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QRIS/Star Ratings Systems...Feedback

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  • QRIS/Star Ratings Systems...Feedback

    I am currently participating in my state's QRIS or star rating system.

    Since these programs are fairly new (within the last 5 years) and have not reached all states yet, the process is an on-going learning experience for both the state as well as the provider and families in care.

    I am currently collecting feedback data from providers (both in home and center based) about their experiences with their state's QRIS program.

    Basically I am wondering if any of you who do participate (whether just starting to or having completed the process) would be willing to share with me their feedback/comments/experiences.
    • What do you like/dislike about the program?
    • Does it work in the manner in which it was designed to?
    • Are parents using it as a tool to choose/decipher quality care from other programs?
    • Do you feel the program is provider friendly?
    • Is it geared primarily for centers or in-home care or does your state have separate framework for each environment?
    • Is the highest star level attainable without a degree?
    • Does your state have specific curriculums you are required to use?
    • Does your state require assessments? How often and what types?

    ANY other feedback you want to give in regards to your experiences both during the rating process as well as afterwards that you are willing to share would be awesome!

    If you don't want to post openly, you are MORE than welcome to PM me or e-mail me.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I am currently participating in my state's QRIS or star rating system.

    Since these programs are fairly new (within the last 5 years) and have not reached all states yet, the process is an on-going learning experience for both the state as well as the provider and families in care.

    I am currently collecting feedback data from providers (both in home and center based) about their experiences with their state's QRIS program.

    Basically I am wondering if any of you who do participate (whether just starting to or having completed the process) would be willing to share with me their feedback/comments/experiences.
    • What do you like/dislike about the program? I dislike the system, I think it needs revamped in my state or done away with
    • Does it work in the manner in which it was designed to? No, instead of promoting quality, providers went underground placing children in unregulated homes.
    • Are parents using it as a tool to choose/decipher quality care from other programs? I have only had one child ask about the stars program since implementation in 2002.
    • Do you feel the program is provider friendly? No, too many areas for open perception and inconsistencies from child care organizations/agencies
    • Is it geared primarily for centers or in-home care or does your state have separate framework for each environment?FCCERS-R for home/ ECERS, ITERS, SACERS for centers[/B]
    • Is the highest star level attainable without a degree? Regardless of education, a score of at least "4" must be had on assessment or entire report card with 6 components is a '0'.......something majorly wrong with that....too much clout is placed on assessment
    • Does your state have specific curriculums you are required to use? play based curriculum
    • Does your state require assessments? state mandated How often and what types?annually with FCCERS-R for home child care

    ANY other feedback you want to give in regards to your experiences both during the rating process as well as afterwards that you are willing to share would be awesome! I think I have been clear on my views of QRIS in previous post. I have stated my views to legislators and powers that be to no avail.. I feel the process has pushed daycares out of business....started with over 3000 homes and today there are 879. Powers that be consider QRIS reflecting quality, but how is pushing children into unregulated care quality. Case in point, I can be NAFCC Accredited, AS degree, CDA and still, my child care report card hangs in the balance EVERY YEAR of a state-mandated assessment that organizations can't even agree on the interpretation of.

    If you don't want to post openly, you are MORE than welcome to PM me or e-mail me.
    I hope my opinions help!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Annalee View Post
      I hope my opinions help!
      Thank you Annalee for you comments.

      Would you by any chance be willing to e-mail/PM me an expanded version of your comments.

      I'm collecting info because I will be speaking with people from my state's program about how we can implement changes or continue with things as is...depending.

      Like most things in the line of work, it looks great on paper but in actual "doing" stage, it isn't so great...kwim?

      That is what I am trying to collect.... info about gaps in the system and ways in which the program can change to better meet the needs of the parents AND the providers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        Thank you Annalee for you comments.

        Would you by any chance be willing to e-mail/PM me an expanded version of your comments.

        I'm collecting info because I will be speaking with people from my state's program about how we can implement changes or continue with things as is...depending.

        Like most things in the line of work, it looks great on paper but in actual "doing" stage, it isn't so great...kwim?

        That is what I am trying to collect.... info about gaps in the system and ways in which the program can change to better meet the needs of the parents AND the providers.
        I sure will.....will work on that at naptime today!


        • #5
          Thank you!!


          • #6
            I just got into our pilot program but haven't actually started yet. We should be starting in the summer.

            just by looking at our sheet of requirements I noticed that we need to take additional training in things like ERS, CLASS, CA Learning Foundations and Frameworks, ASQ, DAP, and an assessment that I can't quite remember the name of right now. I'm already in the stipend program to get money for going to college to get my CA teaching permits (in CA most centers require a teaching permit especially quality ones and all preschool teachers are required to have one or have a teaching credential), so anyway ... a bunch of this training is also required in the stipend program so I won't have to retake the trainings. That will make my life that much easier.


