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    had a parent whos been on maturnity leave since Oct , due back Nov.29 ..write me on FB saying she has decided to not go back to work so she wont be needing me anymore....YAY is what i was thinking since i was dreading the 5yr old coming back....well, she then goes on her brother's page and vents on how I QUIT on HER
    i was PI$$ED!!!

    would you say something? under her comment, privately or just let it go??

    i want to let it go since i really didnt want her brat coming back anyways, but then again, i dont want anything negative about me on FB that others can see when its a LIE ..i have always run my business thru word of mouth and have a great reputation in my city.

    i mean, we all know i have a hard enough time talking to parents about flipping milk and juice much less terming a family ::

    terming a family is like a MAJOR ordeal thats HARD to do !

    what would you do?
    Last edited by Michael; 11-22-2010, 03:35 PM.

  • #2
    Not a very smart cookie, is she.....

    I would so call her out on that one! I would "reply" to her on her brother's page something like "Oh, wow! I must have misunderstood you - so you're NOT quitting your job afterall? Great! I look forward to little Johnny coming back to daycare!" Cuz you just know she won't bring him back after you called her out like that! But lets anyone reading know that you didn't just "quit" her. I'd be angry too!


    • #3
      Originally posted by marniewon View Post
      Not a very smart cookie, is she.....

      I would so call her out on that one! I would "reply" to her on her brother's page something like "Oh, wow! I must have misunderstood you - so you're NOT quitting your job afterall? Great! I look forward to little Johnny coming back to daycare!" Cuz you just know she won't bring him back after you called her out like that! But lets anyone reading know that you didn't just "quit" her. I'd be angry too!
      This is exactly what I would do too. She posted it on a facebook page for all to see, so I would respond right there for all to see as well. I'm not sure I would be as nice about it as Marniewon though. In fact, I'm sure I wouldn't.


      • #4
        haha! good one!

        what makes me so mad is what happened?? all was fine until last week when she called to inquire on her new rate....i told her and that was that. and now this?!?! hope she finds someone she can afford since i gave her a VERY reduced rate. her loss..


        • #5
          Huh...that's weird. I wonder if maybe her family isn't happy about her decision to not go back to work and she's just blaming it on you to make it seem more acceptable?

          Not saying that approach is right or acceptable, I just always find the "good" side of things.

          I would definitely say something about it to her, although I would do it privately, and probably call her on the phone instead of doing it over the internet. I would tell her that you saw the comment and were a little confused since it seemed that she was the one quitting on you, and you're uncomfortable with that comment being out there and want to clear the air.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Oh, yes. I'd definitley call her on it. And, I WOULD do it publicly. After all, she had no problem LYING about you on a public venue.

            Have I ever said, I HATE Facebook?


            • #7
              I would post to her wall..... Hey Sally! I'm so excited that you have decided to stay home with the kids I know they are going to love being home with mommy! While we will miss them at daycare I understand why you decided to quit working and be with them. They do grow up so fast!


              • #8
                I think all of the above ideas are great. I hate facebook, I only talk to close friends and do not allow anything super private on there. I hate it.

                I would not reply to the message...why would you be looking into her families post anyways.. (I know why you did but she may not see it that way) it may just be obvious too I suppose.
                As it being my buisness I would not conduct agreements or arrangements on facebook, I would require a phone call for end of care date. That is just me though!
                I would be equally frustrated and angry with her and I cant help but to think I would entertain the idea of posting something back to her like the others have suggested. I would try to restrain myself though..hahah


                • #9
                  Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                  I would post to her wall..... Hey Sally! I'm so excited that you have decided to stay home with the kids I know they are going to love being home with mommy! While we will miss them at daycare I understand why you decided to quit working and be with them. They do grow up so fast!
                  Perfect!:: As long as enough people see it before she deletes it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                    I would post to her wall..... Hey Sally! I'm so excited that you have decided to stay home with the kids I know they are going to love being home with mommy! While we will miss them at daycare I understand why you decided to quit working and be with them. They do grow up so fast!
                    I like this & I would do this!!! :-)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by janarae View Post
                      Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                      I would post to her wall..... Hey Sally! I'm so excited that you have decided to stay home with the kids I know they are going to love being home with mommy! While we will miss them at daycare I understand why you decided to quit working and be with them. They do grow up so fast!
                      I like this & I would do this!!! :-)
                      Ditto this!


                      • #12
                        thanks guys!

                        I did it

                        I wrote: Interesting C, as YOU wrote ME indicating you guys had decided you would be a SAHM...I NEVER quit on YOU, its the other way around! I have the email you wrote if you'd like to be refreshed! I don't mind forwarding so you can RE-READ

                        Her brother wrote : weird K, they can't afford for her to stay home

                        i wrote: thats what i thought! I never quit on her! She wrote me saying how much staying home w/the kids was nice and decided not to return to work. not sure why she is spreading this rumor!

                        he wrote: can you forward me the letter?

                        I wrote: yep, just did. Enjoy!

                        he wrote: thanks, i will remove this for you as you requested. I will also message you when I find out from C whats going on. Sorry this has caused you any undue stress.

                        So far, as of just a min ago, nothing else has been written ::


                        • #13
                          Good for you! Personally, I would not be concerned about anyone wondering why you were looking at their isn't like it's a secret if it's posted there for everyone to see!


                          • #14
                            to stupid part is her brother is a mutual friend so its not like i went looking for it it shows up on my page ::

