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That Problem Took Care Of Itself...

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  • That Problem Took Care Of Itself...

    Yesterday I wrote about DCK talking negative about my daycare. ( )

    Today DCB aggressively pushed a DCG into the Little Tikes Vanity right in front of me & another DCD dropping off. As soon as DCB did it, he saw me rushing over & he ran to TO. I text his mom who didn't reply. That was followed up by calls to her, her contact list & her employer. I left voicemails all over town! I then called a good friend of mine. Her boss's boss. Explained that she needed to contact me ASAP. He said he would take care of it.

    She came & I handed her a term letter. Done & over with.

    Fast forward. My friend (the BOSS) called me back & said she explained she was trying to wait until lunch so she only got half an occurrence. He said he explained to her, he was a personally friend of mine & he didn't take to kindly of her negative talk about my business in the workplace. The comments bordered on slander & he wanted no part of that at work. He followed that up by letting her know I never mentioned it. He said her own mouth got her in trouble & he would be keeping keeping an eye on her. WHOOSPIE! Karma is Kool. :: ::

  • #2
    Wow, that's awesome happyface happyface happyface


    • #3


      • #4

        Karma always has a way of showing up!


        • #5
          Originally posted by coolconfidentme View Post
          Yesterday I wrote about DCK talking negative about my daycare. ( )

          Today DCB aggressively pushed a DCG into the Little Tikes Vanity right in front of me & another DCD dropping off. As soon as DCB did it, he saw me rushing over & he ran to TO. I text his mom who didn't reply. That was followed up by calls to her, her contact list & her employer. I left voicemails all over town! I then called a good friend of mine. Her boss's boss. Explained that she needed to contact me ASAP. He said he would take care of it.

          She came & I handed her a term letter. Done & over with.

          Fast forward. My friend (the BOSS) called me back & said she explained she was trying to wait until lunch so she only got half an occurrence. He said he explained to her, he was a personally friend of mine & he didn't take to kindly of her negative talk about my business in the workplace. The comments bordered on slander & he wanted no part of that at work. He followed that up by letting her know I never mentioned it. He said her own mouth got her in trouble & he would be keeping keeping an eye on her. WHOOSPIE! Karma is Kool. :: ::
          I kept reading thinking that the boss was going to be "terming" her too.. I was disappointed in the story:::::: Just kidding! Good job! Great backbone!!


          • #6
            Yay! Glad that worked out. Keep us posted if she creates further drama.


            • #7
              How sad for that little boy that his Mom couldn't get her "STUFF" together enough to actually help him AND be appreciative of the job you do. Hopefully she actually helps her child now and stops with the ridiculous gossip.

              Happy ending to the week for you, though, since I know how emotionally tolling it can be to have someone badmouth you! happyface


              • #8
                Silly Momma...doesn't she know that Karma is only a B*!$# if you are. ::


                • #9


                  • #10
                    It's funny how people run their mouth and never think it's going to get back to you! Glad karma is getting back at her!

                    Someone recently was bad-mouthing me to an admin on a moms discussion group because she was blaming filthy places like the play place we frequent in our play group for the recent increase in HFM cases. I said that getting sick is part of an infant/toddler's way to build their immune system up and exposure to places like this doesn't "cause" the illness, just creates an environment for kids to mingle and share germs. I also defended the place because I know where I used to work we cleaned like mad every shift and kids still got sick. Well she PM'd the admin to bad-mouth me and it happens to be a DCM of mine. ::


                    • #11
                      Love it when things come together like that!


                      • #12
                        I'm still giggling over it...

