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  • Bugs

    I had a family come in today and a roach fell off of there shirt onto my floor. The mom was honest and said that she has seen a few of them around there house. I killed it and that was that. Is there any good products that are safe for kids that I can put around my house? I don't really know how to handle it. They aren't the cleanest people but I also don't want to embarrass then but I also don't want anything coming to my house.

  • #2
    Not sure if there are any "safe" products you can put out, however, I would be shaking jackets, leaving shoes outside the door, etc. As well, I would request that no diaper bags or backpacks be brought to the daycare. I would be super paranoid about bringing roaches into my home. Just make sure every morning that they don't bring any critters into the house with them.


    • #3
      You can put D Earth around edges of walls and in cabinets… it's kid and pet safe, but it cuts thru roaches and other bugs like it was glass. Also put a policy in place for no bags, back packs etc ( have everyone follow, not just parent in question). I hput my policy in place 4 years ago when bedbugs were being found in daycare centers where I use to live

