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Fed Up

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  • Fed Up

    I have been an in-home provider for 8 years, and I have one child care parent who constantly changes from state pay to self pay, and I am really getting fed up. Just last month she reapplied for state help, after losing their help in December, and so far her case has been pending for 17 days. I finally told her today (it's my pay day, and I have no idea if DSHS is going to cover her bill or not)that she needs to pay me in cash for the remaining portion owed from last month and for the first week of this month, and each week after this one until I get authorization from DSHS in writing stating that they are going to pay her bill. I also told her that I would not refund her $ anymore when this happens, but that I would not be charging DSHS for the days that she had paid me for already. Boy was she mad. She wants me to wait for DSHS to make a decision or promise to refund her for any days that DSHS is willing to pay for (evenutually). I just can't understand how I can be asked to make so many accommodations in my own budget. This happens All the time, and I have let this parent pay me in installments and I have worked around her needs for far too long. Has anyone else experienced parents like this? I just felt like telling her to come and get her kids after she used the f bomb over the phone today. It is not my fault that her live-in boyfriend can't keep a job and screws up her state benefits. She should kick his behind to the curb. Anyway, I feel so used, like its no big deal if I have to wait forever to get paid. I have four kids of my own, and I have to pay the bills. I just can't stand people who take advantage of me. It wouldn't be so bad if this same thing hadn't happened like 6 times in the past year and a half. If any of you are paid by the state, you know that these kinds of issues can leave you waiting for income for over a month while they figure things out and get you an invoice. Not ok in these hard times. I am wrong to want to get paid for the services I provide? Not to mention that this parent's children are badly behaved, and cause me the most frustration of any children I care for. It hardly seems worth it. What do you do with parents who cause issues and are unappreciative of how flexible you have tried to be, and who freak out on you when you decide enough is enough?


  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have been an in-home provider for 8 years, and I have one child care parent who constantly changes from state pay to self pay, and I am really getting fed up. Just last month she reapplied for state help, after losing their help in December, and so far her case has been pending for 17 days. I finally told her today (it's my pay day, and I have no idea if DSHS is going to cover her bill or not)that she needs to pay me in cash for the remaining portion owed from last month and for the first week of this month, and each week after this one until I get authorization from DSHS in writing stating that they are going to pay her bill. I also told her that I would not refund her $ anymore when this happens, but that I would not be charging DSHS for the days that she had paid me for already. Boy was she mad. She wants me to wait for DSHS to make a decision or promise to refund her for any days that DSHS is willing to pay for (evenutually). I just can't understand how I can be asked to make so many accommodations in my own budget. This happens All the time, and I have let this parent pay me in installments and I have worked around her needs for far too long. Has anyone else experienced parents like this? I just felt like telling her to come and get her kids after she used the f bomb over the phone today. It is not my fault that her live-in boyfriend can't keep a job and screws up her state benefits. She should kick his behind to the curb. Anyway, I feel so used, like its no big deal if I have to wait forever to get paid. I have four kids of my own, and I have to pay the bills. I just can't stand people who take advantage of me. It wouldn't be so bad if this same thing hadn't happened like 6 times in the past year and a half. If any of you are paid by the state, you know that these kinds of issues can leave you waiting for income for over a month while they figure things out and get you an invoice. Not ok in these hard times. I am wrong to want to get paid for the services I provide? Not to mention that this parent's children are badly behaved, and cause me the most frustration of any children I care for. It hardly seems worth it. What do you do with parents who cause issues and are unappreciative of how flexible you have tried to be, and who freak out on you when you decide enough is enough?

    I'm afraid I'd give her notice and discontinue services.
    I HAVE been in this situation, as have many of my friends who are also child care providers.
    The bottom line is this: People can only take advantage of you if YOU allow it.
    You are continueing to allow it, over and over and over...
    You stated that it has already happened 6 times.
    And you said the children are poorly behaved.
    I would give her very firm notice, IN WRITING.
    Pay the full amount owed, IN FULL, IN CASH, and continue to do so, or find alternate childcare.
    You must run your business as professionally as possible in order to provide a steady, dependable income for your own family.
    Make this clear to her.

    Regarding the issue you described of REFUNDING her money versus not charging the assistance program for those days, may I suggest showing the amount as a credit/deposit amount on your books, to cover for the next time she drops off the assistance program.
    Charge the assistance program correctly, from day 1 that they authorize her for services, give her a credit reciept for any amount left over from her payment.
    Make it clear to her that this will remain on your books as a deposit to cover for the next time she looses services.
    If she chooses to withdraw her children from your care prior to using the credit, then perhaps you will need to refund the amount. However, I would stipulate, in WRITING that you will only refund the credit if she gives you proper notice, 2 week written notice of withdrawel.

    You mentioned you have been in childcare for many years. Do you have any type of written operational policies? Is this parent under contract or in possession of written policies regarding payment? Do you have anything in your policies regarding late payment fees?
    If so, you didn't mention charging this parent late fees for her late payments. If you do not have anything in place, I'd work on that.
    Last edited by Texasjeepgirl; 02-03-2009, 06:00 AM. Reason: grammer correction


    • #3
      I think I'm with T on this one. This is the very reason i do not take state vouchers!


      • #4
        Smells like small claims court

        I do work for State pay accounts. When I first started daycare, another provider called me and told me to get rid of all of my state accounts, "because they are nothing but trouble". At the time, I did not feel that was a fair statement, but looking back I have to honestly say that I had serious trouble with every single one of my State pay accounts, including the single one that I still have.

        Without going into detail about my own issues, I'd try to get the money owed prior to terminating their care immediately, however I would not have accepted the kids for as long as you have without pay. I have that in my contract. No pay, no care. It does not sound to me like you'll ever get the money owed to you if the State does not make her benefits retroactive to the days that you cared for the children, because this calibur of family is NOT going to pay.

        I also will no longer start care for a family without first receiving an email or authorization letter from the State. It was brought to my attention that many times people say they are waiting on their approval, when they only just began but never finished the paperwork completely. Then they go from one daycare to the next with their kids ("daycare hopping") with the same story, and no provider EVER gets paid.

        The bottom line is, is it really worth the stress and budget strains for your own family to continue with her game? I'd say it's not. Good luck to you. I hope you find some wonderful children to replace the ones that you are about to stop caring for. Nobody needs to hear an F bomb. If that EVER happened to me, that family would never step foot on my property again and I'd make sure every other provider in town had the low-down on it, too.


        • #5
          Let them go. It's not worth any more gray hair. Babies are born every 3 seconds... you WILL replace them.
          GOOD LUCK!!!

