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Need Help Reworking My "Part Time" Rules/Regulations

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  • Need Help Reworking My "Part Time" Rules/Regulations

    I have been in childcare for about 6-7 years (longer if you count my mom's home daycare I grew up in), started my own home daycare in January. I wanted only full time to start out but wasn't getting any takers and decided to open up to part-time with a 3 day minimum. Below are my two situations..

    DCM 1 - a nurse who works three 12 hr shifts MWF, maybe the occasional different day here and there. Her husband is less then helpful so baby L comes to me at 5:30am (my hours are 6:15-5:00) and gets picked up at 5:00/5:30 that's when babysitter 2 can get her. I get paid for 4 full days for this arrangement so its not all bad, even though baby L is a handful on a good day.

    DCM 2 - also a nurse who works odd shifts, only needed me two days a week, T/Th, I agreed because of the above arrangement. This family drops off 6:15 on the dot and picks up 5:00/5:05, even though one or both parents are home earlier than this (they live down the street from me) baby C is 3 weeks younger than baby L both around 5 months now.

    Well the fixed days lasted maybe two weeks and DCM 1 needs to change her days she was always getting called off on the one day so every week is different now, and then DCM 2 a month later needs to start changing her days as well. I don't have people knocking down my door so I'm dealing with it for now because i need the income.

    I honestly don't mind the part time days, its kind of nice knowing days you don't have certain dck's, except for the fact that these two babies are a handful on their own and together I need a drink by the end of the day not to mention my almost 3 yr dd and 2yr nephew I also watch.

    I want to make full time my priority but I'd also like to be open to the above situations and not be overloaded or underpaid. I already have full time priority over part time on my list of changes to be made (will take suggestions on this too)

    -What regulations do you have for changing schedules.
    -Do you charge a different price for changing schedules.
    -Offer different pricing for 8hr days and 10hr days?
    -Also DCM 1 texts me everyday baby L is here, I'm not sure what to say everytime?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    I charge 1.5 x daily rate for 12 hour shifts (I think I got that idea from nannyd).

    I SOMETIMES allow rotating schedules and SOETIMES let families move days around but if I had two of my part time infant on opposite days I would not want them both at te same time. No way. Too difficult!


    • #3
      For me, alternating schedules would be a different price depending on how many days/wk they need available to them. If they alternate using four or five days of the weekdays, then I would charge them full time rates. If they alternated using only three weekdays (like Tues/Wed one week, Mon/Wed another week, but never Thurs or FRi) I would charge them for 3 days - and I would not allow them to come on Thurs or Fri without paying full time.
      I also charge $20/week more for 10 hour days (9.5 at regular rate)-- for 12 hour days (if I were doing that, I'm not because that sounds exhausting) I'd be at $40 or $50 more than my regular full time rate.
      About the texting... I'd just say I will be sure to tell her if there are ANY issues at pick up.


      • #4
        Well it sounds like you are stuck in this situation for now because of finances. Are you currently interviewing for replacement families? What is it YOU want? It sounds like you are willing to take part time families IF they are on a set schedule so if that is the case, I would insist that families select the days needed at interviews and understand that you will not be allow ANY schedule changes regardless of whether you have the room for an additional child or not. Days are to be paid regardless of use so if their schedule changes and they dont use the day, they still pay, same thing if their child is sent home sick or stays home sick. This will give you a set schedule and a consistent income. I would think that is the goal because your original intent was to take full time only. That said, keep interviewing for families. Once you have one replacement, offer to keep only your favorite part time family with the understanding that they will need to abide by your new part time rules. If they pass, offer the spot to the other part time family. It would be unlikely that they both leave because it sounds like they could follow these rules, they just dont right now and you dont have the leverage to make them because you cant afford for them to leave right now. The point being that once you have a replacement lined up, you can get rid of one part time family and keep the other with that family understanding and following your new rules


        • #5
          Thanks for all the suggestions, I am currently weighing my options as far as charging more for having rotating days or simply requiring specific days for part timers.

          I do like the 1.5 x daily rate, I think I will apply it to 10+ hours and hopefully cut down on time here for Baby C and get more pay for Baby L (home care rates for infants in my area are $25 a day)

          I am kinda stuck in this situation for now but I think these changes will help. As far as getting new families, our current home is up for sale and we are trying to move back to the town my DH and I grew up in, which I have many more interested families if I make this move, so I want to get these issues ironed out before hand because these two families can move with me but I don't want to lose out on new/better (for me) families if they decide to stay.

          Another question, I only made my contract in January does it look bad if I am changing it already? I have a two week notice of contract/fee changes in from the current one.

          Thanks for taking the time to answer my post


          • #6
            Originally posted by cjohnson87 View Post
            Thanks for all the suggestions, I am currently weighing my options as far as charging more for having rotating days or simply requiring specific days for part timers.

