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Lost another daycare kid

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  • Lost another daycare kid

    His family can't afford to pay for daycare. Grampa is going to be watching him.
    I should be freaking out financially but this would be the only other daycare kid that I'd be very OK with losing.

    He's my before/after school kid. This is the dad that I gave a discount because of the little time that he was here (but dad has been taking advantage of that) so he's my $50.00 per week kid so I'm not losing one of my big money kids. I've learned a lot from this one - especially about not giving discounts like this. It wasn't worth it at all.

    For some reason when he and my ds (same age) got off the bus all hell would break lose. all my little (normally well behaved) kids would start going insane... ds had a hard time controlling himself with him around too. And the funny thing is.. he is a GOOD kid. It was just the combination that wasn't working. He's made me realize that if I get to a point where I can be picky, I won't do school aged again. (unless they start with me when they are young). School age are rough

    The financial side of it is a little stressful because I really DO have the room for another full time child but because of my vehicle size I can't take on any more. And I have room for TWO before/after school kids. BUT.. they don't come around very often.

  • #2
    I started to find this too, the 10 yr old that was coming here b/a would cause so much problems for my ds (8yrs old) and the girls that they couldn't stand him anymore, I spent the mornings and afternoons so stresses because of him and I had to do alot of yelling. So I have a new rule, more more older children, I love the little kids, they all get along and my days are so much better. I too was getting 50 dollars a week and I didn't find it worth the headach


    • #3
      kindof how i feel right now..i lost 2 kids coming back next week but i'm really happy about it . i couldnt stand the 5yr old anyways and the baby to be is super colicky....things happen for a reason!

