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Would You Take a Biter?

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  • Kabob
    Originally posted by Leigh View Post
    I would work with a biter who was a current DCK (under 3). I would not accept a biter, though-why ask for that? I especially wouldn't take one when I had an infant to care for-to keep the infant safe from biting and because of the time that the infant needs (you may not be able to intervene in time if you are feeding baby when Jaws attacks).

    Ultimately, you just need to do what you are comfortable with.
    Also a good point. Reminded of the story on here of someone's infant getting bitten and them having to pry the child off their infant. That thought scares me. I don't need that stress.

    I guess we'll see at the interview. If the mom seems to be on board with things then perhaps it's worth a shot...I take a risk that parents are hiding this issue and more from me when enrolling new least I know what I'm getting into...if I choose to get into it.

    Again, good perspectives. Gives me food for thought.

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  • Leigh
    I would work with a biter who was a current DCK (under 3). I would not accept a biter, though-why ask for that? I especially wouldn't take one when I had an infant to care for-to keep the infant safe from biting and because of the time that the infant needs (you may not be able to intervene in time if you are feeding baby when Jaws attacks).

    Ultimately, you just need to do what you are comfortable with.

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  • nothingwithoutjoy
    Also...good that you know about it right upfront. That way you'll know to have eyes on her right away, and can stop it before it happens, setting the tone for how things will go in your home right from the start.

    Good luck! Hope they turn out to be two of your best kids!

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  • Kabob
    Now I don't feel so crazy for scheduling this interview. Thanks for putting it into perspective for me.

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  • AmyKidsCo
    Since it sounds like the older one would be a good playmate for your son I'd give them a trial period.

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  • daycare
    Ihave taken bitters before and they never once bit in my place. I think a lot of it has to do with ratios, being proactive and the environment. That child has been here a little over a year.

    I agree if the child was older no way....

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  • Kabob
    Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
    Biting is developmentally appropriate for a 1 yr old. I'd totally take the child and work on the biting. If you'd said it was a 4 or 5 yr old I'd be more cautious.
    Yeah, I wouldn't have even bothered with an interview if the child was older...just not something I'm ready to deal with right now.

    It sounds like the child starting biting in response to being bitten...but I guess it would help to see these kids in action. Kinda concerned my son's speech therapist hinted that the older girl was a "handful" and suggested me because I have a smaller group so I can offer more "attention and structure that she needs." Who knows? I took on a 1 yo dcg that screamed and cried and didn't nap at all at her previous daycare and yet here she napped perfectly from day 1 and has always been my happiest and best behaved child (and is now 2).

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  • AmyKidsCo
    Biting is developmentally appropriate for a 1 yr old. I'd totally take the child and work on the biting. If you'd said it was a 4 or 5 yr old I'd be more cautious.

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  • Kabob
    started a topic Would You Take a Biter?

    Would You Take a Biter?

    My son's speech therapist referred a dcm to me that wants to interview tomorrow. Dcm has 2 kids - a 1 yo dcg and 2.5 yo dcg. 2.5 yo dcg is seeing the same speech therapist; dcm is concerned about her lack of potty training skills (I'm ds also isn't there yet and I'm waiting on better communication with him). 1 yo dcg is a biter. Both girls are at a center, and dcm blames the center, as she thinks it is "too chaotic" and also 1 yo dcg apparently was bitten multiple times before she started biting. Dcm is upset because dcg is now getting sent home "almost daily" for biting. She thinks the biting could be resolved in a smaller daycare setting, as she says at home, when dcg bites she firmly tells dcg "NO" and moves her.

    I have 4 dcks in my care right now, one of them being my 9 week old dd, but for the most part my group is pretty chill right now. Would it be worth giving dcm a 2 week trial period (assuming we decide we're a good fit for each other tomorrow)? Or should I run away screaming between the biting and adding another child with delayed speech to my group? I like my I want to weigh my options before I'm potentially put on the spot tomorrow...