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Do We Tell Parents Now or Later?

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  • Do We Tell Parents Now or Later?

    We were walking back from our walk when we noticed a person on a bicycle that kept coming around us. Were not sure if it was us or a neighbor that he was tailing. We called the cops when we noticed the person peaking behind an alley for us. The detectives came and canvases the neighborhood and we went home.
    Most of the kids are 2 but one is 5 and he was a little worried that 'a bad guy was following us & he was going to have to use his super powers To save us!'. Were home safe now. Do I tell parents at pick up or send a quick text bow?

  • #2
    At pick up. I'd just say something like "there was someone making us a little uncomfortable on our way home today, so we called the police to check it out. Turns out, he was gone by then. Just thought I'd let everyone know"

    I'm sorry he freaked you guys out, but I would keep the reaction low-key when you tell parents. Really, you have no idea why this guy was hanging around you. It could be something, or nothing at all.

    In WI, we have to report any contact with law enforcement to licensing. Be sure to do that if needed in your state.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Heidi View Post
      At pick up. I'd just say something like "there was someone making us a little uncomfortable on our way home today, so we called the police to check it out. Turns out, he was gone by then. Just thought I'd let everyone know"

      I'm sorry he freaked you guys out, but I would keep the reaction low-key when you tell parents. Really, you have no idea why this guy was hanging around you. It could be something, or nothing at all.

      In WI, we have to report any contact with law enforcement to licensing. Be sure to do that if needed in your state.

      Very true. For all you know, the bicyclist could have thought he knew one of the kids and was trying to figure out if he did.


      • #4
        I'm not sure I'd mention it at all. I wouldn't want to put doubt into the minds of the parents I serve. I don't want them wondering if their children are in a safe daycare/area/neighborhood. I personally, wouldn't even bring up the topic unless you knew something more definite about the individual or what he was up to.


        • #5
          Originally posted by butterfly View Post
          I'm not sure I'd mention it at all. I wouldn't want to put doubt into the minds of the parents I serve. I don't want them wondering if their children are in a safe daycare/area/neighborhood. I personally, wouldn't even bring up the topic unless you knew something more definite about the individual or what he was up to.
          I disagree, I can see you're point about not wanting to alert the parents for nothing, but the 5 yr. old knows enough about the situation (and it sounds like a pretty exciting part of the day), that he's going to go home and try to tell the story. As a parent, I would rather hear the story from my provider so I'm able to be ready when and if my child approaches me with questions/fears.


          • #6
            Originally posted by KDC View Post
            I disagree, I can see you're point about not wanting to alert the parents for nothing, but the 5 yr. old knows enough about the situation (and it sounds like a pretty exciting part of the day), that he's going to go home and try to tell the story. As a parent, I would rather hear the story from my provider so I'm able to be ready when and if my child approaches me with questions/fears.
            Me too, since the police were called and there is a 5 year old witness. I would just be careful not to dramatize the situation.


            • #7
              I probably wouldn't say anything. Like a PP said, no reason to put a seed of doubt in the DCFs mind over a non-event. That may be coming from my experience though. There was a big news story how there was an attempted kidnapping by a drug/alcohol ridden woman stranger at the park we frequent, and some of the DC parents were being so overly dramatic. In true media fashion, they made a mountain out of a molehill. Turned out it was just a special needs woman playing with a freak mom's kid. I hope they all felt foolish after the full story came out, acting like I live in the ghetto.

