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Website - Weebly

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  • Website - Weebly

    I have a question about making your website "visible". I have a website on weebly, but it doesn't come up in searches. I'm not sure how to do that. Anyone here familiar with that?


  • #2
    Do you have your own domain name or are you using a version from/via weebly?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Do you have your own domain name or are you using a version from/via weebly?
      I have my own domain name but I created the website through weebly. Does that make sense?


      • #4
        unless someone types in your web address or searches for it by name and no one else has your name you have to put a little work into making it easy to search.

        Most companies pay to have their businesses listed first but if you don't want to do that there a few things you can do to get higher placement in searches.

        Tag your pages (daycare, daycare [city] etc)
        Update the content of your Web pages frequently
        Use a lot of related content in your text having to do with daycare
        Share your link with as many people as you can. Higher traffic=higher placement (business cards, craiglist ads, facebook etc)

        You can also submit your link manually to the major web search engines. Google manually submitting web site to search engines and it'll give you more info. You basically just have to copy and paste your url.


        • #5
          Thanks MV!

          I was wondering how I could make it show up in searches.

          I do update it every date, but the update is on a private page for parents. I'm not sure if that counts. Oh well ... Off to submit it to search engines!


          • #6
            Update your home page and other pages too. Even just changing the wording a little bit or changing things around or changing the font type/color etc. would probably work. You can try adding a little section with your openings and update that and keep it current and that will work. Search engines look for recent changes because they want to give the searcher the most current info. If you do this often (even to just add a simple "Daycare Closed on x/x/x for ___ Holiday" is good.


            • #7
              Definately sign it up on Google Places, then it will come up! I signed up on every search engine possible (Google, yahoo, yelp, foursquare, super pages etc.) All for free. It is a bit time consuming but start with google---many require mail verification and google took WEEKS. But it will work!!


              • #8
                In Weebly:

                Go to the tab Pages, click on your Home page, then click advanced settings.

                Under Meta keywords enter all possible words that people might use to find your site. I used:

                my town name, Ohio, preschool, name of my preschool, child, care, childcare, daycare

                I did this for a few of my pages and now my website comes up on the first page whenever anyone searches for my town name, state and preschool. In some search engines it comes up as the second hit. I may have done a few other things as well, but I don't remember, but doing this should help. It will take a few days (or maybe several days?) for this to bump up your website. Hope that helps!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by missy View Post
                  Definately sign it up on Google Places, then it will come up! I signed up on every search engine possible (Google, yahoo, yelp, foursquare, super pages etc.) All for free. It is a bit time consuming but start with google---many require mail verification and google took WEEKS. But it will work!!
                  Google places is free and easy.


                  • #10
                    Awesome advice everyone - thank you! I did some of these things this weekend. I can't wait to try the meta tags and Google Places.

