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Seriously? What Do I Do With This Colicky Baby?!

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  • Seriously? What Do I Do With This Colicky Baby?!

    I am so at the end of my rope with this baby. I am about 2 seconds away from calling the parents and telling them I just can not take him anymore. He is 7 months, he HAS to be close to being done with colic I would think. My son had it for a year, but the doc told me it was super rare. I have my ear buds on with my ipod turned up pretty loud so I can bounce him and rock him without having to listen to his high pitched scream. I just don't know what to do. Any advice? I have done swaddling, white noise, massaged his belly and feet, tylenol, NOTHING helps! His parents just pass him back and forth, but I don't have that luxury during the day, AND I have 9 other kids to take care of. HELP!!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
    I am so at the end of my rope with this baby. I am about 2 seconds away from calling the parents and telling them I just can not take him anymore. He is 7 months, he HAS to be close to being done with colic I would think. My son had it for a year, but the doc told me it was super rare. I have my ear buds on with my ipod turned up pretty loud so I can bounce him and rock him without having to listen to his high pitched scream. I just don't know what to do. Any advice? I have done swaddling, white noise, massaged his belly and feet, tylenol, NOTHING helps! His parents just pass him back and forth, but I don't have that luxury during the day, AND I have 9 other kids to take care of. HELP!!!
    First off...YOU DO NOT GET PAID ENOUGH TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT! I so feel for you. :confused::confused: I also feel for the other kids! I can't imagine listening to that all day. I'd be calling parents. I'd just be honest and tell them, it is not somehting the others should have to listen too and they can't seriously expect you to deal with it AND all the other kids during the day. Maybe this little guy needs a one on one caregver until he is past colick or ready for group care. My own DS was kicked out of 2 daycares by age 7 months for the same reason. I hired a college student to give one on one care. When he turned 1 yr old, we tried daycare again with success....


    • #3
      I am sooo sorry you're going through this!! I've been thereas well. I actuallyhad the availability to take them pt instead of ft and did three full days vs. half days. It gave me a little break. Can you hire on an assist for a little while? Maybe just til the little one grows out of the colicky stage?


      • #4
        I could never handle that, I would have to terminate.
        I have never had a baby like that so I dont have any advice other than I do not know how you do it and I am sorry for you. I hope the baby grows out of it soon so you guys can enjoy your days together.


        • #5
          i feel sorry for you! my son's doctor told me he had colic and i dealt with the crying for 2 months and it was NONSTOP! he'd cry while he was being held. i tried every trick in the book including the dryer trick. i took him back to the doctor (diff. doc/same practice) and said i was about to have a nervous breakdown and there HAD to be something else wrong - if it was colic, there'd be lots of moms with colicky babies commiting suicide.

          anyhow, i didn't get to breastfeed him bc he was in NICU for so long before coming home so he was on formula. umm....he switched his formula and THAT night his "colic" disappeared. his stomach had been upset all that time and we were told he had colic. i think when you say your infant cries all the time they automatically want to call it colic.

          maybe she should see if there's something else wrong - especially at this age. i wouldn't expect you to deal with that much crying - it's awful!


          • #6
            At my request, his formula was switched. It seemed to help a little. He gets ear infection after ear infection and is getting tubes next week. But he cries all day every day. We joke that if he is awake, he is crying. The kids are used to it, unfortunately. When I have drop ins, they ask why the baby cries all the time, but my regular kids are used to it. I just now had to put him in a room to cry to get a break. I have to terminate. I can't afford an assistant full time. I wish I could. I am so stressed that it will ruin the rest of my evening, even after the kids are gone. I have headaches almost every single day. I don't want to terminate, the family is sweet, and the baby is too (when he is sleeping, , which doesn't happen often). Ugh.


            • #7
              Have you tried Dr. Brown's bottles?

              Also, here are some other posts on colic:


              • #8
                That is one thing I will 100% never ever deal with in daycare is a colicky baby. My son was for 6 mths when he was born and it is the WORST to have to deal with, I literally felt like I was going to go insane.

                I feel very very sorry for you and I would without a doubt terminate !


                • #9
                  Oh my gosh, I could NEVER deal with a colicky baby. I would terminate too. I'm sure the parents will understand, you have to do this for your sanity!!


                  • #10
                    has he always been this way, it seems weird that at that young of an age that he has had so many ear infections. I'm wondering if something else is going on. They sell gas drops have you tried those, it smells like black licorise but it does work.

