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How many poo's are normal for a BF baby?

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  • EntropyControlSpecialist
    It is individual. Mine used to every feeding when I had oversupply issues. Now she goes once a day, twice at most (9 months). Some of my friend's kids go every feeding still and are around this age.

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  • Blackcat31
    Originally posted by itlw8 View Post
    every child is different . It is common for some to go every time they eat. What is normal for that child is want matters, and the consistency. There is a difference between cottage cheesey and liquid.
    This has been my experience too.

    I've had BF babies poo every single diaper change. My last BF baby was here 4 days a week (7-2) and "maybe" poo'ed once while at daycare the entire time she was BF.

    Definitely an individual thing.

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  • pandamom
    how old?

    My twins had a BM every diaper change until they were about 6 or 7 months old. And then they still pooped a lot compared to their formula fed friends. I think I remember the lactation consultant said it's because breastmilk just gets processed quicker by their system than formula.

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  • itlw8
    every child is different . It is common for some to go every time they eat. What is normal for that child is what matters, and the consistency. There is a difference between cottage cheesey and liquid.

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  • PolkaTots
    started a topic How many poo's are normal for a BF baby?

    How many poo's are normal for a BF baby?

    I recently enrolled a breast fed baby, which I've had before, but it's been awhile. How many poo's are normal ? She's going 5-6 times while she's here. The DCM says she's getting over a virus, but she's been doing this for the 2 weeks I've had her...and by the end if last week, half the crew had pretty loose stools....and now I'm not feeling so great this morn