charge $10 per hour or any part of an hour beyond her normal pick-up time. Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Is she on time for pick up? If she's late, then you have an issue. If she is within her scheduled time, probably not.

      I totally understand where you are coming from, but depending on how your contract is worded, there isn't much you can do. Truthfully, I have had people who only work 1 or 2 days a week, bring thier children 5 days a week while they sat at home. If they are paying for it, they get to do what they want.

      If the problem is the sceaming is getting to you, that is the issue you need to address. You may need to have a sit down with parents and suggest that they reduce the child's time in daycare because it is causing too much stress for the baby. Remember to focus on the needs of the child as opposed to yours.

      As for the payment issue and having the parent yell at you....that is grounds for immediate termination. If you allow a parent to yell at you, you will loose whatever battles occur in the future. If it should happen again let him/her know in no uncertain terms that they will be respectful of you and your policies or they will need to find immediate alternative care. Then follow through.

      Good luck! I'm sorry that you have a sucky client.


      • #4
        Depending on my mood, it irritates me when parents run errands, etc. while their child is in care but, in my opinion, if they're paying me for the day then the day is theirs to do with as they wish. Just don't go on about your relaxing massage and lunch out with the girls while I stand there in my grubbies, peas in my hair, cheerios stuck to my butt and goodness knows what on my shirt...::
        Doing what I love and loving what I do.


        • #5
          Originally posted by lianne View Post
          depending on my mood, it irritates me when parents run errands, etc. While their child is in care but, in my opinion, if they're paying me for the day then the day is theirs to do with as they wish. Just don't go on about your relaxing massage and lunch out with the girls while i stand there in my grubbies, peas in my hair, cheerios stuck to my butt and goodness knows what on my shirt...::


          • #6
            Jen is completely correct in my opinion.....


            • #7
              One of my daycare parents just told me that she will be bringing her child week prior to Christmas, she also told me that she is off work and plans to get her shopping done during that time. Do I care, a little the time with my own kids would be nice, but will I do anything about it or say anything, nope! As long as they are paying me, on time and I have no other issues, so far as I'm concerned they can do what they want! If I really wanted the time I could have taken it off.

              It does sound like you have other issues that need to be discussed. It sounds like it's the child, not the time she is taking to run around that bothers you most. If it were a different child , didn't cry and was wonderful, would you feel the same?


              • #8
                That used to bother me at first but now I just let it go. They are paying for up to 10hrs a day so honestly I don't really care what they are doing while they are gone. Whether it be working, shopping, working out, etc. As long as they are picking up on time and paying on time I'm ok with it.

                For example I know one of my dcds has this whole week off but they are here 7a on the nose and mom is picking up right at 5p. Don't sweat the small stuff....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SunflowerMama View Post
                  That used to bother me at first but now I just let it go. They are paying for up to 10hrs a day so honestly I don't really care what they are doing while they are gone. Whether it be working, shopping, working out, etc. As long as they are picking up on time and paying on time I'm ok with it.

                  For example I know one of my dcds has this whole week off but they are here 7a on the nose and mom is picking up right at 5p. Don't sweat the small stuff....
                  I agree. Actually, I don't even want to know what parents are doing with their time, I don't feel like it's any of my business. I'm being paid from 7:30 - 4:30, and I feel those hours are theirs to use in whatever way they like. I didn't always feel like that, but it's much less irritating to look at it this way.


                  • #10
                    Yes, you have a right to be aggravated. Same here. Mom comes in an HOUR late last night, car frull of groceries. She hold the 7 month old all day at home so he screams and by the 10th hour just like you I'm done! She is off Friday but dropping him anyway b/c she needs to get things done. HA! I do everything with 4 to 7 kids here! Amazing what we can get done when we are used to it. I feel you vent!::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Luna View Post
                      Actually, I don't even want to know what parents are doing with their time, I don't feel like it's any of my business. I'm being paid from 7:30 - 4:30, and I feel those hours are theirs to use in whatever way they like.
                      Totaly agree! I'm being paid to watch their kid while they are working, running errends, or sleeping..Who am I to say what they can and cannot do during the time they are paying me.


                      • #12
                        It irritates me for the kids sake. I feel bad that the parents choose to not spend those extra hours with their children or days if they have off and drop off anyway. I have parents like this, so for me I look it as if they dont want to spend time with their children then I gladly will

                        Okay maybe not everyday is gladly ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by legomom922 View Post
                          Totaly agree! I'm being paid to watch their kid while they are working, running errends, or sleeping..Who am I to say what they can and cannot do during the time they are paying me.
                          I agree. I'm open 7:30-5:30, What they do is up to them. They pay me for the time, period.


                          • #14
                            Yeah..they pay you for your time...But be a parent..spend time with your kids - they grow up WAY to fast !

                            Money is NEVER more important than spending time with my kids.


                            • #15
                              I have a problem with it because I have one parent who does everything on the days off but when I ask for a day off she squacks so much its rediculous. But I charge for the time you are here, I don't charge for the spot, I did this on purpose to eliminate nonsense like that but what I also get is parents who like to lie to be where they are.

