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Easy Healthy Breakfasts

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  • Easy Healthy Breakfasts

    I think it's time to create a breakfast menu that is EASY to work with. I made toast this morning and I realize a two-slice toaster isn't doing the job, I should probably buy a four-slice toaster. Please share anything you do for breakfast that is fairly simple or do you make meals the night before and heat them up in the morning? (I don't have access to a stove/oven during daycare hours, ONLY a microwave or small plug-in appliances like a toaster)

  • #2
    I do cold cereal, fruit, and milk. On another thread someone suggested oatmeal bake in a crockpot. I tested it and liked it but the kids weren't too fond of it. They don't like regular oatmeal either.
    Celebrate! ::


    • #3
      I make a huge batch of pancakes at one time, then freeze them and pop them as needed in the toaster. We also do fruit wraps with whole wheat tortillas and fresh fruit and use yogurt also. We also do alot of bagels with pnb and fresh fruit. My kids love the pancakes though because it is hearty and always a fav. You could do french toast and cut them up into strips before freezing and nuke them in the microwave to reheat. Kids love to dunk anything in syrup!!


      • #4
        Pancakes, like Blackcat said, or waffles can be done the same way. French Toast, too, and muffins.

        Smoothies! Yogurt, juice/milk, frozen fruit, and a banana if you want, all tossed in the blender and blended smooth. It's like a milkshake for breakfast! If you buy some protein powder and add that, then it's even healthier and they don't even know it. I've been known to add flax meal, too, to boost te nutrition; my mom used to add wheat germ. A smoothie and toast w/ or w/o peanut butter is a great breakfast.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          i actually have 2 4-slice toasters. it just makes it easier..

          we do the reheated pancake thing too!!!

          believe it or not, you can microwave scrambled eggs too. i dont like them like that, but my kids do.

          we do bagels, english muffins, cold cereal, and homemade breads (like banana) most of the time.


          • #6
            Here is what my kids have

            Monday- whole grain waffles (microwave) and banana
            Tuesday- wheat Pancakes (Microwave) and strawberries
            Wednesday- Cereal like whole grain cherrios, chex, etc grapes
            Thursday- Egg and Turkey Sauage applesauce
            Friday- Kids choice on Friday they get to pick either the waffles, pancakes, or cereal


            • #7
              I make hot cereal (oatmeal, 7 grain, Quinoa, grits, etc) the night before with fruit and let it soak. I just nuke it in the morning bowl by bowl. I buy my grains from

              I make fruit muffins and fruit scones.

              I make pancakes in advance and freeze.

              The kids also like rice with milk and fruit so I make that up in advance.

              I make home made fruit bread when I get up that is done by the time the kids get here. I love to do that as it makes my house smell great when the parents arrive and is a simple serving.

              We don't eat cold cereal or toast. I always make hot breakfast. The kids usually eat breakfast before they come with their parents but they almost always want a second breakfast once everyone is here.


              • #8
                Yogurt with granola sprinkled on top. My kids love the greek style yogurt and I've been known to allow a teaspoon of whatever jimmies we have laying around from cupcake decorating to end up on top too.


                • #9
                  Nannyde could you share some muffin recipes?

                  Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                  I make hot cereal (oatmeal, 7 grain, Quinoa, grits, etc) the night before with fruit and let it soak. I just nuke it in the morning bowl by bowl. I buy my grains from

                  I make fruit muffins and fruit scones.

                  I make pancakes in advance and freeze.

                  The kids also like rice with milk and fruit so I make that up in advance.

                  I make home made fruit bread when I get up that is done by the time the kids get here. I love to do that as it makes my house smell great when the parents arrive and is a simple serving.

                  We don't eat cold cereal or toast. I always make hot breakfast. The kids usually eat breakfast before they come with their parents but they almost always want a second breakfast once everyone is here.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                    Nannyde could you share some muffin recipes?
                    Please!! I love baking new things.


                    • #11
                      I love the recipes off of Pauls Grains:

                      I have some recipes from my Step Mothers cookbook I use too. I will see if I can type them out.

                      Any basic muffin recipe will work. I just add my organic fruit to them. I use dried fruit soaked in organic apple juice or just put pureed fruit in them instead of oils and water.

                      I make a few dozen in advance and then freeze them for easy mornings. The kids usually eat one or two. They are made with the whole grains and are very filling. It gives them their bread and fruit serving for breakfast so they are good with just a glass of milk to go with them.

                      I also make cheesy veggie muffins. I will make all in one muffins with cheeseburger and asparagus or cheese and spinach. Those are great for lunch.

                      One of the best things to get kids to like the muffins and breads is to use really good spices if you can afford it. I love Penzey's spices and use their Vietamese Cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and apple pie spice. Their nutmeg and vanilla are great too. Good spices make a big difference on how well they sell to the kids. I also only use real butter.


                      • #12
                        I always serve a grain and a fruit. Fruits are fresh fruits, typically bought at the farmer's market store, Henry's ( I LOVE this store, they recently opened here and it's a regualr store, but produce and meats, etc. are local.)

                        Some grains I serve:

                        bagels w/cream cheese
                        english muffins w/preserves
                        peanut butter toast
                        croissant w/ham and cheese
                        biscuit w/gravy
                        cereal bars


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                          I always serve a grain and a fruit. Fruits are fresh fruits, typically bought at the farmer's market store, Henry's ( I LOVE this store, they recently opened here and it's a regualr store, but produce and meats, etc. are local.)

                          Some grains I serve:

                          bagels w/cream cheese
                          english muffins w/preserves
                          peanut butter toast
                          croissant w/ham and cheese
                          biscuit w/gravy
                          cereal bars
                          Yummy. I want to eat at your house. I love biscuits and gravy. This is another one we do here that is easy to make up in advance. Make the biscuits in advance and the gravy in advance and then just nuke the gravy to hot and pour over cold biscuits. Takes seconds to warm up.

                          I don't do croissants, cereal bars, bagels because I can't afford those I try to get the cost per serving with the milk to be around fifty cents per kid per day. Breakfast is a meal I get a bit more for on the food program then I spend so I can have more funds for the expensive lunch.


                          • #14
                            I have a toaster oven and I love it! I can toast 6 slices at a time as well as waffles, etc. I also use it daily for baking simple things like fish sticks, corn dogs, breadsticks, tunas melts, cinnamon rolls etc. It is so much easier than having to use the big stove oven all the time. I only use my large oven for actual baking such as cupcakes or large items.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                              Yummy. I want to eat at your house. I love biscuits and gravy. This is another one we do here that is easy to make up in advance. Make the biscuits in advance and the gravy in advance and then just nuke the gravy to hot and pour over cold biscuits. Takes seconds to warm up.

                              I don't do croissants, cereal bars, bagels because I can't afford those I try to get the cost per serving with the milk to be around fifty cents per kid per day. Breakfast is a meal I get a bit more for on the food program then I spend so I can have more funds for the expensive lunch.
                              I like to do it in advance as much as possible too. A lot of times I make extra foods when I cook dinner and put it aside for the morning.

                              I don't think your kids are missing out on the bagels/croissants/cereal bars....they seem to have a very nice menu of foods there

