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Logged Out For Privacy Because...

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  • Logged Out For Privacy Because...

    I am pagan and would like to vent. I've been in childcare for almost 12 years, I've been a teacher, director, owner, home provider (currently) and I am in the broom closet (A term used by witches to indicate they are not "out"). And it gets frustrating. I love who I am. My spirituality is quite beautiful. The earth is sacred, all life springs forth from her, God is not found in a church, God is in every person, animal, plant, stream, in every aspect of nature. So I'm a nature worshiper. It's a very peaceful religion. But try saying to a client who inquires about your religious beliefs, oh I'm a witch, and watch how fast she bolts for the door. It breaks my heart....
    Modern day witches are/do NOT:
    Evil, devil worshipers, make blood sacrifices unless it's their own, put hexes on others, use magick for ill will, invade dreams of their enemies, have orgies in the woods, etc.
    Modern day witches ARE:
    Peaceful, giving, in tune with nature, uses magick for the betterment and protection of their families and the planet, sees God in all living things.
    And, even though I would never do something to intentionally hurt someone else, most witches WON'T because we believe in the law of 3. What we send out into the world, we will get back threefold.
    It just makes me sad that I have to remain in the proverbial broom closet because potential, or even current, clients wouldn't even attempt tolerance or try to understand. So when I'm asked what my religious preferences are, I grudgingly say that I'm christian.
    I'm sure the majority of you reading this will also be taken aback and instantly feel the urge to disassociate with me (which is why I logged out), but think of it this way. 70 years ago, white women would've felt that way about black women. 20 years ago, straight people would've felt this way about gay people (some still do). Society is slowly evolving, but I don't think it will happen in my lifetime that my religion will be as openly accepted as Christians or Jews or Islamics or Buddhists. And I'm here to tell you, pagans, witches in particular, are all around us. There's millions of us. But we're too afraid to tell you. And we're definitely too afraid to come out of it if it means we won't be able to make a living anymore because no one wants their children to be taken care of by a witch. So in the broom closet I stay.

  • #2
    Would it feel more truthful to you if you said something like this:
    "Oh, I'm really more spiritual than religious, if you know what I mean."?


    • #3
      Originally posted by SignMeUp View Post
      Would it feel more truthful to you if you said something like this:
      "Oh, I'm really more spiritual than religious, if you know what I mean."?
      This is what I usually go with, especially if they're asking what church i attend. For me, church is all around us, not one particular building. But I can't really say that either because it would just encourage more questions. So I think by saying I'm more spiritual than religious, they just think I'm a lazy christian who doesn't go to church. Lol.


      • #4
        Honestly, unless religion/spirituality/etc is part of what you teach as part of your daycare, I don't think it is anyone's business. I would never ask a parent what their religion was and would be taken aback if they asked me and it would immediately turn me off from taking them as a client. And that's coming from someone who lives in the "bible belt"


        • #5
          Sorry if this comes out wrong....but I am not sure why it would be brought up to potential or current clients in the first place. I have never been asked what my religious beliefs are, but it's really none of their business unless it is a part of the child care I provide.


          • #6
            It's not part of my program. I don't push my views onto anyone and I wouldn't expect them to do that to me. My vent is that I have to stay hidden and that gets very lonely. There's not much I can do about it though.


            • #7
              I only was asked when I had the names "PRECIOUS ANGELS" everyone thought I taught religious things. Actually, it turned people AWAY. So I changed my name to "Just Like Home" and got more calls.

              I would never ask someone what they worshipped unless I expected to have my kids taught a particular curriculum. (So if I preferred Christian care, I'd make sure to find out if the person was Christian).

              FYI: I have PLENTY of pagan friends, and they've made WAY better friends than some of the Christian ones.


              • #8
                I am a former atheist, now spiritual in a pantheist kind of way (I have many friends who are pagan, btw). TBH, I would probably would have responded that my religious beliefs, or lack of them, have no bearing on the childcare I provide, and that I provide a secular daycare program (true for me).

