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Nursing While Doing Childcare

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  • Nursing While Doing Childcare

    Does anyone have experience nursing a newborn while running an in home daycare? I am expecting in August and my greatest anxiety about the whole transition is how I will realistically be able to go about nursing my baby with the other dcks there. It seems like I am always having to stop and settle a disagreement or redirect attention back to play so I'm nervous about how that will go when I need to be able to sit down and feed for 20 or so minutes at a time a few times during our day together. I'm thinking maybe I will create a "nursing box" with toys that are only played with when I'm breastfeeding. Then I could have my dcks each sit on their own blanket in the living room with me and choose an activity/toy from the "nursing box" that they are to play with calmly while baby eats. When baby is done all toys would be put back into the box until the next feeding and we would return to "free play" time in order to keep the toys exciting and new for longer. Have you tried anything like this? Do you have any other tips for making it a smooth transition? With the hours that I have kids here and hopefully fitting a feeding in during nap time I'm thinking that a normal day will only include 2-3 feedings while dcks are here and awake.

  • #2
    I nursed my youngest while doing daycare, and didn't have any trouble. Is this your first child? I was pretty good at bf'ing by my 3rd and didn't have any problems carrying around a nursing baby to settle arguments and what not.

    Depending on how long you take off you might find you'll be doing more than 2-3 feedings, but they might be shorter than 20 minutes.

    I think it will be just fine for you.

    Homeschooling Mama to:
    ds 10
    dd 8


    • #3
      Originally posted by SquirrellyMama View Post
      I nursed my youngest while doing daycare, and didn't have any trouble. Is this your first child? I was pretty good at bf'ing by my 3rd and didn't have any problems carrying around a nursing baby to settle arguments and what not.

      Depending on how long you take off you might find you'll be doing more than 2-3 feedings, but they might be shorter than 20 minutes.

      I think it will be just fine for you.

      Same here. After a few weeks of practice I could do practically anything while nursing my daughter.

      I used something similar to this but it had a snap thing that fastened around my chest area. It was basically pretty hands free (ok just one hand free). I could sit and use it... Walk and use it...make sippy cups and bottles while using it... Pretty much anything. Very convenient little thing. And I just draped a very thin receiving blanket over my shoulder. Private and comfortable.



      • #4
        This is my second baby & I did just fine with my first. I could carry him around & feed while doing other things pretty easily. I think I'm just worried b/c I have a 2.5 y.o. dcb who is into everything all day long & requires a lot more attention than any of my other kids. It was just my son & I the first time around so this will be a lot different. I also worry about it being stressful for the baby if I'm constantly up & moving while he is trying to feed. Of course, I guess he's been listening to the kids carry on & me moving around with him all this time in the womb. Lol Sorry. I'm just getting anxious now that we're getting close. Thanks for the reassurance!


        • #5
          Originally posted by mamamanda View Post
          This is my second baby & I did just fine with my first. I could carry him around & feed while doing other things pretty easily. I think I'm just worried b/c I have a 2.5 y.o. dcb who is into everything all day long & requires a lot more attention than any of my other kids. It was just my son & I the first time around so this will be a lot different. I also worry about it being stressful for the baby if I'm constantly up & moving while he is trying to feed. Of course, I guess he's been listening to the kids carry on & me moving around with him all this time in the womb. Lol Sorry. I'm just getting anxious now that we're getting close. Thanks for the reassurance!
          If you have nursed before you'll do great! I think as long as baby is eating he/she won't be too stressed

          Homeschooling Mama to:
          ds 10
          dd 8


          • #6
            I nursed my second child while doing daycare. I had a super busy 2 yo dcb at the time, so I get what you're saying . I would either set the children up with activities prior to nursing or I would play a game with them while nursing (mostly made up stuff to keep them busy, like "go touch a door" and they would all run and touch a door and come back, then something else, etc.). It actually was super easy and not anything to worry about at all. My dd was actually a super quick nurser too so that definitely helped.

            Congrats on the pregnancy by the way! When in August are you due? I'm due with our third daughter on August 31st.


            • #7
              Congrats! I'm due sometime between aug 30- Sept 11. I still nurse my 3.5 yr old. I make it known at interview that families and their kids will be exposed to breastfeeding here. I nurse whenever, wherever, and I don't bother covering. All of my clients have been breastfed though, so no families have been weirded out by it. If they were, I wouldn't take them as clients. It's easy to nurse while caring for other kids usually. Your 'basket of distraction' sounds like a pretty good idea.. or maybe the older kids could colour nearby...


              • #8
                Originally posted by spud912 View Post
                I nursed my second child while doing daycare. I had a super busy 2 yo dcb at the time, so I get what you're saying . I would either set the children up with activities prior to nursing or I would play a game with them while nursing (mostly made up stuff to keep them busy, like "go touch a door" and they would all run and touch a door and come back, then something else, etc.). It actually was super easy and not anything to worry about at all. My dd was actually a super quick nurser too so that definitely helped.

                Congrats on the pregnancy by the way! When in August are you due? I'm due with our third daughter on August 31st.
                My actual due date is Sept. 2, but I will be really, really surprised if I make it to Sept. Maybe that's just wishful thinking, but I prefer to think of it as mother's intuition. haha We could be having our babies about the same time. Congrats to you too! I love the "go touch a door" idea!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MotherNature View Post
                  Congrats! I'm due sometime between aug 30- Sept 11. I still nurse my 3.5 yr old. I make it known at interview that families and their kids will be exposed to breastfeeding here. I nurse whenever, wherever, and I don't bother covering. All of my clients have been breastfed though, so no families have been weirded out by it. If they were, I wouldn't take them as clients. It's easy to nurse while caring for other kids usually. Your 'basket of distraction' sounds like a pretty good idea.. or maybe the older kids could colour nearby...
                  Congrats on your new baby as well! I nursed my son until he was 28 months and I'm a big supporter of breastfeeding, but most of my family and friends are a bit weirded out by it so I always feel awkward outside of my immediate family. I'm going to try not to let it bother me so much this time. I love that all of your families are supportive and ok with it! That's wonderful.


                  • #10
                    Congratulations on your soon to be bundle of joy!

                    I completely understand your fears! I had them too! I started doing childcare when my first was 3 months and I continue to nurse him now at 18 months. We were pretty established with breastfeeding by then but he nursed on demand every hour until he was 15 months. Honestly, it was much easier than I imagined and I kind of just learned as I went along. Not every nursing session was peaceful with my undivided attention on baby but I always made sure he was the last one to lay down for a nap so we could get some quality time in. I also made sure to have a special quiet nursing session before other kids arrived and in the evenings when they went home. During daycare hours I have become good at bfing wherever we happen to be and just rolling with it...outside, on the floor, etc.

                    I think you'll do great and figure it out with ease! I love your basket of distractions idea!!!


                    • #11
                      Congrats on your upcoming little one!

                      I also breastfed my son until he was 2 yo and now I'm breastfeeding my 5 week old little girl. My ds is super busy all the time so I was already used to having activities for him to do while I breastfed so daycare transition has been going smooth.

                      I usually have activities ready for when dd is hungry and really it's no different to me than having to sit down to bottle feed a baby. Only this is easier because it's easier for me to have free hands to read a story to the kids, or walk around and use my other hand to do things. And really my baby has gotten used to me doing other things while feeding and I've had people sitting next to me or across from me not even know that I'm in the middle of breastfeeding. It is surprisingly easier the second time around.

                      So, hopefully all of our experiences will help reassure you that it will be fine. Just take it a day at a time and once you find your routine it'll work out.

