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New DCKs: 3 yo and 12 Weeks...Question

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  • New DCKs: 3 yo and 12 Weeks...Question

    Would you take on a 3 yo (no problem, I'd be thrilled for DD to have a same age friend) and a 12 week old when you are pregnant? I'm 12 weeks pregnant now, due end of May, and would be about 20 weeks when the kids start. Would a 12 week old (up through...what would that be? 8 months or so) be too much work when pregnant? I have help for half the day right now, but that might change in January.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I'd probably give it a try. Do you have in your policy that you have a 2 week trial period? I'd also tell them that once you come back from Maternity leave (if you'll take one) That there will also be a two week trial then too just to make sure you can handle it all. Just be up front with them and let them know your concerns. And be honest with yourself at the end of your two weeks.


    • #3
      I took 6 weeks old infant when my first daughter was 10 months old. A few months later, I found out I was pregnant with my second daughter (unexpected) when dcb was four month old and my daughter was 12 months old. I had watch him all the through with my pregnancy and I felt it was fine to deal with him when he was an infant and my daughter. I would say to give it a try but I am sure everything will work it out.


      • #4
        Thanks, guys.

        I guess part of what I'm worrying about is being 9 months pregnant and all the lifting/carrying the little one will need still, plus I remember being told after DD was born not to lift anything heavier than her for the first six weeks (I think it was six) so I'm concerned about all the lifting and carrying then, too. Any BTDT experience?
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

