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Things Are A Changin' - Help Me Write A Note/Letter

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  • MarinaVanessa
    And put spikes along the front of your driveway. Yellow tape doesn't work. Parents just lift it and go under it ::

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  • Second Home
    Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
    Right!! And keep the front door locked/dead bolted/razor wired so they can't enter even if they "forget".

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  • crazydaycarelady
    Haha....perfect BC! Thanks!

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  • NightOwl
    Right!! And keep the front door locked/dead bolted/razor wired so they can't enter even if they "forget".

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  • Blackcat31
    How is something like this?

    Dear Parents,

    To avoid further destruction of my personal property, the drive way is NO LONGER an available option for parking.

    As of Monday, May xx, 2014 parents will need to park along the west side of 6th street or the east side of 4th avenue. Please be respectful of my neighbors and do NOT block their driveways.

    Entrance to the daycare will now be around the back of the house. Please do NOT use the front door for drop offs or pick ups.

    Thank you for you consideration in this matter


    Provider who is tired of her crap getting broken!

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  • Things Are A Changin' - Help Me Write A Note/Letter

    After discussing recent events with my assistant we think it is a good idea to have the parents park on the street, not in the driveway, and also to come around to the back door rather than come in through the front door and down the stairs (which gives the kids ample opportunity to run amuck ruining my things while the parents look on.)

    This will relieve SO MUCH STRESS from my life.

    I plan to give each parent a notice of this and also put a sign at the end of the driveway for the first week.

    So....any ideas on how I should word the note and/or sign. I tend to offer explanations and get wordy. :/