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Focusing on Infant/Toddler Care?

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  • Focusing on Infant/Toddler Care?

    Happy Monday all! :hug:

    I have been receiving e-mails/calls a lot lately, especially with school starting back up. The majority of the inquierers need infant care. In my state (NJ) I am allowed 3 infants under the age of 1 in addition to 1 child under the age of 2.

    I'm really considering focusing my daycare on infant care. I have worked with infants for many years and find that I'm quite good with the younger children. Don't get me wrong, I love preschool age children, but if I had a choice, infants would be my pick.

    Would I be crazy to revamp my daycare and only take infants/younger toddlers? Even if I got a good group of infants in here and let them grow up in my daycare and age out at 4, I would be thrilled.

    Our city offers free preschool at age 4, so it's very difficult to get the preschool age children in here. The ones that I have had are only part-time at best.

    If I do decide to do this, what are some things to consider? I'm sure I'm overlooking a lot, but this has been on my mind for a while.

  • #2
    actually in NJ you are only allowed 3 under one year with no additional kids or four children under two with only 2 of them being under a year. (my manual expires this year so maybe they are changing it for next year???)

    I prefer to have the max of 5 kids income wise but most tend to leave my care about age 3.5 to go to preschoo/daycare centers so I kind of gear towards the infants/toddlers but I try to only have one under a year, sometimes two if they are siblings. I definitely get more calls for infants than anything else!


    • #3
      Whoops, read that wrong. You are correct. Income wise, it doesn't bother me to only have 3 infants.

      I'm just struggling with the mixed age groups right now. School age or even preschool age mixed with infant/toddlers I find extremely difficult. Maybe I'm a wuss, but entertaining both age groups is a daily struggle. Currently my children are home for the summer and I have a preschool age, 2 toddlers and an infant (part-time) and on the days I have everyone, I'm barely keeping my head above water.

      Maybe it will cool off after the summer, but everyday is a struggle right now.


      • #4
        Where I live this is really done. Daycare runs on the school year and there are people who just take under 1s every year and send them along the next August. I think there are a lot of pluses to both systems. I had infants one year and it was hard, but so are toddlers! I think if you can make it that way, go for it. I prefer to take them at 1 and send them off at 2.5 ish depending on how the school year falls. This year my group was 6-15 months in September and it was great. Next year I have slightly olders, 10 months to 20 months. I will see how it goes.


        • #5
          I primarily focus on Infant/Toddler care and I love it! I'm not too keen on the 3 and up age group, I prefer the younger children. I don't accept SA children either. My home (dc area) is also geared towards the young 3 and under group and I have a very limited choice of "preschool" activities and I can tell that most are ready to leave here when they are at the preschool age and I mention this to the parents. I believe that they would benefit at a formal preschool versus here, because I am geared towards the younger ages. I do do a curriculum, but it's theme and play based, geared for younger children. I have no interest in doing "preschool".

          In my state I can have 6 children and out of those 6, I can have 4 kids 30 months and younger and out of those 4, only 2 can be 18 months and younger. I usually only get calls for infant/toddler care as well, because we also have public preschool that starts at the age of 3 so most kids leave here around that age. It's difficult to fill a spot for the 30 month and up age group.

          But I also have to say that I did work in centers for years and years before I opened my in home and I was always the lead infant or toddler teacher so I'm comfortable with that age group.

          Sorry, I'm probably rambling, I sometimes have a hard time getting my point out...


          • #6
            I am limited on infant care. I think its no more than two under 2, or 3. At least its good to only take on what you know you can handle.
            "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
            Acts 13:22


            • #7
              Originally posted by thelearningtreesp View Post
              Whoops, read that wrong. You are correct. Income wise, it doesn't bother me to only have 3 infants.

              I'm just struggling with the mixed age groups right now. School age or even preschool age mixed with infant/toddlers I find extremely difficult. Maybe I'm a wuss, but entertaining both age groups is a daily struggle. Currently my children are home for the summer and I have a preschool age, 2 toddlers and an infant (part-time) and on the days I have everyone, I'm barely keeping my head above water.

              Maybe it will cool off after the summer, but everyday is a struggle right now.

              I rarely have a child over 3 years old just because they all head off to preschool and I find that managable, I found I am not too crazy about 4-6 year olds, LOL!!! When we had half day kindergarten here I used to offer the wrap around care but stopped that after one year.

