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What Are Some Non-Curse Words

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  • What Are Some Non-Curse Words

    What are some non-curse words that get on your last nerve?

    Do you allow the children to say them since technically they aren't curse words?

    Do you address it with their parents that they aren't allowed to use them at daycare and will have consequences?

    For example: I hate "oh my God" (oh my gosh is fine), stupid, retarded, crap (can go either way on curse word or not).

    I have a 3yo dcb that keeps saying "oh my God" and he has been told multiple times not to say it. I'm debating bringing it up with dcm. I'm also debating whether or not saying it should require a timeout.

  • #2
    My kids are allowed to say "Oh my gosh" but not "Oh my God"
    They aren't allowed to say mean words to each other like "You are______" fill in the blank with stupid, retarded, etc...

    As far as discussing the use of "Oh my God" to dcm, I don't think I would. Your rules, your house. BUT the rules may not be the same at his house, so this is really just an issue of you enforcing your rules. You can't really ask dcm to enforce this rule in HER house. And since this phrase may or may not have religious meaning to them, I would just keep quiet about it. Enforce it when he's with you, and if you feel time out will work then go for it! Use whatever discipline you normally would when you enforce your rules.


    • #3
      Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt about it too. Thanks.


      • #4
        I can't stand:
        "That's gay"
        "Whatever" (in an annoyed context)
        "Holy _____."
        "What the."
        "That Sucks."
        and "OMG".

        plus the ones previously mentioned.


        • #5
          Yeah, I don't like those either MissNikki. I was trying to think of more.


          • #6
            I dont allow the word retarded to be used in my home, by anyone, child or adult. As far as Im concerned it is an antiquated term used to describe someone who is mentally challenged. I dont allow stupid, albino, short bus, helmet head, or any other previously used slang term to label someone. Its offensive and unless you take a stand,.. nothing will change, 60 years ago people used terms to label african americans,...30 yrs ago terms were used to label people who were mentally disabled or challenged, 10 yrs ago it was for people whos beliefs or heritage were different,... I dont allow anyone, from my ups man to my husband to use the terms in my home. I stop them right when it happens, and simply say,.. thats not a word used in this house. I do it for the teem friends of my kids, the grandparents of my daycare children, anyone in my home. I choose to make a difference. And unfortunately if you dont know someone with special needs or circumstance,.. alot of times you dont stop to feel the hurt that is caused. I have two special friends, Camden who is almost 12 and Reece who is 9 1/2 who taught me about labels. It was a very embarrassing lesson. One I wont forget.


            • #7
              I completely agree that it's antiquated term that I wish would "die" off. My first real boyfriend after highschool's brother was down syndrome. I hold that very near and dear to my heart still.


              • #8
                I don't allow "oh my god" either and was ok with 'oh my gosh" but is seemed like it was too close to oh my god and it slipped all the time so I started having them say oh my goodness that way it's harder to say and have to think about it and it worked with the couple I had problems with.

                'that's wicked"

                I'm with everyone else on all the others.


                • #9
                  I am not fond of,.. crap , freakin or ,oh my goodness, fubar'ed, ,.. or holy ship, I had a 3 yr old who said holy ship. I had a talk with mom about ship and sxxt mean the same thing in that context and unless she were willing to have him saying the bad one,.. she needed to change it because neither was allowed here,.. we use oh Monkey teeth,... or oh stinky garbage, or if good,.. Oh yummy pie, or Oh angel choir!


                  • #10
                    I have a 4 yr old dcb who was taught to say "cheese and rice" instead of a worse phrase. It is still implied and I do not allow him to say it because he says it exactly when you would use the other phrase and I think it sounds bad. Mom says it is cute....I say be cute at home! There are plenty of other words/phrases appropriate for 4 yr olds. :confused:


                    • #11
                      I can't stand when a kid says darn it or poopy. I know they are not bad words, but I still don't like to hear a kid say it. When someone uses a poor word choice, I simply tell them there are better words to say and give them a few better choices to use.


                      • #12
                        "Whaaaat" said all big-eyed and with lots ot syllables when they KNOW why they're getting "the look"
                        "Huh?" this didnt used to bother me,I said it myself but my husband pointed out to me how rude it really was, and when he explained it I totally saw his point (amazingly!)
                        plus most of the others already listed


                        • #13
                          I do say "Huh?" a lot and can see where it's semi-rude now that I think about it. Most of the time, I say "excuse me?" or "what did you say?".

                          I'm trying to get my dck's past asking me "why" about everything. It isn't the good why because they are being curious. It's the "why" with trying to argue and get their way.


                          • #14
                            I have a couple who ask " why" anytime I ask them to do something,.. I simply say,.. because I asked nicely and used my manners,.. It has helped some.

                            Originally posted by TGT09 View Post
                            I do say "Huh?" a lot and can see where it's semi-rude now that I think about it. Most of the time, I say "excuse me?" or "what did you say?".

                            I'm trying to get my dck's past asking me "why" about everything. It isn't the good why because they are being curious. It's the "why" with trying to argue and get their way.


                            • #15
                              I've got one that says "What the BEEEP" - he actually says "beep" - I HATE that and tell him all the time that the bad word is implied, so it's not allowed.

                              I don't allow "you're stupid" or "that's stupid", "dumb", etc, "retarded" or "gay" either.

                              Also, bodily functions (unless they have to go and are telling me so) - butt, crap, poop, pee, and fart. No, no, no, no.