                I don't discuss religion or my spirituality with anyone other than friends and family. I don't see the point. If they are asking about your religion, then they are likely only concerned about whether your daycare program includes religion (and, if so, which one). There are some daycare providers who do provide a certain amount of religious instruction, be it through discussion and activities, and/or through religion-based curriculum. If your program is secular, then tell exactly that and nothing more. Anything more is none of their business.


                • #9
                  Oh, and I get what you mean about being lonely. I live in a small town and the closest pagan gatherings and groups are hours away (I don't drive). I rely on message boards for pagan-related conversations.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    This is what I usually go with, especially if they're asking what church i attend. For me, church is all around us, not one particular building. But I can't really say that either because it would just encourage more questions. So I think by saying I'm more spiritual than religious, they just think I'm a lazy christian who doesn't go to church. Lol.
                    I guess they can "think" what they want ... but if it felt truthful to say it that way, maybe you wouldn't feel like you were hiding.
                    Just looking for a way to make it better :hug:
                    I know in some communities, it's almost impossible not to declare yourself as something-or-other.


                    • #11
                      Tough situation. My very first thought was one of terminology. Are you very attached to the word "witch"? Isn't there a better term for your beliefs? Like Naturalist or just "I'm a spiritually oriented person"? I'm not trying to simplify the problem, I understand your involves issues deeper than semantics.

                      I don't think it's anybody's business but your own. I have never been asked that question. I imagine I would decline to answer, as I'm not a practicing anything. I'm not sure I would even want clients that asked such personal questions. I couldn't imagine a client asking something like "Have you ever co habituated out of wedlock or been divorced or a failed relationship?" No. It's a none-of-your-business type question.

                      I certainly don't judge you for those very peaceful beliefs. I would love to have you watch my children if I loved your program and daycare environment. I live in a pretty secular community, but not all parts of the country are like that.

                      Did someone ask you this recently? Don't reply "Christian" if you don't want to. Don't reply. But if you feel like you could and should state your true religious orientation, must the word witch be used? If the word is important to you, use it and be ready to explain it just as you explained it here.

                      Best wishes! It's complex, I hope you get the answers you seek.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by debbiedoeszip View Post

                        If they are asking about your religion, then they are likely only concerned about whether your daycare program includes religion (and, if so, which one). ... If your program is secular, then tell exactly that and nothing more. Anything more is none of their business.
                        Yes, so what I was thinking was to come up with a set phrase or phrases that feel truthful to you, without revealing anything, because you don't have to
                        And then do like you do with little kids: Repeat the phrase, as necessary, until they understand it ::


                        • #13
                          I've never been asked what religion/what church/about personal beliefs by a potential or even current client. Though I identify as Christian, I don't belong to any one particular church or necessarily believe in/participate in all traditional aspects of any religion.

                          I believe that being respectful of people's personal/spiritual/religious beliefs is extremely important. Though I am personally (non-denominational) Christian I have enrolled families that are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, and Catholic. Because I don't include religious teachings in my program, I've never had a problem.

                          Sometimes it is helpful to have a prepared answer when you are asked a personal question (especially one that is this personal, private, and I think, depending on the way it is ask, a little invasive and unnecessary) is to have a statement prepared and ready to go so you don't feel put n the spot.

                          I like what SignMeUp said "Actually I am more spiritual than religious."
                          I would then follow with "Our program is welcoming of families of all beliefs. I believe in teaching children to respect all individuals" with a BIG SMILE.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                            I've never been asked what religion/what church/about personal beliefs by a potential or even current client. Though I identify as Christian, I don't belong to any one particular church or necessarily believe in/participate in all traditional aspects of any religion.

                            I believe that being respectful of people's personal/spiritual/religious beliefs is extremely important. Though I am personally (non-denominational) Christian I have enrolled families that are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, and Catholic. Because I don't include religious teachings in my program, I've never had a problem.

                            Sometimes it is helpful to have a prepared answer when you are asked a personal question (especially one that is this personal, private, and I think, depending on the way it is ask, a little invasive and unnecessary) is to have a statement prepared and ready to go so you don't feel put n the spot.

                            I like what SignMeUp said "Actually I am more spiritual than religious."
                            I would then follow with "Our program is welcoming of families of all beliefs. I believe in teaching children to respect all individuals" with a BIG SMILE.
                            I like this!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I like this!

