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2 Week Probationary Period

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  • 2 Week Probationary Period

    One of my daycare kids turns 4 next week. He and I have been butting heads for the last 2 months since he has started. He doesn't talk clearly and is difficult yo understand. At times he can talk clear if he wants to other times he just seems to lazy to open up his mouth to talk clearly. He doesn't play well with the other kids because he tries to hoard toys constantly. I swear I can't take my eyes off him for even 1 minute. Time out is not working. When he took toys from the other 5 kids playing and tried to hoard them I made him give them back and he struck out at the kids with his arms and legs. I can't have that happen or him hurt anyone. At nap/quiet time today he through a huge tantrum and disrupted nap for the other kids for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I wanted to call mom for pickup but today is the only day she couldn't as she is working out of town and her husband is in another state for work this week. I did type up a letter putting him on probation of the next 2 weeks of attendance and if he acts up again the way he did that I will be calling for immediate pick up. I'd like to term but honestly need the income if I can some how get through this kids head that he needs to behave and follow my rules. I swear if feels like I'm on this kid constantly. I really stop him as soon as he's misbehaving but its like hes upping the behavior to more than I can physically stop. Any advice please?

  • #2
    I know exactly what it is like to NEED the income. I have done a couple of things. I have isolated that child in another room to play by himself for long periods of time when he misbehaves, I have made that child stay on his sleeping bag to play, I have made that child have to sit beside me to play for long periods of time when he misbehaves, each time, throughout the time he is separated from the others, I would constantly tell them why they are not allowed to play with the others. I always make sure to tell the parents of the child's misbehavior and what I am doing to try to correct his behavior. As it gets worse, I have had to bite the bullet and tell the parents that I don't know if I will be able to continue watching him if the behavior continues. The majority of times that I have told my parents that, they finally reprimand the kid at home enough that he starts behaving better. I have, though, had to give up and stop watching the child. I've had to cut expenses, pay bills every other month, etc. But sometimes, my piece of mind is more important to me than the money from a child that completely ruins everyone's day.


    • #3
      I guess I should explain more of what he does. His little brother is 15 months old. He will just jump and tackle him to the floor. I separate the 2 of them because I will not put up with that behavior. He takes toys from other kids all the time. He tries to jump on my furniture, push kids down, does not like to participate in any games or crafts. He enjoys going outside but again he will hoard outside toys. He talks back all the time. He is going to be going to a preschool this fall but only for 3 hours in the afternoon and I will have the little brother plus they are adding a baby this fall so the income is great just not his behavior. I'm pretty sure there is no discipline at home. Every so often grandma picks up and is very thankful I dish out discipline but the parents seem to refuse to make him behave. Thats what I'm hoping this probation letter will get them on board


      • #4
        I gave dcm the lowdown at pick up tonight and who do you think she is mad at? Her naughty dear son? Nope me! She says he was having an off day, its harder for boys to follow rules while girls have it much easier. Did he get enough outside time. If he doesn't he can't help but be naughty. Um no thats not how it works. She has 2 weeks to work with him and help me make our days go smoother or hes gone.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sally View Post
          I gave dcm the lowdown at pick up tonight and who do you think she is mad at? Her naughty dear son? Nope me! She says he was having an off day, its harder for boys to follow rules while girls have it much easier. Did he get enough outside time. If he doesn't he can't help but be naughty. Um no thats not how it works. She has 2 weeks to work with him and help me make our days go smoother or hes gone.
          Don't feel bad - I have a dcm who blames her son's bad behavior on him not getting a nap. He's 6. Not to say some 6-year-olds don't nap, but that is not why he was having behavior issues.

