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DD Needs Your Opinions

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  • DD Needs Your Opinions

    My DD had a discussion in her Sociology class a this morning about should kids be banned from restaurants or other businesses. After the discussion the Professer gave an assignment where they have to ask 20 people their opinion. If you care to respond please list your age, gender, marital status, if you have children or not, and your children's ages. Then state your reason for your response.

    This is for research purposes only, not to start a flame war. Your "names" will not be used at all. Thank you ladies for your help.

  • #2
    Yes and no.

    Yes - I think really exclusive ($$$$$) restaurants should be allowed to ban children during evening dinner hours. Reasoning - People enjoying that level of luxury don't want to listen to an infant screaming or other children acting out.

    No - Children need to be taken out in public in order for them to learn how to behave. Children learn from experience.

    2 children, 35 and 37

    I think maybe restaurants can have a children/nonchildren seating areas like they used to with smoking and nonsmoking.


    • #3
      No children should not be banned. They should however be expected to behave appropriately and if they cannot then they shouldn't be there. But not banned.

      3 kids, ages 13, 6 and3


      • #4
        age - 46yrs.
        gender - female
        marital status - married
        children's ages - 28yrs female, 25yrs female, 23yrs female, 14yrs female, 5yrs male.

        I feel with the vast differences one choses to raise their child in todays society, it should be left up to the business owner, whether a child be banned from that particular business or not, without consequences of law action. Then left to the public to decide if they will respect that businesses wishes and comply or not.
        As it is up to a bride and groom to decide whether children can attend or not, depicting the atmosphere of the wedding.
        Or.....a gun or antique glass store not being suitable for a child, vs. a toy store being optimal.
        I for one, even loving that I work with children, am never happy to hear an uncontrollable child, screaming and ruining the serenity, in the booth next to me at a restaurant.


        • #5
          29 years old
          One 7 yo son

          I will start this out by saying that, yes, I feel that restaurants should be able to disallow children. I've seen the way this generation is being raised and too many children are simply not taught how to behave properly in public.

          However, I wonder where the line of discrimination falls. If we can ban those under a certain age then what keeps us from banning those over a certain age, as well? I feel that asking a disruptive family to remove themselves from the restaurant is a far better compromise than never allowing them. As for the more expensive, fancier restaurants, I believe that most children, if taught properly, would absolutely be able to behave. Unfortunately, many parents don't see the importance in appropriate behavior in public.


          • #6
            Age- 23
            Gender- f
            Status- married
            No children yet

            I think that restaurants should be allowed to ban children, or at least have the right to ask them to leave if they are out of control.

            I think it is sad but true. Many parents don't parent anymore. They let their kids run wild! Or the kids never go out in public and don't know how to behave in public.


            • #7
              Thanks ladies. Keep 'em coming. She needs 10 more. Is it alright to print the thread?


              • #8
                Age - 37
                Gender - Female
                1 6 yo son

                Yes, restaurants should be able to ban kids. It should be up to the business owner, and parents will take their money elsewhere. Parents can speak with their wallet.


                • #9
                  2 children, ages 6.5 and 3

                  It's NOT a black and white issue. Simply put I think that some restaurants should be allowed to ban some of the children some of the time. Isn't that helpful? Haha. But parents also need to be held responsible for teaching their child appropriate behavior and leaving if the child's behavior falls below that which is acceptable for the given environment they are in. That means that the hungry 2 year old at Steak and Shake for lunch at 11:30 AM on a Sunday (at S&S kids eat free on the weekends) is perfectly allowed to be there making noise but when he gets too loud the mother needs to get control or remove him. And that means that the 6 year old who is supposed to sit through dinner at a $100/head steak restaurant that doesn't even HAVE ketchup let alone chicken fingers had better be capable of doing so without an electronic device or putting up a fuss or HER parents need to hire a babysitter--which they darn well better be able to afford if they are eating there. There are 3 year olds who could manage perfectly well in a top of the line restaurant at 8 PM...and there are 10 year olds who have no business going anywhere that's not McDonalds. There IS no one right answer because every child is different.
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                  • #10
                    Age: 29
                    Gender: F
                    Marital Status: Married
                    Children: No

                    I absolutely would frequent restaurants that banned children under 16. I love kids, but there are so many times that I just want to enjoy adult company without hearing a child wailing in the background. It would be ridiculous (not to mention financially crippling to the restaurants) to impose a county/city child ban in restaurants, but I would be very happy to enjoy a meal at a restaurant that chose to ban children.


