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Do You Ever Discount Your Rates?

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  • Do You Ever Discount Your Rates?

    I don't usually discount anyones rates, but I have a potential family that I felt was such a great fit and Im on the fence and wanted to see if anyone had a similar situation.

    Have you ever lowered your rates for a new family? How did it turn out?

    I just dont want it to be that i lower it and then they continue making demands... They just seemed so pleasant and their little one was such a doll. I get inquiries almost everyday looking for daycare, so it's not like I am forced to take them on.

  • #2
    Did the family ask you to lower the rate? Or are you just thinking that your normal rate would be out of their price range? I would charge them your normal rate unless they specifically ask for a discount.


    • #3
      Yes, I have with 3 different families. One was a family that paid on time and full amount for two years, then things happened and they asked if they could lower their rate, and I said yes. Another family pays nothing, but only comes if I have an opening-which I do hold one day/week for them. One other family paid a discounted rate for the first 6 months, then called and said they really wanted to pay the full rate I may not be able to "donate" a lot of money to help out the needy, because I don't have a lot...but both my husband and I agree that this is one small way that we can be a help to those that need it. There have been time when we were the ones in need, and God always brought people to help us, so we want to bo that same help to others. I totally understand that a lot of providers CAN'T do this-it is their livelihood, and others don't see a benefit in it for them or the parents, and that's fine. You need to do what YOU are comfortable with!


      • #4
        Yes--I have had two families tell me that they really, really wanted to use me but couldn't afford my full rates (not surprising, I do charge above average for my area) and because having $100/week is better than $0/week, I let them. It's hard to get clients around here, and it's even harder to compete with the people who charge $10/DAY for full time care.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          NO discounts


          • #6
            Never discounted my rates but I have waived the pay whether here or not for families going through divorce and having financial hardships or other families that r having a hard time making ends meet.


            • #7
              I would definitely give a discount b/c I need a new client!!! But I wouldn't give so much of a discount that I would resent it later.


              • #8

                Yes, they asked for a discount (about $5/day less) and I came back with an offer of $3/day less. They asked for time to go over their finances and then came back with they would really love to start, but they just cant afford it (I am almost double what they are paying their current provider)..

                That's why Im on the fence. I dont want this to be a situation where they continue to ask for more.. BUT my old provider (before I started daycare) gave me a $5/day discount because I just couldnt afford it and that was the best thing that ever happened to me! My son LOVED her daycare (until I lost my job and started my daycare) and she has become my mentor for starting my daycare. The family seemed so nice and it just seems silly to lose someone for such a small amount, but I dont want them seeing me like a doormat if I give in to their original requests..

                I dont NEED anymore families and I am quite content with the group that i have now, so I am no longer doing interviews. Their little girl was just so cute during the interview and kept hugging me and hugging my kids, it was just so precious!

                so any advice to come back and (possibly) give in to their original price drop request without sounding like I am desperate for business (which Im not)>


                • #9
                  If u really loved this little girl them I would do it. If they start paying late and taking advantage in other ways then you could term or raise their rate. I don't think that they would see you as doormat just as a caring person helping them out. Just don't let them take advantage in any other way.


                  • #10
                    only if you truly felt in your gut they are a good match and need the help. i have done it many times. i was never asked tho. we interviewed and i felt so good i called and gave a sibling discount of a bit more than normal. but in return for 'discounts' i ask the parents to bring in one item for the week to help out. Jug of juice, milk, bread...anything that i use alot of .
                    i stay full so getting kids has never been a problem for me BUT there are those parents / kids u just feel a connection to and want to help


                    • #11
                      $5 per day does not sound like much, but when you think about it, it's $1250 per year (assuming a 50 week year), $6250 for five years (the time that a child typically stays in daycare before going to school).

                      I have, however, discounted my rates from time to time and never regretted it. I reserve a discount for very certain circumstances though, and it's normally someone that I take in addition to my normal group.


                      • #12
                        "I" would do it in a heartbeat but that's just me. I'm only into my 2nd year of daycare. However, I would make sure that they know that it will NEVER go lower than that....I would be blunt and upfront about that so they know you aren't a doormat. Just say, I will agree to the $5 discount but I won't be able to go any lower than that at any time. They will see that you are serious but somewhat flexible.

                        ETA: My parents have ALL chosen me because I am a somewhat flexible provider but they are aware I am not a doormat. I have proved that over the past year and a half by sticking to my guns about my policies and other whatnot.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
                          Yes, they asked for a discount (about $5/day less) and I came back with an offer of $3/day less. They asked for time to go over their finances and then came back with they would really love to start, but they just cant afford it (I am almost double what they are paying their current provider)..

                          That's why Im on the fence. I dont want this to be a situation where they continue to ask for more.. BUT my old provider (before I started daycare) gave me a $5/day discount because I just couldnt afford it and that was the best thing that ever happened to me! My son LOVED her daycare (until I lost my job and started my daycare) and she has become my mentor for starting my daycare. The family seemed so nice and it just seems silly to lose someone for such a small amount, but I dont want them seeing me like a doormat if I give in to their original requests..

                          I dont NEED anymore families and I am quite content with the group that i have now, so I am no longer doing interviews. Their little girl was just so cute during the interview and kept hugging me and hugging my kids, it was just so precious!

                          so any advice to come back and (possibly) give in to their original price drop request without sounding like I am desperate for business (which Im not)>
                          Since they asked for the discount and you feel it's a good match then I would go for it. If they start to take advantage then send them packing.


                          • #14
                            I just did with siblings. I thought they were a great fit and they were full time and it was perfect hours 9-3pm so I felt a discount was worth it too keep them since my other kids in care are only here until 4pm or earlier. A discount was worth keeping those early hours.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
                              $5 per day does not sound like much, but when you think about it, it's $1250 per year (assuming a 50 week year), $6250 for five years (the time that a child typically stays in daycare before going to school).

                              I have, however, discounted my rates from time to time and never regretted it. I reserve a discount for very certain circumstances though, and it's normally someone that I take in addition to my normal group.
                              Five dollars a day is HUGE to me. MyAngel is right. Look at the amount of time. It's huge.

                              But... if you like the family and feel you can offer the service over time for that amount then do what YOU want to do.

                              I never have anyone ever ask me to lower rates because mine are graduated based on departure time. They can lower their rates by arranging an earlier pick up.