            I do like the 1.5 x daily rate, I think I will apply it to 10+ hours and hopefully cut down on time here for Baby C and get more pay for Baby L (home care rates for infants in my area are $25 a day)

            I am kinda stuck in this situation for now but I think these changes will help. As far as getting new families, our current home is up for sale and we are trying to move back to the town my DH and I grew up in, which I have many more interested families if I make this move, so I want to get these issues ironed out before hand because these two families can move with me but I don't want to lose out on new/better (for me) families if they decide to stay.

            Another question, I only made my contract in January does it look bad if I am changing it already? I have a two week notice of contract/fee changes in from the current one.

            Thanks for taking the time to answer my post
            If you change your rates already, you run the risk of losing one or both of these families. Are you willing to risk that? It really doesnt matter if it is too soon to change things, it only matters if you can live with the possible consequences of insisting on contract changes only a few months into the care arrangements. the parents are not going to like that. but can you live with the outcome?


            • #7
              If you change your rates already, you run the risk of losing one or both of these families. Are you willing to risk that? It really doesn't matter if it is too soon to change things, it only matters if you can live with the possible consequences of insisting on contract changes only a few months into the care arrangements. the parents are not going to like that. but can you live with the outcome?
              The way I see it both of them have already deviated from contracts they signed in January, I wouldn't be in this position otherwise. I plan to highlight that fact when i introduce my changes.

              I went into this because of the fact that ultimately i control when and how I work vs being employed by a daycare. I also realize I accept the risk of it too.

              I sincerely hope I don't lose both, if I do then I will have to deal with that consequence and hopefully find families that are more in agreement with my terms.

              By no means am I taking this lightly, but the situation these two families have me in, makes me rethink doing this at all and I don't like that. Which is why I am at this crossroads. Thank you for your input, I appreciate your honesty.


              • #8
                I charge more for early drop off.45 min (5;30) is huge in the am.You are ready a full hour before opening they should pay for it.I would charge an extra 10.00 per day for that. Maybe then dad would step up to the plate. Also I to ran into the parttime world.Its a pain ,though again I charge more per day.I think you would be wise as some others on this board have said to cover yourself .My contract would read part time is same days every week for x amount --M&W&F OR T&THUR .If they want to change them every week then they should own the week. I don;t know what nurses make in your area but I bet its more than 25.00 aday. Of course be prepared to have the babies there every day if they are paying. I always find parttime infants are much harder to care for they never seem to get into the routine. Good luck Nan


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cjohnson87 View Post
                  I have been in childcare for about 6-7 years (longer if you count my mom's home daycare I grew up in), started my own home daycare in January. I wanted only full time to start out but wasn't getting any takers and decided to open up to part-time with a 3 day minimum. Below are my two situations..

                  DCM 1 - a nurse who works three 12 hr shifts MWF, maybe the occasional different day here and there. Her husband is less then helpful so baby L comes to me at 5:30am (my hours are 6:15-5:00) and gets picked up at 5:00/5:30 that's when babysitter 2 can get her. I get paid for 4 full days for this arrangement so its not all bad, even though baby L is a handful on a good day.

                  It should NOT be YOUR issue that this DCG's dad is less than involved. That is the family's issue to resolve.

                  If you DO end up keeping this child for the long days you have been, I would charge my regular daily fee AND an early drop off fee AND an additional fee for more than 9 hours of care per day. The mom is MORE than compensated for her long hours and you should be as well.

                  DCM 2 - also a nurse who works odd shifts, only needed me two days a week, T/Th, I agreed because of the above arrangement. This family drops off 6:15 on the dot and picks up 5:00/5:05, even though one or both parents are home earlier than this (they live down the street from me) baby C is 3 weeks younger than baby L both around 5 months now.

                  I charge according to when a child is picked up. If parents want to contract with me beyond the hours they have to work, then there is an additional charge.

                  Well the fixed days lasted maybe two weeks and DCM 1 needs to change her days she was always getting called off on the one day so every week is different now, and then DCM 2 a month later needs to start changing her days as well. I don't have people knocking down my door so I'm dealing with it for now because i need the income.

                  If a family needs access to a full time space, they pay for the full time space.

                  I honestly don't mind the part time days, its kind of nice knowing days you don't have certain dck's, except for the fact that these two babies are a handful on their own and together I need a drink by the end of the day not to mention my almost 3 yr dd and 2yr nephew I also watch.

                  I want to make full time my priority but I'd also like to be open to the above situations and not be overloaded or underpaid. I already have full time priority over part time on my list of changes to be made (will take suggestions on this too)

                  -What regulations do you have for changing schedules.
                  -Do you charge a different price for changing schedules.
                  -Offer different pricing for 8hr days and 10hr days?
                  -Also DCM 1 texts me everyday baby L is here, I'm not sure what to say everytime?

                  Thanks in advance
                  I answered I blue above.

