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Last Minute Requests For Overtime

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  • Last Minute Requests For Overtime

    Okay, how do you normally handle this? DCM called me this afternoon at 2:00she is already on her way home at that time. Pick-up per our contract is 3:30 pm but even though she is home by 3:00ish she waits til 3:30 to come get the kids b/c her DD rides to my home on the school bus & they don't arrive until 3:30. So she says something about her DH wanting to take his car to have something looked at & wants to know if they can pick up late, like 4:45 or 5:00. There is no mention of extra pay. Am I supposed to bring it up? I don't want to watch them longer (paid or not paid it is not worth it to me) even though I could so I make up an excuse about one of my kids having an appt at 4:10 & my DH will not be home in time so I have to probably take all my kids with me. She seemed fine with it. So how would you handle it, say you could watch them but they would have to pay extra? How do you kindly say I am not interested in watching them more, even if they offered more $ or a late fee? As it is the kids come in the morning at about 6:30 or 7:00 so by the time they are picked up it is sometimes a 9 hr day which is long enough for me! I don't want a 10 hr day!

  • #2
    Well whats in your contract and how is it written? It depends on that. I charge by the day from 730-530, so if someone is supposed to get picked at 4 an dthey dont come until 5, its ok with me, even if I may be tired of their kid. I chose this line of work and so its goes with the territory.


    • #3
      I wouldnt' lie. Do you have other kids until 4:30 or 5? If you do, I would tell her that there is a fee for overstaying the contracted hours, tell her the fee and let her decide then. If you close before then I'd just say you close at 3:30 or 4:00 (or whenever) and therefore cannot keep the kids past that time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
        I wouldnt' lie. Do you have other kids until 4:30 or 5? If you do, I would tell her that there is a fee for overstaying the contracted hours, tell her the fee and let her decide then. If you close before then I'd just say you close at 3:30 or 4:00 (or whenever) and therefore cannot keep the kids past that time.
        They are my only family so after they leave it is just me & my family. My contract does say anytime after contracted hours is subject to a fee although I have never charged it. I occasionally do keep them later with no extra charge.


        • #5
          Originally posted by legomom922 View Post
          Well whats in your contract and how is it written? It depends on that. I charge by the day from 730-530, so if someone is supposed to get picked at 4 an dthey dont come until 5, its ok with me, even if I may be tired of their kid. I chose this line of work and so its goes with the territory.
          Do you charge extra though they are supposed to be picked up by 4:00? You seriously don't care if they are there an extra hour beyond the contracted timeframe or do you not do contracted hours? I guess my main thing is the lack of notice. If she had asked me a few days ago I would have okayed it. I don't like to change my plans at the last minute if I can help it.


          • #6
            If you don't want to do it, just tell them no. You're not obligated to do it. If you don't already have a 9 hour time limit in your contract, add one and make them sign off on it.

            If you don't mind doing it but want more money, tell them so, and make them pay! (I know, easy for me to say, haha). I'd make it worth your while, though - at least twice your regular hourly rate. Make it 3x your rate if you really don't want them to take advantage of it constantly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
              If you don't want to do it, just tell them no. You're not obligated to do it. If you don't already have a 9 hour time limit in your contract, add one and make them sign off on it.

              If you don't mind doing it but want more money, tell them so, and make them pay! (I know, easy for me to say, haha). I'd make it worth your while, though - at least twice your regular hourly rate. Make it 3x your rate if you really don't want them to take advantage of it constantly.
              I will be redoing my contract for them for the new year & adding this to it. . . stating exactly what the overtime fee is. How does this sound? :

              Anytime after contracted hours is subject to a fee equal to $10.00 per hour (or any part of an hour). This fee will be due when the overtime is provided. Overtime is subject to provider's availability & must be pre-approved.


              • #8
                I understand that you don't want to watch later in the day with such short notice......I don't blame you one little bit. I think I would say "sorry I have a previous commitment"... and drop it at that. None of her business what that previous commitment is.....bonbons on the sofa with Oprah?....not her business.....doc appointment? Not her business.....piano recital?...not her just don't feel like working late with no notice?....not her business. When the end of the day rolls around my parents all know that this is the time reserved for my own family only.::


                • #9
                  Originally posted by janarae View Post
                  Do you charge extra though they are supposed to be picked up by 4:00? You seriously don't care if they are there an extra hour beyond the contracted timeframe or do you not do contracted hours? I guess my main thing is the lack of notice. If she had asked me a few days ago I would have okayed it. I don't like to change my plans at the last minute if I can help it.
                  I don't go by contracted hours, I go by the day, since I don't have any difference between FT or PT rates, or ages. I figure I'm open until 530 anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. Now if they wanted to stay until 6, after I close, then I would charge them my OT rate of $10/hr.

                  I don't mind the lack of notice either as long as I truly do not have plans, because I understand things can come up during the day like working OT and such, so I dont mind. BUt if I truly had real plans, I would have to decline.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by janarae View Post

                    Anytime after contracted hours is subject to a fee equal to $10.00 per hour (or any part of an hour). This fee will be due when the overtime is provided. Overtime is subject to provider's availability & must be pre-approved.

                    You should state what "pre-approved" means If they call you at 2pm and ask if they can work until 4, will that mean pre approved if you say its ok? Or do you want so many hrs or days notice? So you have to think about what you want to do if they want to work late or something, or otherwise you will be in the same boat as now. You may want to add availability and/or pre-approval also.


                    • #11
                      For me, if I was ok with having them stay, I would say "Oh, ok. I'll let you know by payday how much the extra fee will be. See you by 5:00."

                      If I did not want to do it, I would just say "Oh sorry, I can't do it tonight." Not many people would say WHY?