              Only problem you may run into is parents seem to think we couldn't handle 3 infants. One of the questions I get asked often is how many infants do I take. And even when I only have 1 infant with a few young toddlers I get the "isn't it crazy" "how do you do it" comments from prospective clients.

              Good luck!


              • #8
                I specialize in infant/toddler care. Most kids go off to preschool around 3 as well so it's just how it works around here. I don't care for the older kids anyway. I had a 5-6yr old and a 9-10yr old and ummm no thanks. I can do under 3 no problem but 4+ just isn't my ideal group. All my kids are under 3 at this point, one is 12mos, two are 22-23mos, one is 2.5 and two are a approaching 3.


                • #9
                  I would LOVE to do this!! But I wouldn't be able to have enough kids and support myself. Yeh, mixed ages are tough, this summer started out fun but then it fizzled somewhere around 3 weeks ago. Older ones didn't like 'baby' crafts and kept going wild on me, trying to gain the upper hand all the time. Little ones kept getting bumped around. It's too much for this ole lady.


                  • #10
                    I love infants and toddlers! I can't have many, 3 under 24 months and one of those has to 15 months and walking.

                    I rarely get anyone who starts older than age 3, they usually go to preschool. I'm fine with that. I don't like mixed age groups with a wide age range and prefer the itty bitties

                    I don't do SA, except my own.

                    0-3 year olds are my cup of tea


                    • #11
                      I am seriously considering going birth to 3 (well maybe just 2.5) next fall. Have one more year of this group of 5 (3m to 4y) to pay off my car.

                      Then I want to go listed in my state (no inspections/red tape) and only care for 3 babies. I can charge significantly more for an infant only program. So the reduced pay would be manageable. Plus like others the majority of calls are for infants. I do love the babies and toddlers, even though I am a little scared of the work required for all young ones. But know I can adapt and create a routine that works.

                      I'm tired of all the stuff required for mixed age groups. I would LOVE to get rid of almost all the trikes, climbers and forts/playhouses in my backyard. I've had a playground for nearly 28 years and I'm over it. Plus get rid of all the big kid stuff in my playroom.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kimskiddos View Post
                        I am seriously considering going birth to 3 (well maybe just 2.5) next fall. Have one more year of this group of 5 (3m to 4y) to pay off my car.

                        Then I want to go listed in my state (no inspections/red tape) and only care for 3 babies. I can charge significantly more for an infant only program. So the reduced pay would be manageable. Plus like others the majority of calls are for infants. I do love the babies and toddlers, even though I am a little scared of the work required for all young ones. But know I can adapt and create a routine that works.

                        I'm tired of all the stuff required for mixed age groups. I would LOVE to get rid of almost all the trikes, climbers and forts/playhouses in my backyard. I've had a playground for nearly 28 years and I'm over it. Plus get rid of all the big kid stuff in my playroom.
                        what would you have in a room just for young ones?? I am looking at seriously cutting down on my older kid stuff (even though I still have a 3 year old here) and making my playroom more for the under 2 crowd. Wondering what I should have and what I should get rid of.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                          what would you have in a room just for young ones?? I am looking at seriously cutting down on my older kid stuff (even though I still have a 3 year old here) and making my playroom more for the under 2 crowd. Wondering what I should have and what I should get rid of.
                          That's a great question and one I am working on. I have a 2 car garage conversion, so a good sized room. Right now it is divided with shelving into centers, i.e. blocks, housekeeping, reading corner and a baby corner w/ changing table and baby toys in bins. Wall shelving along one wall with just TONS of books, puzzle, games etc. All the shelve have bins and bins of toys and manipulatives plus a closet with more! Just too much stuff.

                          For infants I'd get rid of about 3/4 of the tubs and games as it's for older kiddos. Only leave 2 or 3 different kind of blocks and a couple of others like potato head and little people.

                          I'd rearrange the shelves to create a nap area, then I would have two large open play areas with bins and toys on the shelves. Diaper area would stay the same, I. Would like to get rid of the small little tykes climber (put it outside) and get some of those stacking and climbing toddler mats. Guess I'd keep one small kitchen set and a limited amount of dishes, a few dolls. That is as far as I've gotten in my dreaming/planning.

