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Do You Conduct Interviews For Your Wait List?

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  • Do You Conduct Interviews For Your Wait List?

    If you are full and a family contacts you about getting on your waitlist but wants to do a walk through/interview before being put on the list, do you do that?

    I just feel like it's a bit of a waste of time when I could just keep her info and contact her in the future for an interview if a spot opens. What do you guys do??

  • #2
    RIght now I'm doing interviews for my waitlist but it's because when I get my license later this month I'll have 3 openings. I have 4 on the waitlist so I like that I can pick and choose who I think will work the best. Normally I'd probably wait until I had an opening if it was any other time.


    • #3
      I'm not even close to having a waitlist, but I would agree with you that it seems like a huge waste of time to do the interview when you don't actually have a spot open. Too many variables (dcp's could find other dc that they will stick with, spot doesn't become available, etc).


      • #4
        Originally posted by SunflowerMama View Post
        I just feel like it's a bit of a waste of time when I could just keep her info and contact her in the future for an interview if a spot opens. What do you guys do??
        It's not a waste of time if you charge for it.

        Here's my policy:
        A Nurse’s Home Daycare offers families the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list for upcoming enrolment. As parents become more educated and aware of the choices we make with regard to food, Des Moines families have shown an overwhelming desire to know their child is being offered only the highest quality nutrition and care. The organic, free-range and antibiotic-free menu served at Nan’s has placed A Nurse’s Home Daycare in the usual predicament of having more families interested in care than the daycare can legally accommodate. For this reason Nan is more than willing to interview families for the 2010/2011 waiting list.
        Please note below the following expectations that must be met to be placed on the list:
        •A holding fee equal to one month’s care fee must be paid in advance. Should your child be offered an enrolment opportunity and placed into care this fee will be applied to the last month of the child’s care as per the terms of the contract.
        •Should a deposit be paid and A Nurse’s Home Daycare can not accommodate your child within one calendar year of acceptance of the holding fee all monies received will be completely refunded.
        •Care must commence with two weeks of notification of enrolment opportunity being available.
        •Only infants will be considered for upcoming enrolment opportunities.
        • All families must complete three (3) interview sessions to be at A Nurse's Home Daycare. A fee of $20.00 is charged for each interview.
        •Any holding fee(s) collected are in addition to, and may not be applied to, the $60 enrolment fee required at the onset of care.
        •Families chosen for enrolment from the list will be done so based capacity and age to ensure compliance with state regulations.

