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For Those That DO Go On Regular Field Trips

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  • For Those That DO Go On Regular Field Trips

    and do NOT have an assistance.
    Have you ever run into a time where you couldn't go anywhere because of behaviors or age groups?

    We went to the park this morning and I have a 17m, 19m and 24m plus the older 2 that listen fine. the 24m took off on me... and for the first time EVER I did not feel I had safe control of the situation
    So I made the call that we're going to have to put all trips on hold until these toddlers are alittle bit older :and can listen better. (or I have to bring an assistant). I have to admit I'm really bummed. all winter we go to the children's museums and libraries and mall walking (not shopping - just getting some energy out) etcetera. I just don't think I can do it with 3 in this age bracket.

    Luckily winter is here and parks are not the field trip of choice during winter. I know kids at this age can grow up a LOT over the winter season - so I'm hoping when spring gets here things will be different. Have you deallt with this?

  • #2
    If I have more than one that are too young to "listen' well, we don't go anywhere. I have a playground right behind my house, and the big kids know that as soon as the "babies" drop down to 1, THEN we are off to the park! It's just too hard to keep track of little ones that can run all over the place, yet don't always come when called, and I don't ever want to take a chance on something happening!


    • #3
      Wow! I think you are brave for even attempting the park with that many little ones! DD is 2, dcg 2 1/2, dcg 4 1/2, and DS 6 (at school though) and I don't take them to the park across the street. The 2 little ones are dare devils and it scares me (even though it's age appropriate playground equipment). For me, my comfortable age is 3 for fieldtrips, especially if there is one younger than that. I use to do more trips when I had older kids, but now I've got the younger group and we don't go anywhere. I miss field trips


      • #4
        Yes, that's a hard age group! I would've made the same call to stop until the littles will listen better.
        We go on trips almost daily to various parks in our neighborhood, but mine are 2,3,4,4 & 5 (in kindy). They all listen very well, so I've never hesitated. When we are in public, though, it's not always such. They start arguing, not keeping up, and so forth so we don't go out to the store or mall or museums often at all.


        • #5
          I had a 3yo who would just take off. It was reinforced by his parent that wouldn't discipline when he took off on her and she would just chase/follow him. He took off way down the block one time when we were walking home from the park and his mom showed up. She just followed along, while he kept going. I never took field trips on the days he was there. Luckily they left my care not too much later.

          I generally only go somewhere if I have only one infant/toddler that day (I can have a total of 3 in care). I don't feel comfortable with more than one under 2 out and about.


          • #6
            I have an 18month old screamer who goes home early sometimes I recently decided to schedule our field trips when the screamer is absent. We all have more fun that way!::


            • #7
              walks to the park

              We usually do daily walks to the park, well I pull them in the wagon. I watch 3 little one all around 20 months so no one listens. I tell them if they don't listen we will go home it seems to work whenever someone runs or walks to far we leave. When I watch four it was impossible unless my DH went with us.

