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Fussy 7 month old

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  • Fussy 7 month old

    I own a family child care and I would like an opinion on something. One my little 7 month olds (a twin) has developed this habit of screaming at the top of her lungs and almost hyperventilating unless I am right in front of her face. If I have to change another child's diaper or turn to talk to another child she screams and starts throwing her arms and legs around. I talk to her even when I am across the room filling in their daily sheets or changing a diaper so she can hear my voice but she will only calm down when I am sitting right near her. We have been working on object permanence so she can understand I am still there even if I am not in direct sight but it doesn't seem to be working. I know there is nothing wrong physically and she's not hungry because she has a set schedule (she's even starting to refuse food). I don't want her to make herself sick but unfortunately she has to share me as I am the only teacher with 3 other kids soon to be 5. Any suggestions on how I can help her would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Is the child held a lot at home? Unfortunately, all you can do is talk to her and keep her in your lap when it's playtime, and slowly move her out of your lap to in front of you, and even further as she gets more comfortable. Is she crawling yet or meeting milestones? I find the more a child can do (like sit up, crawl, walk), the less they want "me" and they want to explore on their own. For some kids, it's a phase. Others are just more needy, and it is frustrating.


    • #3
      She is held at home but not a lot. She is a twin so mom has to share time between both her and her brother. She is meeting her developmental milestones. She isn't crawling yet but will be within the next month hopefully. What's strange is that she is fine and playing with toys and as soon as I get up either telling her I am going to or doing it while she is distracted she screams until I come back. I am hoping it is just a phase because I have to be able to share my cuddles and playtime equally with all the children enrolled.


      • #4
        will only calm down when I am sitting right near her
        What's strange is that she is fine and playing with toys and as soon as I get up either telling her I am going to or doing it while she is distracted she screams until I come back.
        Have the parents had her vision checked? At 7 months (& likely a premmie) it wouldn't be uncommon for her not to grasp the concept of object permanence yet, but I'm wondering if she's content looking at something close up like toys and suddenly looks up to see your not there she could have vision probs (focus/eyes not fully uncrossed yet) ?

