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Ugh! What Should I Do/Say, If Anything

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  • Ugh! What Should I Do/Say, If Anything

    Ugh! I feel so annoyed!

    I watch 2yo for dcfamily, I USED to watch 5yo too but he is in school now so I have no schedule/agreement with them for him. They asked me to watch him W-F this week during Spring Break. On Wed they texted me at 10:38 to tell me neither kid was coming. Thursday they brought 2yo at 9:00 but no 5yo. Today they brought 2yo at 9:00 but no 5yo. The check was in the side pocket of the bag. I gave them a bill including all 3 days but mom deducted $90 off since 5yo didn't come. She included Wed for the 2yo though as per our contract.

    *sigh What would you do?

  • #2
    It would depend on my relationship with them, I suppose.

    I would either charge them and let them know that you purchased supplies and food for their child because you expected them to be there. They asked for the spot and you gave it to them... it's not your fault that they chose not to use the spot they requested. That spot could have gone to someone else.


    Forget it and never have an opening available for the 5 yo if they ever ask again.

    I had a bad week, so I'd probably charge them


    • #3
      Perhaps that in the future if you ask me to watch your child and then change your mind at the last minute there will be a fee. I hate that about drop-in care. I had a DCF that was doing T-W-Th only but M and F were drop-in days they used occasionally. Then they used it every single week. Then they would say they were coming and wouldn't show up. I finally took drop-ins away and said you sign up for 5 days or 3 days, no in between. I have another mom who does occasional drop-ins and will say they're coming only to cancel the night before. She's only done it once, once she cancelled for illness so I don't mind! But if she does it again I will tell her I have to charge her something for taking my spot! Maybe fib and say you had only 1 spot open and told someone else they couldn't come because she was bringing the 5yr old and then lost out on money for those 3 days when she cancelled. Maybe require a 48hr policy for drop-in?? 48hrs before or there will be a fee? I don't know... that's crappy!!


      • #4
        Oh, I guess you could also charge them up front if you decide to accept the 5 yo again.


        • #5
          I would try to charge, and if they argue just not take the 5yo again. I personally have a contract for drop-in that states I must have 48 hr cancelation notice or tuition is due.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mama2Bella View Post
            I would try to charge, and if they argue just not take the 5yo again. I personally have a contract for drop-in that states I must have 48 hr cancelation notice or tuition is due.


            • #7
              What does your contract say for the 2yo? I would go by that. Even tough you don't have one for the 5yo, if your contract says something like "you will pay for ALL time reserved, regardless of attendance" then I would charge them. If they argue you can point it out in their other contract and say the rules are the same. They may or may not go for it, but it's worth a shot, since they SHOULD be paying.

              I also did away with drop-ins for this (and other) reasons.


              • #8
                I guess this is what I'm gonna have to do. I'll make up a one page contract for drop-in that they will have to fill out, and it will include the new "rules."

                Man - 22 years in the biz and still getting new tricks pulled on me.

                My contract for 2yo is for 5 days per week, technically they would get the first day (Wed) free but would have to pay for Thurs and Fri. My contract for a pert time would mean they would have to pay for all 3 days.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by crazydaycarelady View Post
                  I guess this is what I'm gonna have to do. I'll make up a one page contract for drop-in that they will have to fill out, and it will include the new "rules."
                  Man - 22 years in the biz and still getting new tricks pulled on me.

                  My contract for 2yo is for 5 days per week, technically they would get the first day (Wed) free but would have to pay for Thurs and Fri. My contract for a pert time would mean they would have to pay for all 3 days.
                  Please share if you do! I need to come up with some kind of drop-in contract as well.

