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I Went Solar Power Today for My Home

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  • I Went Solar Power Today for My Home

    Living in California has its pros and cons. On of the upsides is the 350 plus days of sunshine every year. I decided to go solar and it took two days for it to be set up on both sides of my roof. 50 solar panels which equates to 60 amps. That's a lot of power. Since I just purchased a gas guzzler I now have a reason to feel a little better.

    Last edited by Michael; 06-04-2014, 04:26 PM.

  • #2
    super cool Michael! My dad uses solar for his home in Canada. I bet yours is more effective, !
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      How long will it take to pay for itself, if you don't mind me asking? Do you have a rough idea?


      • #4
        I would guess around 10 - 15 years. My electrical was around $600 a month. So, night time is Con Edison and daytime is mostly solar.


        • #5
          Nice! I'd love to do that!


          • #6
            Sorry to be completely off topic, but do you have 2 garages??


            • #7
              I'm totally electric, but in Indiana. I'm trying to figure out using hydroelectric. I have 3 ponds & a big creek with waterfalls. If I could hardness that, humm....


              • #8
                That is great! And such a beautiful home.


                • #9
                  My dh is an electrician and hopes to eventually work in the solar field managing a crew or something. That's such a great investment!


                  • #10
                    Awesome! We hope to be there someday as well.
                    Are you able to sell some back to the company?


                    • #11
                      Nice! I'd love to be able to afford to make the change to solar power. The orginal part of our house was built 60 years ago and has very little insulation. We live in the northeast and this past winter was soooo cold. Our oil bills were horrible despite trying to keep the heat in the house as low as possible. I'm very jealous!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lucy View Post
                        Sorry to be completely off topic, but do you have 2 garages??

                        Originally posted by midaycare View Post
                        That is great! And such a beautiful home.
                        Thank you. Moorpark is a beautiful town.

                        Originally posted by spinnymarie View Post
                        Awesome! We hope to be there someday as well.
                        Are you able to sell some back to the company?
                        That is how its supposed to work. The extra power not being used goes to the electric company for our credit.

                        The panels are supposed to last at least 20 years. They say that panels will probably get more efficient and powerful in later models in the future. So we may want to change them at some point but really don't need to. The 50 panels are all we should need. We installed a infrared sauna and that is on a 240v outlet. The panels can also support two central air conditioners so this summer should be pretty good for us will all the sunshine here.


                        • #13
                          Awesome! I love the idea but we live in an apartment.


                          • #14
                            So jealous… my uncle just got his solar panels in December (Hollywood area)
                            That would be the ultimate for my "green" childcare


                            • #15
                              Cool pad
                              Florida Power and Light has a plant that is a combination of solar and natural gas. First in the country, I believe. I think solar is under-utilized in the "Sunshine" state.

