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At What Age?

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  • At What Age?

    At what age do you expect a child to know what "be quiet" or "shhhh" means?

    At what age do you expect a child to be able to put on own socks and coat?

    I know all children are different so I'm just looking for averages. I think the first question is more "answerable" (quite certain that isn't a word but you get my drift) than the second.

  • #2
    Great question. I'm wondering too. I only have children 2-5y and I expect them all to know how to be quiet when asked. I do think it takes the 2 year old's longer though.

    Coat and socks I'd say 3y olds. I do have a 3.5 year old that doesn't know how though. I'm attempting to teach her (She's very hard headed..).


    • #3
      Your right it does vary per child and that child's exposure to learning these things. All my kids learned within 3 months what 'quiet' means and will all quiet down and use inside voices when asked. That would make the youngest here about 10 months. It takes much longer to get the inside voices regularly used. My 3 and 4 yr olds use their inside voices most of the time and that helps the younger ones remember too.

      Socks are hard to get the hang of so I would say most kids get it around 3 years.

      Coats are not as hard to get on (unzipped) and I have had a 1.5 year old able to do so if I laid the coat on the floor for her. The way I teach coats is I put it on the floor and have the child sit on the edge of the back just enough to hold the coat in place. Then I have them put their arms into the sleeves as far as they can go. Then I have them stand up and bring their arms in front of them or over their heads to get the sleeves up on the shoulders. Kids should be able to put on their own coats by age 3.
      Celebrate! ::


      • #4
        Well why we are on the asking question

        When you except a child to use a fork and spoon to eat with and not there hands?

        When do you except a child stop putting things in there mouth (toys and such)?

        When do you except a child to tell you they need a diaper change?

        the reason why I ask is... all of my kids have been pottied trained at 2 or soon... so this is killing me..

        as for socks and shoes I will go with 4 only because I make my own 3 year old try and he struggles... if its a sock that is not tight he can get it on, as for shoes, not way... it takes the two of us to do... as for understanding the shhhhh or the please be quite, I would think at 2 and yes it maybe harder for them.. but they can do it...


        • #5
          DD is 2 yrs and 3 months and struggles with being quiet. She has gotten better though. Like WImom said, I think it takes the 2 yr olds a bit longer.

          As for socks and 2 they should be learning and almost capable of putting on their jacket. DD could put hers on by age 2. I teach the kids by laying the jacket on the floor, stand by the hood, put arms in, and flip over the head. Zipping is another story. Socks are harder, but I usually don't have to deal with those. Shoes however, I start at the latest of age 2. It also depends on the type of shoe. DD could easily put hers on way before 2, but the new shoes I bought her are harder to do on her own. You can tell which kids have parents who do it for them and those who are expected to at least try on their own first.


          • #6
            At what age do you expect a child to know what "be quiet" or "shhhh" means? Two dcg do understand what it means. They are 15 and 19 months old since I teach them sign language at 6 months old and another one 15 months old.

            At what age do you expect a child to be able to put on own socks and coat? Around 2.5 years old... I had dcb who was 4 years old and dont want to do anything since his parents do anything for him and I force him to learn. Also he finally become potty trained at 4.2 years old that I forced him. He is old enough to know better.. He is just lazy..


            • #7
              At what age do you expect a child to know what "be quiet" or "shhhh" means? By TWO. I don't expect them to be quiet very often though

              At what age do you expect a child to be able to put on own socks and coat?
              BY TWO, typically. I start with my kids around 18 months. Of course for awhile socks go on inside out and shoe on the wrong feet, but by two, they all are pretty good at it. I have four two year olds now and they can all do it.


              • #8
                When you except a child to use a fork and spoon to eat with and not there hands? By 18months, two years at the latest.

                When do you except a child stop putting things in there mouth (toys and such)? By 18 months, 2 years at the latest.

                When do you except a child to tell you they need a diaper change? Around 2 - 2.5 years they should start realizing they have gone and be able to verbalize it. Of course, some are much younger, and, unfortunately, some are older.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by booroo View Post
                  Well why we are on the asking question

                  When you except a child to use a fork and spoon to eat with and not there hands?

                  When do you except a child stop putting things in there mouth (toys and such)?

                  When do you except a child to tell you they need a diaper change?

                  the reason why I ask is... all of my kids have been pottied trained at 2 or soon... so this is killing me..

                  as for socks and shoes I will go with 4 only because I make my own 3 year old try and he struggles... if its a sock that is not tight he can get it on, as for shoes, not way... it takes the two of us to do... as for understanding the shhhhh or the please be quite, I would think at 2 and yes it maybe harder for them.. but they can do it...
                  YES! I knew there was more of them but couldn't think of them and the first one was the main concern for the day.


                  • #10
                    This has led me to realize we have some serious work on our hands. I have a 3.5 year old that can't do any of this except he is potty trained and very good about that! He knows what Shhh means but the rest of it, nope....he's the baby of 4 and they do EVERYTHING for him!


                    • #11
                      The thing about this question is that the answers are NOT cut and dried; a lot of it depends on the expectations had of the child by the adults around them, both at home and daycare. SO many of these things depend entirely on the things they're exposed to/taught/encouraged to learn.

                      To KNOW what quite/shh means? 1.5 or 2, depending on their verbal abilities.
                      To be CAPABLE of BEING quiet/sshing for any appreciable length of time? 3, 4, 5...

                      To be able to put on own socks/shoes/coat? 2 for socks (well, DD could anyway...thought lost the skill over the summer when she wore sandals) or 3, coat she could do at 1.5 or 2 (learned to zip some of them just this past week at 3), shoes, depends on the ease of them, but for simple slip-ons, 2 or 2.5.

                      Use a fork (some of the time)? 2 or 2.5. All of the time? Dunno, not there yet
                      Use a spoon (without making a mess?)? for sticky things (yogurt, applesauce) by 2 certainly, by 3 should have some amount of proficiency with runnier things like soup.
                      Not eat with their hands at all? Dunno...6, 7?

                      Stop putting things in their mouth? Needs to be taught, IME, won't happen on it's own. I'm finding that my 18 month olds are more than capable of learning this, although the capability to NEVER do it won't come until much MUCH later, like 3.5ish I'm guessing.

                      Tell you they need a diaper change? This one has three parts, I think.
                      One: personality--a kid who doesn't care about a wet/dirty diaper, won't tell you.
                      Two: a kid who has been taught sign language will likely tell you SOONER than a kid without sign language
                      Three: Teaching by caregivers--talking about "look, you pooped! Let's clean that up!" and "I think you're going potty in your diaper right now." and "Let me know when your body tells you that you need to poop and you can poop in the potty!!" will get you a child who tells you much sooner than a child that never has these things talked about to them.
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        I have a few of my own to add, too.

                        At what age do you expect children to be able to (usefully) help pick up toys?

                        At what age do you expect children to be able to put things away as soon as they are finished with them?

                        At what age do you expect children to be able to responsibly use crayons without constant supervision? What about markers?
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                        • #13
                          Picking up toys by 15 mo.

