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Do You Post Prices

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  • Do You Post Prices

    I'm updating my website and debating whether I should keep posting my rates or not.

    On the one hand, I know many providers won't give out prices until parents ask or even come interview, and I think that's a good idea because many parents are wiling to pay more than they planned on if they really like the program.

    On the other hand, my rates are a bit higher than average and I'd just as soon weed out families who can't or won't pay my rates right away, rather than spend time and energy on them for nothing, kwim?


  • #2
    Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
    I'm updating my website and debating whether I should keep posting my rates or not.

    On the one hand, I know many providers won't give out prices until parents ask or even come interview, and I think that's a good idea because many parents are wiling to pay more than they planned on if they really like the program.

    On the other hand, my rates are a bit higher than average and I'd just as soon weed out families who can't or won't pay my rates right away, rather than spend time and energy on them for nothing, kwim?

    I post prices are pretty low. Irks me me when it's the one and only question I get sometimes when people call.

    Are you going to post your policies? Mine are but needs a password.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
      I'm updating my website
      Wait.....again?! I'm still reading!! ::

      Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
      and debating whether I should keep posting my rates or not.

      On the one hand, I know many providers won't give out prices until parents ask or even come interview, and I think that's a good idea because many parents are wiling to pay more than they planned on if they really like the program.

      On the other hand, my rates are a bit higher than average and I'd just as soon weed out families who can't or won't pay my rates right away, rather than spend time and energy on them for nothing, kwim?


      I don't post my rates. It's too complicated to just read and not have the conversation aid (from me) in explaining.

      I just state that I am competitive with area providers and on par with area averages.


      • #4
        I post my rates. I don't want to interview people who can't/won't pay what I charge. I like getting it all out there on the website--everything like policies, curriculum, photos, etc.--so that when they come to visit, they can focus on their impressions of me, their impressions of the space... and I can focus on them (and whether or not they'd be a good fit) instead of feeling pressured to get all of the information across.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          Wait.....again?! I'm still reading!! ::
          LOL! I've been working on them off and on for months. Mainly just tweaking - changing plural to singular, making sure every page has the same format, updating photos, etc. Nothing really major.

          When is yours going to be done?

          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          I don't post my rates. It's too complicated to just read and not have the conversation aid (from me) in explaining.

          I just state that I am competitive with area providers and on par with area averages.
          Your rate scale IS complicated - I wouldn't post it either.


          • #6
            I used to, but no. Not anymore.

            I charge a little less than my normal price for people who want to drop off at our regular start of the day (8:00) and my normal price for the people who want to drop off early. I also, sometimes, base my price off of how BADLY I need to fill the spot.


            • #7
              I won't post prices in my ad, but if someone calls then I'll let them know what they are. It's so that I can change the prices whenever I want without the hassle of having to change my ad or tell people who saw an old ad that the prices have gone up.


              • #8
                Originally posted by preschoolteacher View Post
                I post my rates. I don't want to interview people who can't/won't pay what I charge. I like getting it all out there on the website--everything like policies, curriculum, photos, etc.--so that when they come to visit, they can focus on their impressions of me, their impressions of the space... and I can focus on them (and whether or not they'd be a good fit) instead of feeling pressured to get all of the information across.
                That was my thought too - my time is valuable and I don't have time to waste on someone who can't/won't pay my rates.

                ITA about wanting to focus on the family/child rather than policies. I don't post my entire Parent Handbook - a center in Georgia copied the entire thing, replaced my name with theirs and published it as theirs, which was really stupid because my policies are geared toward family child care, not group :roll eyes: - but all of my policies can be found on the website, just not in the same format as in the Handbook.


                • #9
                  I don't post on the website. Mainly because I live in a highly competitive neighborhood and I don't really want other providers to have easy access to this info. I usually give out my fee schedule when emailing information to arrange a tour.


                  • #10
                    This is an old thread but it's the question I am considering at present.

                    Do you post your rates & fees online?

                    For those that do not post your rates online and pros / cons to not posting them? Do you feel potential clients feel annoyed with you not posting rates?

                    For those that do post rates? Do you feel more pressure to be competitive with your rates? Any pros / cons to posting them?


                    • #11
                      I don't post mine.

                      I only discuss pricing after I know whether a client needs full or part time, which days, and hours of care. I have a base rate in my head, and depending on the hours will add to it if it is early or later than others.

                      I also have a special rate for teachers and full year and don't advertise what those are. That is strictly due to competition with other providers, though, as I don't want to give away my game plan and how I can 'afford' to do it.

                      Only when a client knows my pricing will I agree to an interview. That way I know (and they do) whether or not they can afford it. I run on the higher end of pricing locally.


                      • #12
                        I do post my rates. I used to get families interview and then say they thought my rates would be lower.

                        Even with the rates on the website, I have parents ask for discounts or extended hours.


                        • #13
                          I post my rates because I find it annoying to repeat myself every phone call. People who see my rates are already prepared and can obviously afford it before even contacting me.


                          • #14
                            I don't post the rates because I do not want my family, friends and assistant to know my income (since I like to keep that private).


                            • #15
                              I think most of us struggle with this issue. I look at the centers in my community and since they don't post, neither do I. However, since this comes up on at least 1 out of every 3 inquires I get, I do give them a little taste by saying "Tuition rates are less than $5.00/hour (based on enrollment status) however specific rates are typically discussed during the course of our tour/orientation process." I let them figure it out from there.

