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Tips? Adjusting to Being Full

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  • Tips? Adjusting to Being Full

    I just recently went from 3 quiet kids to adding in 3-4 more and my world is turned upside down. In addition I am driving one to preschool, plus my own to preschool on 2 additional days from her previous schedule.
    I now need a calendar to keep track of who is coming and when and who has to be driven somewhere at what time, etc.
    My mind is constantly spinning of what I need to do next.

    I did hire someone to help two days per week and to clean 3 days per week.

  • #2
    It gets better, I promise! Before long, you won't necessarily need those other people, except for the driving to prek part. And oh, what I wouldn't give for a cleaning person..... I'm jealous! It's just a new schedule and takes some adjustment. I have a calendar of attendance that I made on excel. It has each child's name printed on every single day of the week, and then I use a highlighter to highlight the names of the ones who will be present on that particular day. DEMAND schedules! Parents of part time children should give you a calender of their child's attendance at least a month in advance so you can plan accordingly, if their days fluctuate that is.


    • #3
      Sooooo jealous of a cleaning person...and a helper

      Change is hard! I think getting everyone into your routine is the hardest part! Definately will test your patience. Good luck!!!


      • #4
        I was like you a couple of years ago. You DO adjust to the larger number of children and it will become your new normal.
        Definitely use a calendar of some sort, whether that is your phone calendar, comp. calendar, or a regular printed calendar. It will help you keep track of everyone's schedule at your daycare. Bigger group means bigger need for enforcement of your policies or you will get that burned out feeling. :hug:

        These days, 6-7 children feels like almost no one is here. 11-12 is my new stressful! ::


        • #5
          Make yourself a daily schedule, even if you have to make one for each day of the week. List what needs to be done and when. Then you'll have a visual that you can hang on the fridge or in the playroom so you don't miss anything


          • #6
            You can also set alarms on your phone for transportation so you wont forget to leave on time.


            • #7
              OP: You will adjust. It will take some time but before long you'll wonder why you were so frazzled.

              Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
              It has each child's name printed on every single day of the week, and then I use a highlighter to highlight the names of the ones who will be present on that particular day.
              You are a genious.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
                It gets better, I promise! Before long, you won't necessarily need those other people, except for the driving to prek part. And oh, what I wouldn't give for a cleaning person..... I'm jealous! It's just a new schedule and takes some adjustment. I have a calendar of attendance that I made on excel. It has each child's name printed on every single day of the week, and then I use a highlighter to highlight the names of the ones who will be present on that particular day. DEMAND schedules! Parents of part time children should give you a calender of their child's attendance at least a month in advance so you can plan accordingly, if their days fluctuate that is.
                I have a schedule form made on Excel too but I have it listed by week and ONLY the names of the child coming (and times) are listed on it.

                It's color coordinated to match the age groups so that I can easily glance at it and know if I have a toddler or preschool opening that day.

                I require parents to submit a weekly schedule for the upcoming week WITH payment on Friday. If they fail to do so, space will NOT be guaranteed for them.

                I fill the schedule in on Friday evenings for the times and days parents submitted. Any blank spots are days where that particular child is not scheduled to be in attendance.

                As far as everything else, routine, routine, routine.

                If you falter from the routine, all he77 usually breaks lose. If you can go with the flow cool...if not, stick to the routine no matter what.

                Next day, same thing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                  I just recently went from 3 quiet kids to adding in 3-4 more and my world is turned upside down. In addition I am driving one to preschool, plus my own to preschool on 2 additional days from her previous schedule.
                  I now need a calendar to keep track of who is coming and when and who has to be driven somewhere at what time, etc.
                  My mind is constantly spinning of what I need to do next.

                  I did hire someone to help two days per week and to clean 3 days per week.
                  Congrats on all the new additions!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    I have a schedule form made on Excel too but I have it listed by week and ONLY the names of the child coming (and times) are listed on it.

                    It's color coordinated to match the age groups so that I can easily glance at it and know if I have a toddler or preschool opening that day.

                    I require parents to submit a weekly schedule for the upcoming week WITH payment on Friday. If they fail to do so, space will NOT be guaranteed for them.

                    I fill the schedule in on Friday evenings for the times and days parents submitted. Any blank spots are days where that particular child is not scheduled to be in attendance.

                    As far as everything else, routine, routine, routine.

                    If you falter from the routine, all he77 usually breaks lose. If you can go with the flow cool...if not, stick to the routine no matter what.

                    Next day, same thing.
                    I private messaged you-


                    • #11
                      Thank you!
                      I'd be interested in seeing your excel sheet BC, do you still have my email address?
                      I just have everyone in a word calendar for now. Works fairly well.

                      On top of the new schedule/more kids I had 4 extra things this week to do so I was far too overwhelmed. I think next week will be better. I GOT THIS! although I have to admit I felt like quitting earlier. hehe
                      I made a couple of changes to lessen the hectic schedule as well. We all know our limits and I don't want to burn out.

                      I don't know how some of you do the 11-12 kids.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                        Thank you!
                        I'd be interested in seeing your excel sheet BC, do you still have my email address?

                        I can either PM you the GoogleDrive link (although Google Drive converts it into a doc. file) or I can e-mail you the excel version but you'll have to PM me your e-mail address again... I am sure I have it, I just don't know where at the moment