                    • #11
                      I believe that a business shou'd be able to ban children, maybe under a certain age (like under 5).

                      At the very least, they should be able to ask someone who is disruptive to leave. Too often, I've been in a "nice" restaurant, paid a hefty sum for a dinner, and spent at least some of the meal listening to a toddler yell. Even a "happy" scream is annoying when you finally get out alone.

                      Too many people now-a-days do not know how or try to keep their kiddos quiet when it is expected..

                      49, female

                      4 children, ages 24,22,17, and 13


                      • #12
                        No, it is not necessary to ban children. The management has always had authority to ask anyone to leave for unacceptable behavior so it should stay as it is. Anyone of any age should be asked to leave if they are causing trouble but specifically banning children because they are children seems wrong to me. I doubt it is good for business either.

                        Age: 62
                        Gender: F
                        Marital status: Married
                        Children: Grown ages 40,36 and 33


                        • #13
                          Son age 17 months

                          I do not like banning/discrimination. It is a tricky dangerous slippery slope. With that being said I absolutely think parents need to either hire a sitter, teach their children how to behave properly or promptly remove them once they become a disturbance! I also would support the idea of a restaurant asking for the parent to remove an unruly child.

                          I feel as though if you are going to bring your child to an adult fuction or environment they had better have the maturity to act like an adult. I believe an establishment is well within their rights to expect certain proper behavior from everyone reguardless of age and if proper behavior is not being shown they should be asked to leave, once again reguardless of age.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KiddieCahoots View Post
                            age - 46yrs.
                            gender - female
                            marital status - married
                            children's ages - 28yrs female, 25yrs female, 23yrs female, 14yrs female, 5yrs male.

                            I feel with the vast differences one choses to raise their child in todays society, it should be left up to the business owner, whether a child be banned from that particular business or not, without consequences of law action. Then left to the public to decide if they will respect that businesses wishes and comply or not.
                            As it is up to a bride and groom to decide whether children can attend or not, depicting the atmosphere of the wedding.
                            Or.....a gun or antique glass store not being suitable for a child, vs. a toy store being optimal.
                            I for one, even loving that I work with children, am never happy to hear an uncontrollable child, screaming and ruining the serenity, in the booth next to me at a restaurant.
                            I agree… I purposely go to finer restaurants for the food and atmosphere, the last thing I want to hear is an unruly child. Can't wait to go to a family wedding in August that is 18+ only

                            Age 53, widowed, but dating
                            4 kids age 32.5, 29, 27 & almost 22
                            4 grands, 12, 10, 9, and almost 2 (they go nowhere but fast food because my dd didn't train them as i trained her)


                            • #15
                              33 female
                              3 kids - 2,4,6

                              I say no to the banning, but I think restaurants should have a children friendly time frame (and say, no kids after 9pm). My dad owns a restaurant so we go out to eat often and my kids now how to behave (or we would leave). I work w kids all day, I have zero patience for unruly kids after hours at a restaurant. I also think that restaurant owners should ask families to leave if they are unable to control their kids. When we were on vacation in Alabama, there was a restaurant/country club that had a sign with times that were 'child friendly'. I thought that was cool.

                              I have a short story for you - we were once at red lobster waiting to be seated. My kids were 1,3 & 5. My 3&5 year old were looking at the lobster tank and I was next to them w my 1 year old in my arms. A child around the age of 6-7 came up to my ds5 and yelled in his face. I looked around and realize there's no parents around. He then runs up to my dd3 and yells/growls at her and pushes her down. My dd3 quickly gets up and pushes him back. This happens in about 30 seconds and I'm right there gathering my kids and looking for the kid's parent. He comes up to me and reaches up to punch my dd1 (keep in mind, she's a tiny 1 year old about 14lbs). I intercept the punch and hold his hand. The manager rushes over and takes the child. They walked around the ENTiRE restaurant before finding the parents! They were all the way at the back of the restaurant enjoying their dinner. THAT family should be banned from the restaurant. We left and haven't been back since.