            • #7
              I will get back to you at lunchtime-

              Been working on it for a year! Man what a year-

              Still not done-
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                Thank you!!
                I pm'd you. I hope it helps. Good luck!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                  I pm'd you. I hope it helps. Good luck!
                  Yes! Thank you! It was EXACTLY what I was looking for!

                  Thank you again!


                  • #10
                    When do you need the feedback by? I would be happy to provide some since my state has been using it for at least the 7 years I have been here but I won't get to it until probably this weekend.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by snbauser View Post
                      When do you need the feedback by? I would be happy to provide some since my state has been using it for at least the 7 years I have been here but I won't get to it until probably this weekend.
                      Oh no hurry. ANY time in the next month is fine.

                      Thank you for being willing to give feedback.


                      • #12
                        What do you like/dislike about the program?
                        I feel our program relies too heavily on provider education, and puts very little stock in experience. I think education SHOULD be a factor, but also feel that if someone can meet all the standards without a degree, they should be a 5 star program, not be stuck at a 3. We've had people who taught the daycare classes who can't be a 4 or 5 star unless they go back to school. At 60 years of age; with 30 years experience. That's unreasonable, IMO. I also feel the way they use the FCCER's is not appropriate, because they are using it critically; looking for short comings, not assets. Basically, they are going in with a measuring tape and stop watch and trying to measure quality. There should be a much larger emphasis on provider interactions and activities, not ideals like hand washing to the point where children's hands are quite literally raw.

                        Does it work in the manner in which it was designed to?
                        Somewhat. I think it's brought about a lot of awareness among providers about what children need. I think there has been a lot of training offered, and encouraged, which is also great. It is raising the bar, no question.

                        Are parents using it as a tool to choose/decipher quality care from other programs?yes, in some areas, mostly in the cities. In rural areas, parents don't even know about the program, and even the caseworkers don't seem to direct them to the website

                        Do you feel the program is provider friendly?As a family provider, I will say mostly, no. There is a heavy emphasis on the formality and structure that is more appropriate in a center. The largest family childcare license here is 8 children, and each child under 2 takes 2 of those spots. For the most part, we are in our own homes, not institutions. That should not be considered a negative.

                        Is it geared primarily for centers or in-home care or does your state have separate framework for each environment? It appears to be geared towards centers, then "trickled down" to FCC

                        Is the highest star level attainable without a degree?NO

                        Does your state have specific curriculums you are required to use?NO, but to get points for curriculum, it must meet the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards.

                        Does your state require assessments? Yes, but there is not specific one, or even a specific time frame. However, in order to receive points for this criteria, the teaching cycle of assessment-goals-curriculum-assessment-goals-curriculum must be demonstrated

                        How often and what types?One option is Ages and Stages, and free training was provided

                        To add:
                        The process here is that you can either get an automated rating (a two-star), or go for a higher rating. For a 3, you work with a technical consultant and set goals for your program. For a 4 or 5, you must also have a separate person come and rate the program. This is where the big hitch is. Your technical consultant can get you ready, think you're program is just fantastic, and then a rater will come and literally look for problems. To my knowledge, none of the raters have FCC backgrounds, and very few have actually worked in childcare at all. THERE is the problem, right there, and that's got to be hard on the center folks, as well.

                        Also, if you are nationally accredited (or city accredited where available), you automatically "bump up" to a 4 or 5 star (depending on that degree), because they built that in to the system. It's annoying for those of us who aren't in Madison; because national accreditation is pricey and cumbersome, but at least it's an option.


                        • #13
                          I pm'd you. Hopefully it helps.
                          I do want to change my last answer though.

                          If you're talking about assessments for children, then yes our state requires them 2 times a year. There is a list of assessments that we can choose from to use.


                          • #14
                            I just attained a star one rating. Heading to a meeting tomorrow to discuss star two requirements. I will share some answers with you over the next week or so


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by melilley View Post
                              I pm'd you. Hopefully it helps.
                              I do want to change my last answer though.

                              If you're talking about assessments for children, then yes our state requires them 2 times a year. There is a list of assessments that we can choose from to use.
                              Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

                              Originally posted by llpa View Post
                              I just attained a star one rating. Heading to a meeting tomorrow to discuss star two requirements. I will share some answers with you over the next week or so
                              Thank you!!

