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Essential Oils in Daycare

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  • Essential Oils in Daycare

    Has anyone used essential oils during daycare time? I've just started researching them b/c a friend is selling them & some of the oils are supposed to have a calming effect or help with attention & focus. I'm curious if anyone has used them & if they worked. I guess you would just use them in a diffuser like you would with an air freshener. Would you have to ask parents first? Since its not a medication & is all natural I'm thinking it would be ok. I have heard of a few teachers using them, but wasn't sure about daycare.

  • #2
    I don't use them in a general way, but I do use them. Two of my kids are special needs-one has severe sensory issues (among many other things) and I think one has some neurological issues which come across as minor sensory issues. As part of DCB's therapy, I do 60 seconds of aromatherapy before his joint compressions and therabrushing. His OT furnished the oils. I started out using lavender, orange, vanilla, and rosemary from my bush (not oils, I know) but all have dried out except the rosemary. I've been using vanilla from the kitchen and still use the rosemary..She left and his current OT doesn't do aromatherapy so won't replace the oils. I believe it has made a world of difference for him. It seems like he responds to therapy better after his aromatherapy.

    When he was having sleep issues, we put a little lavender oil under his crib sheet. I couldn't tell that did much good though.

    The other baby has some rage issues, and I started seeing things that seemed sensory. With the therapist and mom's permission, I started aromatherapy and joint compressions. His rages have dropped from every 15 minutes (really!) to a few times a day. I don't know if he just got older and gained some control or if it was the therapy, maybe both.


    • #3
      A friend of mine is all into oils and gave me a few samples. I had one of my Autistic dck's and he was having huge meltdown (as was the norm, I termed him at the end of June). Anyways, I took just a little, tiny bit of the peppermint essential oil and put it on his temples. He IMMEDIATELY calmed down and even his non-stop, spitty, loud chatter ceased. He was completely calm for a good 20 minutes. It was amazing! This is a child who in his fits had broken the frame of my couch, wrecked a chair, another couch, endless toys, candles, etc. I didn't have the chance to use it again because it was only a small sample and he was done the next week, but had I not termed him already, I would have gotten more oil just to test it to make sure it wasn't a fluke.


      • #4
        I only use them after I confirm that there are no allergies and a parent signs a waiver. None of my parents have had any problem with me using them. I even mix up linen sprays for them to use at home. They are a wonderful addition to daycare, but I make sure my parents are fully informed that I am using them.


        • #5
          Yes! Dilute it with coconut oil before you use it on any children though - my daughter's skin became blistered and raised (though she didn't complain or seem to notice but I was freaking out!) for a few hours after rubbing Serenity directly on her feet and spine.

          Breathe is great for a room full of stuffy kids!

          Lavender is great to put in the diffuser about 30 minutes leading up to nap time And dab some lavender on the pillow and blankets of your worst napper


          • #6
            Be careful using these.

            Rosemary and peppermint oil are not always safe to be used around young children.

            ALWAYS have parents permission and do your research!

            Another thread about essential oils


            • #7
              The only ones I use are for cleaning. I cannot use them during the day because of being an eco childcare. No sprays, candles, light rings, plug in air fresheners... nada
              Now I will diffuse Thieves oil evenings after kids go home to cleanse the air ( it's one of the 2 oils I use ... the other is the Thymol in my Benefect)


              • #8
                Be careful using coconut oil to dilute it is a very common allergy.
                I see little people.

