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Would You Term?

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  • Would You Term?

    I have a pair of twin 4 year old boys, today was the 2nd time here. This is what happened today with 1 of the boys..
    wouldn't stay in the playroom
    kept opening my safety gates and going into the off limits areas
    was not listening to instruction at all
    stomping on and breaking toys
    throwing toys at the window and walls
    wouldn't sit on his bum in the chairs, kept standing up on them
    locked the bathroom door 2-3 times after he was asked not to ( i had to find something to jimmy the lock open)
    When put in time out sat and smirked and had a sassy mouth

    This all happened in the space of 3 hours.... I called for pickup cuz I wasn't going to deal with this any longer. The other twin follows along with his sibling.... I was so upset that I was shaking..Do you think this can be worked with?

  • #2
    I had a similar child here once. She was 3 1/2 and I stuck it out for a month (my probationary period) and ended it after she was holding my 9 mo old sons hand down against his stroller and slapping it repeatedly. Even though it was over half my income at the time, my sanity and all the childrens safety were at risk. Maybe they are just getting used to the limits in your place but if it continues... you are not paid enough to handle this kind of behavior!


    • #3
      Just from personal experience..****N, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!! The boy you're describing is the set of twins I have (they're 5 and boy and girl) and I have stuck it out since august....I have a countdown until they are out of my house and I only have 15 days left!!!! happyface

      They have a couple days a week when they fit right in...the other days make me want to beat my head against a wall!!


      • #4
        I wasn't cussing :: all I was saying was run run as fast as you can!!! Haha not sure why it was blurred


        • #5
          That is reslly out of control for a 4yo. Yes, I would term.


          • #6

            I'm the OP just registered.... I have 4 kids of my own and my first was a live wire, but in all my years of childcare I've never seen this kind of behavour.. I keep telling myself that I need to put this back on the parents ( great advice from here) I'm going to call mom tomorrow and term, I guess I feel like I've failed these kids. It really comes down to safety of my other kids.


            • #7

              We providers need to redefine failure. You ARE a success when you can know your limitations and abide by those.....when you can keep all adults and children in your care safe....when you can put a child first and insist parents find adequate supervision and care for demanding children instead of keeping kids for your own did the right thing! You are not failing these kids! You succeeding in making the right choice for your business, family and frankly, for these twins.


              • #8
                Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post

                We providers need to redefine failure.
                Last edited by SignMeUp; 04-25-2014, 06:15 AM. Reason: formatting


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post

                  We providers need to redefine failure. You ARE a success when you can know your limitations and abide by those.....when you can keep all adults and children in your care safe....when you can put a child first and insist parents find adequate supervision and care for demanding children instead of keeping kids for your own did the right thing! You are not failing these kids! You succeeding in making the right choice for your business, family and frankly, for these twins.
                  Good advice.

                  While it's easy to think that it COULD turn around (and it could)-it's really not your problem to deal with. If these were 2 year olds, I'd tell you to give them a chance. At FOUR, these kids certainly have a history of this behavior that YOU are not likely to be able to change.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post

                    We providers need to redefine failure. You ARE a success when you can know your limitations and abide by those.....when you can keep all adults and children in your care safe....when you can put a child first and insist parents find adequate supervision and care for demanding children instead of keeping kids for your own did the right thing! You are not failing these kids! You succeeding in making the right choice for your business, family and frankly, for these twins.

                    If you cannot control it, and it is a safety risk, AND you are so upset it is affecting you physically, you have certainly reached your limit.

                    You haven't failed them, you are making the right decision. Hopefully the parents take this as a wake up call. ((((HUGS))))


                    • #11

                      Thank you so much for the advice... You all are right, At 4 these boys should know better and be able to behave. I'm nervous about the call to mom this morning but there is no way I can keep everyone safe when I'm chasing these boys around my house. I should have listened to what mom had to say at the interview..Lesson learned. Thanks again!


                      • #12
                        Oh yea... definite term. Breaking and throwing toys cant happen. One toy hits another child and you've got worse problems. I can imagine trying to explain to a parent that the marks on their child's face are there because another kid threw a toy and hit them. The parent then decides my home isn't safe enough and pulls kid.
                        Chief cook, bottle washer & spider killer...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I have a pair of twin 4 year old boys, today was the 2nd time here. This is what happened today with 1 of the boys..
                          wouldn't stay in the playroom
                          kept opening my safety gates and going into the off limits areas
                          was not listening to instruction at all
                          stomping on and breaking toys
                          throwing toys at the window and walls
                          wouldn't sit on his bum in the chairs, kept standing up on them
                          locked the bathroom door 2-3 times after he was asked not to ( i had to find something to jimmy the lock open)
                          When put in time out sat and smirked and had a sassy mouth

                          This all happened in the space of 3 hours.... I called for pickup cuz I wasn't going to deal with this any longer. The other twin follows along with his sibling.... I was so upset that I was shaking..Do you think this can be worked with?
                          Definitely a no for me if it’s part-time or drop-in care.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post

                            We providers need to redefine failure. You ARE a success when you can know your limitations and abide by those.....when you can keep all adults and children in your care safe....when you can put a child first and insist parents find adequate supervision and care for demanding children instead of keeping kids for your own did the right thing! You are not failing these kids! You succeeding in making the right choice for your business, family and frankly, for these twins.
                            I love, love, love this!happyfacehappyfacehappyfacehappyfacehappyface


                            • #15
                              No way!!! If they aren't full time Monday through Friday kids, get them gone!!! If I've learned anything, it's that drop in care and part time care aren't any good. If it's not full time, I don't want to mess with it. The sooner you can get them to go native (as Nan would say), the better it is for you.

