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  • #16
    Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
    Yes...the impulsivity issues are a big, big thing here.
    So much so that a discussion was had concerning that with the end solution being the child eating at a separate table from the other children during meal times (it is near them, but not with them due to being WAY too handsy and all over the place). I have only had one other child similar and they were a sociopath, I truly believe. THIS child is NOT, just struggles with hyperactivity and impulsivity issues to the max. But, I really don't come across children dinging little bells in my head saying WHOA WHOA WHOA something is going on here often (was the point)...
    I totally get it!

    I just think when dcp's bring something up to a parent the responses is typically "but his preschool never mentions that!" Or "they tell me he does very well in preschool!"


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      I'm sorry I do not mean to come off as offensive but every.single thing on that list is what I consider normal behavior for a child under 5.

      I totally understand the statistics saying that 1 in 11 school age kids have ADHA but I personally believe that only a small fraction of those 1 kids actually have it.

      The rest mostly suffer from parental attention deficit.

      My DS's Kindy teacher was insistent that my DS had ADD/ADHD. Her number one reason for this "diagnosis" was that he talked too much, talked out of turn and moved a lot.

      Um Yeah, he's a boy
      He my "chatty" family gene
      He is 5 and new to "group" social norms

      I'm sorry .......I went off topic and I am NOT implying that you are doing this but I just feel as though ADD/ADHD has become an umbrella diagnosis for pretty much everything now days and that makes me sad.
      I could have wrote this!
      My boy child is now a boy man and he has no ADD/ADHD

      I taught him to talk well
      have an interest in learning and think outside the box
      Boys have a need to move and be active

      I could have wrote every bit of this BC except my kiddo was in 2nd grade, had a teacher who going through a divorce and didn't want to deal with my active, interested and smart child. This is a heated subject for me still years later and as I do feel there is and are kids that have Add/Adhd I don't believe that the percentage is anywhere near what they say it is. It has become a high money maker for society it terms of Doctors, Therapist, Medicine/Pharmacies and school systems and government programs! The above Bolded plays a huge part in this issue!

      Every time I turn around I find we have more in common BC :hug:


      • #18
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        I would present that info to DCM. Tell her he will not sit still, stop moving etc.

        Don't lead her in any direction, don't imply any diagnosis and don't make her think it is anything more than what it is....a kid who is having issues sitting still.

        Could be diet, lack of outside time or exercise time, could be over stimulation or any number of other outside influences just as easily as it could be ADHD...kwim?

        Just focus on the behavior happening at YOUR house. Let DCM know what issues YOU are having with his inability to stop fidgeting and be still.

        Let her go from there.


        • #19
          Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
          Yes...the impulsivity issues are a big, big thing here.
          So much so that a discussion was had concerning that with the end solution being the child eating at a separate table from the other children during meal times (it is near them, but not with them due to being WAY too handsy and all over the place). I have only had one other child similar and they were a sociopath, I truly believe. THIS child is NOT, just struggles with hyperactivity and impulsivity issues to the max. But, I really don't come across children dinging little bells in my head saying WHOA WHOA WHOA something is going on here often (was the point)...
          Thanks for saying something to the parents to at least raise the issue. Though it may be a lack of maturity or just lots of energy, it's so much better if the parents know to flag it for the teachers right at the start of school. It might help the child rise above the stigma of being a "problem kid," especially if further attention or testing reveals a bigger issue (ADHD, etc.).


          • #20
            Originally posted by Play Care View Post
            I totally get it!

            I just think when dcp's bring something up to a parent the responses is typically "but his preschool never mentions that!" Or "they tell me he does very well in preschool!"
            I AM their preschool so their preschool has definitely mentioned it now LOL!


            • #21
              "I just wanted to bring up a few of the behaviors displayed lately by dcb. He seems to have a very large amount of energy, even more so than boys his age normally do, and has a lack of impulse control that at times gets him into trouble. With kindergarten coming up, I wanted to bring these things into consideration, because it may mean he'll have a hard time in a classroom setting."

              I would not mention ADD/ADHD personally. That's probably because I was a nurse for so long, and we weren't allowed to diagnose or assume any diagnoses. Hopefully, if you bring it up, and bring up that it may mean he'll have a hard time in kindergarten, then they'll talk to his doctor. If not, then they'll have a point of reference, that he has had behaviors even before kindergarten.

