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Blocks And Train Tracks

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  • Blocks And Train Tracks

    Another important question.

    What do you do about Godzilla that comes in and continually destroys the buildings and train tracks?

    I feel like all I do is hover around the builders trying to protect them from the incoming (2 and under) godzilla kids that come in and knock their stuff down or rip up their tracks.

    Sometimes I have them build on table in my kitchen which helps... and other times I end up with little tiny people in time out - but the amount of time and energy I exert trying to help the builders work on their masterpieces are draining.

    and this was going on even when my playroom had their centers.. It seems anytime an older kid (4) is engrossed in something - the lil guys MUST get at them and whatever they are doing. :confused:

  • #2
    The only thing I can think of is to separate your room with a long gate and have the older kids away from the littles. Otherwise, you just teach the older kids to be patient with the littles, and just build it back up when their buildings/train tracks get knocked over. It's totally age appropriate for the littles to knock over the buildings and such, so it's something we just deal with here. I help them build their things back up when they get destroyed.


    • #3
      Yeah, we try to have the kids do things that require building and some sort of assembly where the "Godzilla's" are unable to get to them. I usually put the baby gate up and the "Godzilla's" just stand at the gate and watch....I do this for the kids who sometimes want to put on a big spread in the play kitchen area too....they set their little table and put their babies in the high chairs and set up house.....a babygate keeps the real babies out.


      • #4
        I have one of those octagon shaped toddler fences and that's what we use to seperate the young'uns from the older kiddos. Funny thing is, I don't have to think of it ... the older kids do and THEY are actually the ones want to be fenced in . We set it up and they bring in the building toys that they want to play with and the little ones play outside of the fence. Works well for me because I olny have 2 (a 3 yo and a 5 yo) that play in the fence so they have plenty of building room. The younger kids sometimes look in to see what's going on but don't really fuss over not being able to go in themselves.


        • #5
          I struggle with this, but I only have one older one. It's interesting to see other people's solutions. My solution has been to just put away the train tracks and wooden blocks--Duplos and bristle blocks are harder for the littles to destroy! and she can do trains when the dcks aren't here (my older is my own). BUT--I like some of the suggestions mentioned here.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Happens here too! I usually put tracks up on the train table or blocks on a table a little more out of reach. Unfortunately though neither is high enough!

            I just keep re-directing the little ones, until I can't take it anymore, then I try to get everyone onto something else we can all do together!

