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My Hands Are Cracking

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  • My Hands Are Cracking

    Since I have started my daycare in Aug, my hands are so dry and cracked from all the constant hand washing, Germ-X and cleaning. They look like old lady hands and are literally cracking at the knuckles and bleeding. Anyone else having this problem? What do you do/use to protect your hands?

  • #2
    Do you use gloves? There is a lotion, called liquid Gloves I think, that really helps this. Of course you still have to wash alot, but it prevents the dry skin.


    • #3
      I have a prescription called Lyderm. It really helps to put lotion on at night & wear gloves while sleeping.


      • #4
        An older post on dry hands:


        • #5
          i find things like germ x or anything like that to dry my hands up way to quickly. how about asking a pharmacist.


          • #6
            Buy a cheap pair of cotton gloves, Dollar store or Walmart (in the area where the bath sponges etc). Cover your hands with baby oil gel, put on the gloves and go to sleep. In just a few days your hands will be much softer. Also very cheap


            • #7
              I get dry hands in the winter and keep a good lotion (not highly scented, just highly moisturizing) by the bathroom sink and I make sure I use it several times a day after I wash my hands.

              Also--make sure you are drinking enough water. I find that helps immeasurably with my dry skin. In the winter it's especially important to drink enough because the air is so dry from the lack of humidity and the heat being on and stuff.
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

