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Those Who Go On Field Trips

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  • Those Who Go On Field Trips

    How do you react when other kids try to join in your group while you are on a field trip? Do you let them join in?

    I feel like I have enough on my plate looking after my kids that I don't need another joining in while the parents sit down.

    Playing together at the playground is different.

    For example today I brought my 5 dcks to a lake. My mother in law was with us. We were playing ring around the rosey in the water (calf deep on the kids) and a few other kids come over and try to join in. The moms were sitting on the beach talking away. We did not open our circle and let them in. I felt a little bad, but I honestly don't need to entertain extra kids in the water.

    Granted I usually would have 6 plus my 13 year old, so we were down by 2, but still.

    These same kids kept trying to take our beach toys as well and when I went to retrieve them from their pile they got upset. The moms said nothing to stop them from taking our toys although they had plenty of their own, but that's another topic for discussion

    Today was an example but this happens often when we go places. Sometimes I let the others join. Sometimes I feel like nope, I have enough kids thanks!

  • #2
    We don't go on field trips that require driving so that limits us to walking to 6 park areas. I used to be so paranoid about the possibility of their child doing something to my group (usually around 10-12 children) so I began stopping any and all interactions.

    I directly say, "No thank you. Please don't talk to my kids." I actually just directly told a little boy carrying a pretend gun at the park, "Please stop trying to give my kids your gun." He kept yelling, "I'M NOT A STRANGER, I'M NOT A STRANGER! I JUST WANT THEM TO HOLD MY GUN!!!" Um. No.
    I also teach the children to NOT talk to someone that doesn't go to our daycare. The 2-year-olds don't grasp this concept so they get ushered away from kids they don't know with me saying, "No thank you, DCK. We don't talk to people we don't know." This shuts down any attempted playing from other kids as well. It has taken me awhile to get the right phrasing down so other kids that aren't in my group get it. I have offended MANY parents but I really don't care.

    Before I began doing this I had 2 children nearly stab some of my kids in the eyes with sticks they found and were waving around wildly near them and their faces and I also had a child get hit in the head with a truck dropped directly on his face from the top of a climbing structure (he was attempting to talk to the kid we didn't know above him). No. Just no. I am not playgroup. I am not YOUR child's daycare. I am THESE kids provider and I will keep them as safe as I possibly can and that means excluding others that I am not in charge of.


    • #3
      I find it annoying and it can be awkward. We walk to the park nearby and I will have other kids come to the swings as I am pushing a baby and ask for me to push them too. Uh, no! I have had other kids who are playing on the playground ask to sit with us for picnic and want to share our food. Nope! I usually say something like "sorry we can't play today" or "sorry these kids need my full attention. You can have your mommy play this with you".


      • #4
        Not sure which is worse, the SAHM parents at the park, or the other daycares at the park
        Both are perfectly willing to sit on a bench while I care for their children
        Uh, no thanks! :: Seriously! ::
        It's fine with me if my kids play with the other kids on the playground, but if the other kids want/need something from me, I direct them right back to their adult. No, I don't have a tissue. No, you can't eat our lunch. No, I won't negotiate your fight/tantrum
        The only thing I will provide is clean water and a bandaid if someone is hurt. But their adult gets to do the work.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SignMeUp View Post
          Not sure which is worse, the SAHM parents at the park, or the other daycares at the park
          Both are perfectly willing to sit on a bench while I care for their children
          Uh, no thanks! :: Seriously! ::
          It's fine with me if my kids play with the other kids on the playground, but if the other kids want/need something from me, I direct them right back to their adult. No, I don't have a tissue. No, you can't eat our lunch. No, I won't negotiate your fight/tantrum
          The only thing I will provide is clean water and a bandaid if someone is hurt. But their adult gets to do the work.
          we go on field trips quite often and have had this happen several times.

          I've had to politely explain to the adults why their precious innocent snowflake can't join us. Most people are understanding but I have had a few get really nasty about it. (The adults not the kids)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cradle2crayons View Post
            we go on field trips quite often and have had this happen several times.

            I've had to politely explain to the adults why their precious innocent snowflake can't join us. Most people are understanding but I have had a few get really nasty about it. (The adults not the kids)
            Because we are daycare providers. Completely selfless. We do it only for the children. We love all children. It is our calling. Of course we want to take care of theirs for free. EVEN WHEN IT'S THEIR JOB. ::


            • #7
              i don't even like it when I'm at the pool or somewhere with m OWN kids and another kid attaches to me/us. Don't wanna be responsible for notmykid
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                I don't like when kids glom onto me when I am with my kids. I have had kids ask for things and even want to go HOME with me! Um...NO::

