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Dear Parents...Why Lie?

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  • Dear Parents...Why Lie?

    Dear Parents and other daycare providers,
    I really needed a place to vent and this is the only place I could think of. I'm just a little bit frustrated so don't necessarily take this to heart.

    If I ever quit doing daycare it will be because of the parents. I knows that's a very strong statement, but it's true. Sure, daycare providers are annoyed by sending sick kids to daycare, being late with payments, and just being late to pick up your kids (especially if it was because you were out playing golf or getting a manicure). There's always an exception for things, and if you just explain instead of lie, the daycare provider is much more likely to let you off the hook. For me though, it goes so much further than that. I'm annoyed when I see dads checking out the employees legs or when a mom decides to pick up only one child, but just wants to say "hi" to the other child, so when she leaves that child is screaming because they don't understand why they're not going too.
    I guess what set me off is something that happened the other day at daycare. First, I should explain that I'm 20, and I've been babysitting since I was 12 and have been working at a daycare since I was 16. I definitely do not think I know everything about daycare, and yes sometimes I do call my boss, if I'm unsure about how to care for a certain child, but I'm confident in my abilities to care for children. Anyway, one of the teachers in the infant room was sick so I was there all day. A family's baby was there for the 2nd day and he was crying so I was rocking him, while the highschool student was feeding another baby. The dad came and all was well and good, he took his children and left. The next morning my boss called me in her office to say that the mom called to say both me and the highschool student were texting when the dad got there and that there son had gone home with scratches all over his body. They're son is the kind of toddler, who constantly climbs on things and gets into things that he shouldn't, all while being uncoordinated.

    I understand parents want the best for the kids and I dont' fault them for taking their concerns to the director, but why go out of your way to lie about something like that?

  • #2
    For the cell phone thing - your daycare should implement no cell phone use during the day and that solves that.

    For the child with scratches - even if the child is uncoordinated, the scratches should've been documented or at leastentionedvto dad at pick up.

    I'm guessing the parent wouldn't complain of one time seeing employees on the phone, but if it's a trend AND their child is hurt at daycare, they will complain.

    Now if neither one of you have cell phones at work, then your director should stick up for you and explain that Dcd must've been mistaken.


    • #3
      Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
      For the cell phone thing - your daycare should implement no cell phone use during the day and that solves that.

      For the child with scratches - even if the child is uncoordinated, the scratches should've been documented or at leastentionedvto dad at pick up.

      I'm guessing the parent wouldn't complain of one time seeing employees on the phone, but if it's a trend AND their child is hurt at daycare, they will complain.

      Now if neither one of you have cell phones at work, then your director should stick up for you and explain that Dcd must've been mistaken.
      I think what she is saying is that everything was fine at pickup with Dad. It wasn't until he got home he had an "issue" with something and instead of asking about it he lied on the two girls for some reason. OP, do you think he had a problem with baby crying and needed an excuse to tell mom? If this was his second day then he is going to cry because this is new to him and he doesn't know you yet. What did your Director say was the reason for the complaint because the cell phone/excessive scratches story sounds like a cover for wanting to pull.

