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  • #16 you have the blog link? I think that looks awesome to make for my in-laws! They are the HARDEST people to buy gifts for.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #17
      That is ADORABLE! I have been racking my brain for something 'new' to do for my daycare families (from the kids) for Christmas and that just might fit the bill. Thanks for the idea


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lianne View Post
        I'm Canadian so Thanksgiving was last week.
        You must be in a different part of Ontario, because my Thanksgiving was over a month ago .

        Around here, November 1st is the unofficial first day of outdoor Christmas lights. Of course, I haven't been able to get ours up yet, but it will happen soon! As for indoor decorating, I've been holding myself back for the past couple of weeks. I'm trying to hold out til December 1st, but I'm not sure how successful I'll be. I LOVE Christmas!! It's the most wonderful time of the year

        The tree won't go up til my Christmas break starts, on Dec. 23rd. I just don't have enough room to put it up AND keep the dc kids from destroying it ...


        • #19

          here's the site i got the idea from. if you type in "crayon + shadow box" in google, you'll probably see more. i used a razor knife to cut the crayons and i rolled the crayon as i cut instead of hacking through it. i'm not a very artsy person and it was really very simple! i printed a 40% off coupon online from hobby lobby and used that on a big box of crayolas and then got the frame 50% off, but that sale ends tmw! i'm going back tonight to get more since it turned out well. the hardest part of all was finding the letter pattern to use for a guide. when i found one large enough i still had to mess with it.

          share your pics if you decide to do it!


          • #20
            I have such a small house for my family of 5, then add in 11-12 daycare kids plus decorations? We don't put up much. Fall saw a few scarecrow statues/pumpkins around on the few surfaces I have up high. For the past 2 years, I have had a mini (like 12") tree on top of my TV. I was worried about kids touching hooks that hold ornaments. I also get relicensed by the end of December and didn't want a tree in here to cause any trouble with licensing inspection. I have no other room to put a tree than my living room. Do you all know if I can have a tree up and not worry about licensing? My daycare kids are pretty good about not touching things so I am not worried but I don't want to get in trouble. My own family is sad that I won't put up a big tree.....what do you all do?


            • #21
              Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
              I have such a small house for my family of 5, then add in 11-12 daycare kids plus decorations? We don't put up much. Fall saw a few scarecrow statues/pumpkins around on the few surfaces I have up high. For the past 2 years, I have had a mini (like 12") tree on top of my TV. I was worried about kids touching hooks that hold ornaments. I also get relicensed by the end of December and didn't want a tree in here to cause any trouble with licensing inspection. I have no other room to put a tree than my living room. Do you all know if I can have a tree up and not worry about licensing? My daycare kids are pretty good about not touching things so I am not worried but I don't want to get in trouble. My own family is sad that I won't put up a big tree.....what do you all do?
              I don't know how licensing would feel about a tree, but I bought one of those big six panel gates and surround my tree every year. Like you, I have a relatively small house, so our tree is very accessible to the daycare kids. I just put the tree in a corner and surround it with the gate, far enough out that they can't reach in to grab things. It's easy to take down when the kids are gone, too.

