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Your Contract

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  • Your Contract

    How do you set up your contract?

    I have an 8 page handbook and was told to have anything on payments and times of care to only be in the contract. Originally I thought I would put everything except specific rates in the handbook so I could just have a one page contract and have it simple. If I put everything related to payments and times of care, my contract will end up being 2-3 pages. I will give out the handbook for potential clients, but I don't want to give them the contract unless they want to use my services. What should I do? Just keep the contract fees and times of care completely separate and let them take the contract home to look at too but ask they not fill it out until they come back with a deposit?

  • #2
    I do the handbook - and have them initial each pages of it. and my contract summerizes the financials, the hours/days of care, termination and states that they read the handbook and agree with everything in it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DancingQueen View Post
      I do the handbook - and have them initial each pages of it. and my contract summerizes the financials, the hours/days of care, termination and states that they read the handbook and agree with everything in it.
      If they initial each page of your handbook, I assume you keep it in their/your files then? How do they reference it if they need to look up a particular rule or policy? Especially something they read but it didnt apply to them at the time and now they need to know what your rule is on it? Or do you make two copies, one for you that they initial and one for them to keep?
      Last edited by Blackcat31; 12-05-2010, 01:44 PM. Reason: spelling errors


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        If they initial each page of your handbook, I assume you keep it in their/your files then? How do they reference it if they need to look up a particular rule or policy? Especially something they read but it didnt apply to them at the time and now they need to know what your rule is on it? Or do you make two copies, one for you that they initial and one for them to keep?
        I was thinking about having them initial each page too, but since mine is fairly lengthly and I still have a few more topics to cover, I don't want to be standing their for ten minutes making copies. LOL

        I do have a signature on my last page of the policy handbook and those signatures are set up the exact same as the contract signatures. Thanks goodness for Copy/Paste functions, it looks very professional!

        OHH, I also have a revised 12.10 and a page number above that on the bottom right-hand corner of each page. I will give them the whole policy handbook to keep and just make a copy of the last page for my records since the bottom revised dates will match.
        Last edited by Abigail; 12-05-2010, 03:20 PM.


        • #5
          My policy is 4 pages and my contract is one. Everything I feel I need to tell them is outlined in my policy. I renew contracts once a year in June. Any major updates such as payment increase I also change in June or for new clients. Here's my contract:
          This contract is made between _____ (parent/guardian) and Angelique (child care provider) for the care of ____ (child). Birth date __. The first day of child care will be __.
          Care will be full-time or part-time: M __ T __ W __ R __ F __ S __ Su __
          Or Care will be on drop-in basis with 24 hour prior notice.
          Care will include the following meals and snacks: Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack
          The charge for care is $ ___, payable on Monday or first day of care in a week. All care is to be paid for in advance.
          Children may be taken from the provider's care only by the person(s) signed below and those named on the Authorization to Leave Care form.

          Payment is based on the days you agree to use child care, not on the actual days of attendance. Payment is due whether or not the child actually attends care.

          Either party can terminate this contract with 2 weeks written notice.

          I agree to the terms of this contract and have provided the parent(s) with my policies.
          Signed _______ Date _______ (child care provider)

          I agree to the terms of this contract. I have received, read, understand and agree to abide by the attached child care policies.
          Signed _______ Date _______ (parents)

          I only give the policy to those who come to two interviews and the contract to those who want it after the second interview.
          Celebrate! ::


          • #6
            Originally posted by kidkair View Post
            I only give the policy to those who come to two interviews and the contract to those who want it after the second interview.
            What do you do on the second interview and first interview? Do you have people ask for a handbook on their first visit?


            • #7
              If they initial each page of your handbook, I assume you keep it in their/your files then? How do they reference it if they need to look up a particular rule or policy? Especially something they read but it didnt apply to them at the time and now they need to know what your rule is on it? Or do you make two copies, one for you that they initial and one for them to keep?
              My husband makes me copies for free
              so they get two copies -they initial a copy and give it back to me.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                What do you do on the second interview and first interview? Do you have people ask for a handbook on their first visit?
                The first interview I have them come over with or without the kid and see the daycare. Then we just chat and answer questions about the set up, activities, schedules, and the like. Nothing formally written down. I go a lot on instinct. If they ask for paperwork I let them know that I can have it ready for them for their second interview. Some ask some don't. The second interview they must bring their kid during hours so I can see how they act/react to the kids I have in care currently. If I feel that they would make a good addition then I give them the paperwork and we discuss more details such as payments, sick policy, back up plan, and the like. I then give them the standard warning that the spot is given to the first person who brings back the paperwork so if they take too long it may be gone.
                Celebrate! ::

