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How Do You Respond?

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  • How Do You Respond?

    So how do you or would you even respond to school agers who come in and first thing ask what day it is ,you ask why they ask and they say because they don't have to come to your house that day! I'm so sick of rude school kids ! Her sibling last week said I needed to pay attention when I go grocery shop because I bought syrup flavored with butter and that's just disgusting! Or when the school agers see you at school or at store and look at you as if you were a stranger ? Don't get it ?

  • #2
    The only SA 'ers I have ever had have been respectful. Yours sound terribly disrespectful, and I don't think you should tolerate that! Firm talking to with the parents or term. Sorry they are so rude!


    • #3
      I always tell them to sit on the couch and if they can't be nice then they can stay there. I also tell them that its not my job to entertain them, or cater to them and Im a daycare not a party spot. Then I let the parents know that I won't tolerate them being rude to me. Then I let them know if it keeps up I won't take them any long. I have sense gotten to a point where I don't accept SA at all any longer


      • #4
        I don't do before/after school SA anymore. I do have 2 SA that come on days school is closed and will come for about 6 weeks this summer. I found that most of the kids seemed to think that they were here for a play date. They were here with a "I'm the guest, so you need to cater to my wishes" attitude. I now make sure that any I do agree to take understand that they are here for daycare. They are not guests. They are not my daughter's playmates. They are here to be watched. They can entertain themselves and have fun, or they can whine and sit. Sometimes it takes a few days, but once they get that into their heads, they play and have a good time.


        • #5
          I will ignore comments like that , and I have heard it many times .


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cccdcia View Post
            So how do you or would you even respond to school agers who come in and first thing ask what day it is ,you ask why they ask and they say because they don't have to come to your house that day! I'm so sick of rude school kids ! Her sibling last week said I needed to pay attention when I go grocery shop because I bought syrup flavored with butter and that's just disgusting! Or when the school agers see you at school or at store and look at you as if you were a stranger ? Don't get it ?
            I would say "Don't ask me that. It is rude. Do you understand?" Then they'd get the evil eye.

            If it happened again, there would be a consequence. Children need to be called out on their bad behavior.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Cccdcia View Post
              needed to pay attention when I go grocery shop because I bought syrup flavored with butter and that's just disgusting!
              "Oh? Maybe you should pay attention too. You seem to have forgotten your manners at home today"


              • #8
                Originally posted by MV View Post
                "Oh? Maybe you should pay attention too. You seem to have forgotten your manners at home today"


                • #9
                  That's why I don't deal with SA's anymore.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MV View Post
                    "Oh? Maybe you should pay attention too. You seem to have forgotten your manners at home today"

                    Honestly, this is exactly the reason I don't like SA kids. The attitude and "know it all" behavior drives me CRAZY.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cccdcia View Post
                      So how do you or would you even respond to school agers who come in and first thing ask what day it is ,you ask why they ask and they say because they don't have to come to your house that day! I'm so sick of rude school kids ! Her sibling last week said I needed to pay attention when I go grocery shop because I bought syrup flavored with butter and that's just disgusting! Or when the school agers see you at school or at store and look at you as if you were a stranger ? Don't get it ?

                      Probably not the most professional, but I dish it right back....
                      I believe I'll be looking forward to that day more than you..... a day without a child having attitude!
                      And the syrup comment......I'd snatch that plate of pancakes, and whisk it away. Well.....I guess your done!
                      They learn!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MV View Post
                        "Oh? Maybe you should pay attention too. You seem to have forgotten your manners at home today"
                        perfectly said


                        • #13
                          WOW!! Hold old are these buggers?!

                          Here are my responses:

                          "If you don't like the syrup, don't eat it but just's a long time until lunch."

                          Two..."it's a school/daycare day."

