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I Want To Be Done

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  • I Want To Be Done

    My only family just gave me their two weeks notice. I thought I finally got a nice, decent family and that we'd make a great fit for their infant, who I just love, and then this. I have only been open a year and I just can't seem to find any good families. She said she got a call from a provider that she interviewed with first, that she had an opening. Also, she said it was also because my ds2 is too roudy and in her dd face( which really only happened once in the first week she was here.) what daycare is she going to find, where the other little kids aren't excited about a new baby? My boys are not roudy around the baby and she's just going by what she saw once. Nevermind the fact that I've spent 2 months doting on her and loving her. She also said she doesn't like my neighborhood. I admit that it's not in the best area, but we have a beautiful fenced in yard, and I always keep my children safe. So is that why I'm not getting any good paying clients? My neighborhood? It's not even that bad, it's just on the "west" side of town and where I live, people from the "east" side are "way better than us". If this is the factor that's keeping the nice families away, then I am defeated. Now I'll have no income and to tell you the truth , I'm so upset by this that I don't even want to continue. My license is up for renewal, so maybe I won't even bother. This was the icing on the cake of my first crappy year of daycare. Great. Sorry, maybe this should be under vents. I went on.
    ~Everything happens for a reason~

  • #2
    Ugh, I am so sorry that you're losing this family. I can feel your disappointment in your words. ((hugs)) Whatever decision you make I wish you luck...


    • #3

      Take the weekend and try to relax, think about it again next week with a clearer head. I am sorry that happened! Maybe it just means there is something much better around the corner!


      • #4
        Hugs....don't know what to's been a crappy week, hasn't it......Are you registered with your CCRR office? If not, you might get leads that way....


        • #5
          ok,.. bull crap to the people who think your from the wrong side of town,.. period... THEY DONT DESERVE YOU!!!! they can stick to their snooty better than everyone else attituded side of the town providers!!!!

          ugh,.. ok,.. sorry had to get that out!!!

          step back and LOOK at yourself,.... look at your setup. If that mom thinks the other place is better,... well dont let the door hit ya,.. where the good lord,.. well you know.
          (boy Im feisty today,..... must be the christmas music!!)

          ok my suggestion,....
          take it or leave it,...
          lower your price 5 per week,... really push your setup,.. SAFE environment, loving provider, active play, family atmosphere, home cooked meals,.. etc,.. really push your good stuff,.... I was actually at a training last night about biting and it has nothing to do with this so why am I even telling??? ,. anyway,... the trainer said something that hit me to my core,.....

          never tell yourself what you did wrong,... oh poor me,.. my house isnt nice enough,.. my hair isnt long enough,.. my car isnt brand new,.... my carpet has stains,....

          instead say,.. holy poop,.... My house is a warm safe loving home,.. where people feel loved, wanted and cared for,... My hair freaking rocks today look how its laying,.. just like I like it,.. the baby will love it!!! I can park close to other people and not worry about door dings,.. and wow,.. car payments arent an issue,... look,... We can actually make a mess and have fun,... in the house if we want,.. silly spray anyone????

          of course these are all my own issues,.. but you understand dont you??? and let me tell you a secret,.. I am from the wrong side,.. between a bar, a doughnut shop and a public housing complex. My house needs siding, my driveway has grass growing through it, my toys are alot of them old,.. and I refuse to replace batteries,.. and I have in care 3 dr parents, a dentist and the lady who runs our town gym. They only care about how I treat their kids,... The other parents are like me,.. making it the best they can,.. being the best them they can be,... and screw everyone else.

          Growing up you never said,.. gee I want to play at sallys because her house is nice,.. we said,.. lets go hang at wendys her mom cooks and we can play games in the living room.

          push your good stuff,.. people will notice and while a year seems an eternity,.... dont blink,.. I did once and my son is now in college. Wasnt he just chasing the cat with the wisk??? tripping on vcr tapes and wanting to play go fish?? It goes fast,... dont give up...... ((((()))))

          Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
          Hugs....don't know what to's been a crappy week, hasn't it......Are you registered with your CCRR office? If not, you might get leads that way....


          • #6
            I'm sorry you are losing your client.

            But I hope something better turns up for you!

            Laundrymom, your words of advice are so helpful. I needed them (especially the part about the dirty carpet, !). Thank you so much!


            • #7
              Thank you all for the support. I just feel so sad about this. I was SO good to this baby. I gave her more love and attention than she probably needed and apparently that wasn't even enough for this mom. She's going to have even less attention at this other place, so I can't help to feel like I'm doing something wrong. And laundrymom, I agree that it's bullcrap about my neighbohood. People in my town are just really narrowminded. Thanks for the encouragement though. I really appreciate it.
              ~Everything happens for a reason~


              • #8
                Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                ok,.. bull crap to the people who think your from the wrong side of town,.. period... THEY DONT DESERVE YOU!!!! they can stick to their snooty better than everyone else attituded side of the town providers!!!!

                ugh,.. ok,.. sorry had to get that out!!!

