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Letting Kids Outside By Themselves

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  • Letting Kids Outside By Themselves

    The sad post about the 3 yo boy strangling, prompted me to ask this question. At what age do you allow a child to stay outside by themselves, if at all?

    I have a fenced-in yard and as a rule, don't allow kids to stay out by themselves. Even the 5-6 yos because I know some of them can find trouble. But I have 3 older girls, ages 7, 10 and 11 who I'll leave out back for a couple minutes if I have to run in and grab something I forgot. I'm always on the fence about the 6 yos that behave themselves though.
    What age do you allow it? Do you get written permission from parents?
    As I said, usually we all go out, stay out, and come in together but once in awhile.....

  • #2
    Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
    The sad post about the 3 yo boy strangling, prompted me to ask this question. At what age do you allow a child to stay outside by themselves, if at all?

    I have a fenced-in yard and as a rule, don't allow kids to stay out by themselves. Even the 5-6 yos because I know some of them can find trouble. But I have 3 older girls, ages 7, 10 and 11 who I'll leave out back for a couple minutes if I have to run in and grab something I forgot. I'm always on the fence about the 6 yos that behave themselves though.
    What age do you allow it? Do you get written permission from parents?
    As I said, usually we all go out, stay out, and come in together but once in awhile.....
    In my state I can have school aged children outside without me with a signed permission form. Per the reg I must physically check on them every 15 minutes. With older SA kids (8+) I do allow them to go out without me. I have very strict rules about where they can be and what they can do. Kids who show they can't be trusted don't get the privilege. As you can imagine this is a BIG deal and the kids want to show they can handle it. With younger SA kids I only use the reg the same way you do - if I need to pop in to change a diaper or grab tissues - they do not have the maturity yet to handle really being outside my supervision.

    I will admit the only reason I'm comfortable with them being outside without me is because my house (newer build) is mostly windows. I have a better view of kids outside than I do if they're in the playroom and I'm in the kitchen...I literally can sit and comfortably supervise them from pretty much anywhere in my house.


    • #3
      I do not let them out alone even though the regs allow it for school age kids . There is just too much risk for so eone getting hurt . I have allowed a few to go on the deck while the little ones are napping because I could see and hear them but that only made them louder .


      • #4
        I must have missed that post.When did a three year old strangle themself? Recently?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I must have missed that post.When did a three year old strangle themself? Recently?
          It was posted in the members only area.

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          You are definitely encouraged to register and take full advantage of the forum.

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          • #6
            In Kansas, ages 5 and up are allowed to be in the backyard by themselves provided we can hear them at all times (window open). My personal policy is to allow SA kids (that have graduated kindergarten and older) to play in the backyard, but never alone. There must be at least two of them.


            • #7
              I let them play in my fenced backyard once they are 5 AND I deem them ready to play without an adult right there. Not all make the cut at 5. :: I can easily see them from the main play area and the kitchen. My own kids were allowed to play outside alone during non-daycare hours starting at around age 4. My oldest was slightly younger but she was an "old soul" and more mature than most kids her age.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                The sad post about the 3 yo boy strangling, prompted me to ask this question. At what age do you allow a child to stay outside by themselves, if at all?

                I have a fenced-in yard and as a rule, don't allow kids to stay out by themselves. Even the 5-6 yos because I know some of them can find trouble. But I have 3 older girls, ages 7, 10 and 11 who I'll leave out back for a couple minutes if I have to run in and grab something I forgot. I'm always on the fence about the 6 yos that behave themselves though.
                What age do you allow it? Do you get written permission from parents?
                As I said, usually we all go out, stay out, and come in together but once in awhile.....
                In my state, licensing regs would not allow outside play without appropriate supervision! This type violation would come with a fine as well!.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                  The sad post about the 3 yo boy strangling, prompted me to ask this question. At what age do you allow a child to stay outside by themselves, if at all?

                  I have a fenced-in yard and as a rule, don't allow kids to stay out by themselves. Even the 5-6 yos because I know some of them can find trouble. But I have 3 older girls, ages 7, 10 and 11 who I'll leave out back for a couple minutes if I have to run in and grab something I forgot. I'm always on the fence about the 6 yos that behave themselves though.
                  What age do you allow it? Do you get written permission from parents?
                  As I said, usually we all go out, stay out, and come in together but once in awhile.....
                  I allow children as young as 3 years old to be outside without me being present.

                  That said, it is up to the parent to make that decision.

                  As for safety measures, I have a fenced yard and video surveillance cameras with sight AND sound that monitors my entire playground continually.

                  I also never allow just 1 or 2 children outside.

                  I am also VERY strict about outside rules. If a child does something that makes me believe they aren't old enough to follow the rules, they automatically lose their outdoor privileges for however long (depending on the "crime"). NO warnings or second chances.

                  I also live in a small community where it is common for children as young as 3 or 4 to ride bikes around the neighborhood and play with friends without an adult accompanying them.

                  My state does not have specific rules and regulations about this, other than a child under Kindy age must be within sight OR sound.

                  I don't take SA'ers but if I did, they would be allowed to roam the neighborhood and go off site (with parental permission) and I would not be out of compliance.


                  • #10
                    Utah regs state that we can have school age kids outside by themselves as long as we can hear them and are able to intervene if necessary.

                    However, I am not comfortable with that and so the children are always with an adult when outside.


                    • #11
                      In my last house, I would let 3 year olds play outdoors without me for short periods, as I had a direct line of sight. My new house, I can't see my entire backyard as I used to, so the littles don't go outside without me. My state regs allow 3 & up outdoors without me, but common sense tells me that it's not a good idea when I can't see what's going on.


                      • #12
                        I only allow my own children/grandchildren to be outside without me - the grandchildren never during daycare house because it's not fair for the other children. My play yard is totally fenced in, but is L shaped so I can't see the short leg from the house. Otherwise I would let children play outside without me.


                        • #13
                          I have a gated in area for daycare and can see the whole area from my kitchen and most from the living room. I have the door and window open to hear them as well. But I'm in and out of the area with changing diapers, getting snack/lunch ready, refilling bubbles, etc. I allow my own children out front without me and don't have SA kids anymore. I did allow one to play in the front yard and checked regularly, he was 10yrs old but at 5-6 I wouldn't let them out front alone.


                          • #14
                            No. Iowa requires an adult outside at all times for ANY age.


                            • #15
                              I have a completely fenced in yard and only have ages 3 and up. I am outside with my kiddos, but will run inside when I need things. Also, a few afternoons a week I have 3 kids ages 4, 5, and 6 and they sometimes play outside by themselves. But, they are 3 super easy, good kids that I trust. Also, my livingroom is full of windows and I can see them most of the time.

                              When I had a house that didn't have a fenced in yard, I never allowed kids to play outside without me and anytime that I did run in I was super quick and nervous the whole time.