                  As for your other questions, I require schedules to be submitted on Friday the week BEFORE care is needed. If someone requires a change in that schedule it is ONLY if I am able to accommodate the change. I don't allow switching of days (unless paying for a access to a full time space) but I will allow additions to the schedule WITH an additional charge to their invoice.

                  Yes, I charge differently if the day is 8 hour or 10 hours but not in the "normal sense" my rates change according to whether the parent picks up at 3:00, 4:00 or 5:00.

                  My rates begin at an 8 hour day and go up in cost from there.

                  I offer care/payment options on the following scale:
                  • 3 SET days per week
                  • 3 VARYING days per week
                  • 4 days per week
                  • 5 days per week

                  ALL fees are then adjusted according to pick up time.

                  I don't care what time they dropped off. (other than I don't open until 7 a.m.)

                  I ONLY care what time they are picked up.

                  I charge ALOT more for 2 days per week or drop in. Those families are NEVER guaranteed space and can only schedule the night before they need care.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    Yes, I charge differently if the day is 8 hour or 10 hours but not in the "normal sense" my rates change according to whether the parent picks up at 3:00, 4:00 or 5:00.
                    I am very interested in this system of yours, at what increments do the pick up times change, if you don't mind my asking.

                    Thank you for your reply, very informative.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cjohnson87 View Post
                      I am very interested in this system of yours, at what increments do the pick up times change, if you don't mind my asking.

                      Thank you for your reply, very informative.
                      Happy to help... I PM'ed you.


                      • #12
                        So I handed out the contract changes on the first of the month, needless to say I'll most likely be losing DCF #1 but the more people I talk to the more I realize I might be better off.

                        I am also friends with DCM #1 on Facebook and she is finally seeing how hard it is to come by someone to watch her kid from 5:30am to 5:30pm, 3 days a week with no set schedule, so maybe now she see's why I made the changes I did...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cjohnson87 View Post
                          The way I see it both of them have already deviated from contracts they signed in January, I wouldn't be in this position otherwise. I plan to highlight that fact when i introduce my changes.

                          I went into this because of the fact that ultimately i control when and how I work vs being employed by a daycare. I also realize I accept the risk of it too.

                          I sincerely hope I don't lose both, if I do then I will have to deal with that consequence and hopefully find families that are more in agreement with my terms.

                          By no means am I taking this lightly, but the situation these two families have me in, makes me rethink doing this at all and I don't like that. Which is why I am at this crossroads. Thank you for your input, I appreciate your honesty.
                          I sounded (and felt) just like you when I first started out. The only one who is going to look out for you is YOU. You need to do what is best for you. If you are rethinking things, it means it is time to make those changes. Does it benefit you? Will you like it better? Then do it! Don't be a hostage to their paycheck! Make the changes you need or you will burn out and fast. You want ALL of your families to follow your policies so you are happy and like your job.

                          I would go ahead and make the changes, knowing that they might leave. Their contract has essentially already changed anyways. I would present it as an amendment to their current contract, which has changed due to their schedule changes. Have them fill it out according to their current schedules, along with your new fee changes.

                          All of my spots are a max of 10 hours. If you want to do longer hours, I would charge for them.

                          Situation A
                          Charge for a full time spot (weekly rate of $x). Access to 3 days of the week, hours maxed at x am to x pm (these should be your working hours). Premium of $5 early drop off + premium of $5 late pick up for 3 days a week. So an extra $30/week, every week. Her weekly schedule submitted by Friday evening (or whenever).

                          If she doesn't want to pay the 'extra', then child needs to be dropped off and picked up within your hours. No exceptions.

                          Situation B
                          Charge for a full time spot (weekly rate of $x). She wants access to her choice of days so technically needs a full time spot set aside for her, hence the full time fee. Access to 2 days of the week, hours maxed at x am to x pm. Her weekly schedule submitted by Friday evening (or whenever).

                          For me, part timers are 1-3 days/week and are charged more than full timers ($40/day).
                          Full timers are 4-5 days/week and are charged $35/day.
                          Rotating schedules require a full time spot. Period.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cjohnson87 View Post
                            So I handed out the contract changes on the first of the month, needless to say I'll most likely be losing DCF #1 but the more people I talk to the more I realize I might be better off.

                            I am also friends with DCM #1 on Facebook and she is finally seeing how hard it is to come by someone to watch her kid from 5:30am to 5:30pm, 3 days a week with no set schedule, so maybe now she see's why I made the changes I did...
                            Good for you for implementing the new changes. Your business should always benefit YOU the most. Otherwise, what is the point?

                            If you do lose family #1, it probably is for the best...the mom should be grateful you were willing to work with her...but again, it shouldn't be at your expense to do longer hours and for less money.

                            Hopefully she will see why you did what you needed to do.

                            Hoping you are able to fill the spaces.