                step back and LOOK at yourself,.... look at your setup. If that mom thinks the other place is better,... well dont let the door hit ya,.. where the good lord,.. well you know.
                (boy Im feisty today,..... must be the christmas music!!)

                ok my suggestion,....
                take it or leave it,...
                lower your price 5 per week,... really push your setup,.. SAFE environment, loving provider, active play, family atmosphere, home cooked meals,.. etc,.. really push your good stuff,.... I was actually at a training last night about biting and it has nothing to do with this so why am I even telling??? ,. anyway,... the trainer said something that hit me to my core,.....

                never tell yourself what you did wrong,... oh poor me,.. my house isnt nice enough,.. my hair isnt long enough,.. my car isnt brand new,.... my carpet has stains,....

                instead say,.. holy poop,.... My house is a warm safe loving home,.. where people feel loved, wanted and cared for,... My hair freaking rocks today look how its laying,.. just like I like it,.. the baby will love it!!! I can park close to other people and not worry about door dings,.. and wow,.. car payments arent an issue,... look,... We can actually make a mess and have fun,... in the house if we want,.. silly spray anyone????

                of course these are all my own issues,.. but you understand dont you??? and let me tell you a secret,.. I am from the wrong side,.. between a bar, a doughnut shop and a public housing complex. My house needs siding, my driveway has grass growing through it, my toys are alot of them old,.. and I refuse to replace batteries,.. and I have in care 3 dr parents, a dentist and the lady who runs our town gym. They only care about how I treat their kids,... The other parents are like me,.. making it the best they can,.. being the best them they can be,... and screw everyone else.

                Growing up you never said,.. gee I want to play at sallys because her house is nice,.. we said,.. lets go hang at wendys her mom cooks and we can play games in the living room.

                push your good stuff,.. people will notice and while a year seems an eternity,.... dont blink,.. I did once and my son is now in college. Wasnt he just chasing the cat with the wisk??? tripping on vcr tapes and wanting to play go fish?? It goes fast,... dont give up...... ((((()))))
                Okay...we really MUST get a like button, because this post ROCKS! <3


                • #9
                  like! I agree MNMOM!


                  • #10
                    I read somewhere a few years ago that the average home child care lasts for two years. It's not an easy business and the competition is very high because the skill set (education and experience) and upstart costs are traditionally very low.

                    MANY providers start out with using their own kids outgrown equipment and toys. MANY providers start out when their second kid is born and they don't make enough to pay for two in child care. They have only parenting and whatever babysitting they have done as children themselves or helping out with relatives and friends.

                    They run a low cost operation out of their living room and maybe use some of their personal space for napping just to get the kids separated so they will have a better chance to sleep and give them a much needed break.

                    Bottom line is that this is one profession where you can get started with VERY little upfront money and no experience. When it is THAT easy to get started and you don't need much training (other than whatever minimum safety training the state requires) there is going to be a TON of competition.

                    Now some States require more start up requirements but most are pretty simple. Even with State regs you are always going to have a large number of underground people just doing it out of their living room using their kids used stuff.

                    It just isn't that hard to get going and most people starting out do it for dirt cheap. There is always going to be a HUGE amount of fresh start people offering really low rates. There are always parents out there to take them up on it even if they fail. Switching day cares even if the provider is really good is not a problem for a LOT of parents if the money and ease is better somewhere else.

                    It just comes with the profession. As easy as it is to start is as easy as it is to fail. They come hand in hand.

                    Now I'm not suggesting you are one of the "average" providers starting out. I know nothing of your circumstance. It's time for you to do some really deep searching to see if you can weather the storm and stick with it. Just know what the business REALLY is and decide if you can continue or not.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                      I read somewhere a few years ago that the average home child care lasts for two years. It's not an easy business and the competition is very high because the skill set (education and experience) and upstart costs are traditionally very low.

                      MANY providers start out with using their own kids outgrown equipment and toys. MANY providers start out when their second kid is born and they don't make enough to pay for two in child care. They have only parenting and whatever babysitting they have done as children themselves or helping out with relatives and friends.

                      They run a low cost operation out of their living room and maybe use some of their personal space for napping just to get the kids separated so they will have a better chance to sleep and give them a much needed break.

                      Bottom line is that this is one profession where you can get started with VERY little upfront money and no experience. When it is THAT easy to get started and you don't need much training (other than whatever minimum safety training the state requires) there is going to be a TON of competition.

                      Now some States require more start up requirements but most are pretty simple. Even with State regs you are always going to have a large number of underground people just doing it out of their living room using their kids used stuff.

                      It just isn't that hard to get going and most people starting out do it for dirt cheap. There is always going to be a HUGE amount of fresh start people offering really low rates. There are always parents out there to take them up on it even if they fail. Switching day cares even if the provider is really good is not a problem for a LOT of parents if the money and ease is better somewhere else.

                      It just comes with the profession. As easy as it is to start is as easy as it is to fail. They come hand in hand.

                      Now I'm not suggesting you are one of the "average" providers starting out. I know nothing of your circumstance. It's time for you to do some really deep searching to see if you can weather the storm and stick with it. Just know what the business REALLY is and decide if you can continue or not.
                      Well said Nanny de

