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Mud Mud Mud

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  • Mud Mud Mud

    My backyard is a muddy mess. Really bad. Half the yard is mulch so that part isn't quite as bad but the other half is still all dirt, haven't reseeded yet after having foundation work done. We went outside this morning before it got too bad and their snowsuits were still all covered. It's the boot-sucking kind of mud. There's really no other place where they can play. Would you bring them out anyways? It's nearly impossible to keep them just on the mulch.
    I can't wait till mud season is gone.

  • #2
    I wouldn't if it was that bad. I'm fortunate to have a big covered deck to play on when the yard is wet.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
      My backyard is a muddy mess. ...Would you bring them out anyways? (
      Mine is, too. I kind of hate seeing what it does to the yard when we tramp all over it when it's like that, but yes, absolutely, we go out anyway. Mud is one of the great joys of childhood, even if it's less so for the grown-ups. :-) I sometimes strip the snowsuits and boots off on the steps before we come inside, to try to keep some of the mud outside at least.


      • #4
        We don't do muddy play, but we can do driveway games, draw with chalk, or go for a walk.


        • #5
          There are always a few weeks in the Spring time here that are simply too muddy to go outside. We DO go for a daily walk during that time so the kids still get tons of fresh air but we don't play in the mud until it's warm enough to get washed off with the garden hose.

          We still have 2 feet of snow on the ground and patches of mud.

          Two seasons at the same time does NOT work well.

          We just wait it out and pray the sun shines strong and long enough to make mud-season in the Spring time go by fast.

          Mud-season in the summer is a whole 'nother ball game!


          • #6
            We do lots of walks, the playground, deck and driveway play this time of year. The chalk and dinkies get alot of use! My backyard is a muddy mess too. They sink down 2" and would destroy the yard if we played back there right now.


            • #7
              What are dinkies?


              • #8
                Matchbox cars? The little metal cars that little kids love. Dinkies is a regional term I think. I get weird looks for using the term splash pants around here too.


                • #9
                  We don't do a lot of yard play right now either. My grass is hard enough to grow, I don't want it ripped up before it has a chance. We play on the driveway and go for walks. If it is rainy, sometimes we'll play in the garage. Today, we sat on the side walk and watched the "struction" workers roofing a house across the steet! Thank you to them for getting my 20 month old out of his horrible mood long enough to make it to lunch and naphappyface

